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Album Review Star Ratings

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Topic: Album Review Star Ratings
Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Subject: Album Review Star Ratings
Date Posted: January 26 2020 at 11:41
How do you determine how many stars to give an album when you're writing a Prog Archives review?
Here's what the PA star ratings mean to me:-
5 stars :- An absolute must-have album that I'd be prepared to order specially and be willing to pay up to £15 for.
4 stars :- A great album that I'd be more than happy to spend £10 on if it's in stock at my local record store.
3 stars :- A reasonably good album that I'd only buy at a bargain price if I happened to see it at a charity shop or car boot sale.
2 stars :- A poor album that I'd only listen to once and wouldn't be inclined to listen to again even if it was given away for free.
1 stars :- An album rating I'd reserve for Hip-Hop/Rap. I very much doubt if there are any prog albums I'd only give a 1-star rating to. Smile

Posted By: I prophesy disaster
Date Posted: January 26 2020 at 12:05
I'm glad you started this thread because it gives me a chance to mention a gripe I have with reviewers who give lower ratings to prog-related albums based on the relative lack of prog in those albums. To those reviewers, I draw your attention to the definition of a 5-star album in the prog-related category:
"Essential: a masterpiece of rock music"
This is in contrast to the definition of a 5-star album in one of the progressive rock categories:
"Essential: a masterpiece of progressive rock music"
That is, prog-related albums are to be judged as rock albums, not progressive rock albums, and thus should not be rated lower simply because they are not progressive rock albums.

No, I know how to behave in the restaurant now, I don't tear at the meat with my hands. If I've become a man of the world somehow, that's not necessarily to say I'm a worldly man.

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: January 26 2020 at 12:10
Originally posted by I prophesy disaster I prophesy disaster wrote:

I'm glad you started this thread because it gives me a chance to mention a gripe I have with reviewers who give lower ratings to prog-related albums based on the relative lack of prog in those albums. To those reviewers, I draw your attention to the definition of a 5-star album in the prog-related category:
"Essential: a masterpiece of rock music"
This is in contrast to the definition of a 5-star album in one of the progressive rock categories:
"Essential: a masterpiece of progressive rock music"
That is, prog-related albums are to be judged as rock albums, not progressive rock albums, and thus should not be rated lower simply because they are not progressive rock albums.
I totally agree. I've given five-star ratings recently to two Prog-Folk albums - by Fuchsia and Spirogyra - even though they're not Progressive Rock. Smile

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