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Favorite Eastern European Movies?

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Topic: Favorite Eastern European Movies?
Posted By: MortSahlFan
Subject: Favorite Eastern European Movies?
Date Posted: September 16 2019 at 17:58

Preferably 1930-70s. I haven't seen too many, but they are very personal. Very conversational, usually in a few settings. I saw one with only 2 characters - which is really awesome. I can't explain why I love them so much.

I'll name a few now, and more some after - I don't want to load the sample, and I'm curious to see if anyone's matches mine.

-Two Half-Times in Hell
-The Fifth Seal
-Knife In The Water
-The Last Day of Summer


Posted By: omphaloskepsis
Date Posted: September 16 2019 at 20:13
Facing the Judgement of History-  1965, USSR
Mysteries of the Orgasm-  1971, USSR
Solaris -1972, USSR
The Cranes are Flying- 1957, USSR
Solo Sunny-   1980, East Germany
Mother Joan of the Angels-  1961, Poland 
The Cremator-  1969, Czechoslovakia 
The Dybbuk-  1938, Poland
Stalker- 1979, USSR
Marketa Lazarova-  1967, Czechoslovakia
Panna a Netvor-  1978, Czechoslovakia
Journey to the Beginning of Time-  1955, Czechoslovakia

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: September 17 2019 at 04:00
you guys may want to include the director's name and country of origin (I'm interested)
given the OP's time frame, a lot of those film could be communism-approved films, though.

Posted By: MortSahlFan
Date Posted: September 17 2019 at 06:47
Obchod na korze / The shop on Main Street.


Posted By: MortSahlFan
Date Posted: September 19 2019 at 10:33
The Round-Up (1966) is really good... 8/10


Posted By: Morningrise
Date Posted: September 19 2019 at 11:35
Closely Watched Trains

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: September 19 2019 at 12:16
If including Russia, then I love Tarkovsky (especially Stalker)

A number of my favourite directors are Polish:
Krzysztof Kieslowski. Of course he famously mae the Three COlurs Trilogy (White is the most Polish of them). Various of films were French produced, and this is a mini-series, but I adore The Decalogue. And his A Short Film About Love and A SHort Film About Killing were very good.
Agnieszka Holland, but my favourites of hers were made in France.
And of course there's Roman Polanksi....

Andrzej Wajda: I loved Ashes and Diamonds (1958) and Katlyn (2007).

The Hunagrian István Szabó is a favourite of mine. I loved Mephisto and Hanussen as well as others.

I loved Closely Watched Trains, Underground, and Burnt By the Sun (Russian).

Posted By: MortSahlFan
Date Posted: September 21 2019 at 14:34
Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

Facing the Judgement of History-  1965, USSR
Mysteries of the Orgasm-  1971, USSR
Solaris -1972, USSR
The Cranes are Flying- 1957, USSR
Solo Sunny-   1980, East Germany
Mother Joan of the Angels-  1961, Poland 
The Cremator-  1969, Czechoslovakia 
The Dybbuk-  1938, Poland
Stalker- 1979, USSR
Marketa Lazarova-  1967, Czechoslovakia
Panna a Netvor-  1978, Czechoslovakia
Journey to the Beginning of Time-  1955, Czechoslovakia

I didn't include Russia, because its in Asia, but I gave a 10/10 to "The Cranes Are Flying".

Did anyone see "The Edukators"? It is a little similar to "Goodbye Lenin", and I think even better. Same star, too, (Daniel Bruhl?).

I just saw "The Red and the White" - 7.5/10, fine movie. My only problem was not knowing all the sides, because I'm reading subtitles, and there's the pro and anti-Bolsheviks, and then you add Hungarians, and both sides speak the other language at times. It was a personal war movie. It seems like most of the movies that take place over 100 years ago spend too much effort emphasizing the dress, costumes, speech. And then I think "This was made about 10 years after the USSR invaded Hungary".


Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: September 21 2019 at 20:42

Having an issue finding a lot of these things, and searching in Netflix is like sorting through your garbage for the ... that has been lost for 3 months! And I'm not interested in their quasi-real stories of history, although they are certainly better than your history teacher and class in high school ... at least a few titties looked nice, right? Well, they had those in 1500 too, you know?

I'm in the market for somewhere where I can find a lot of these things ... as it is getting worse every day, for finding good films to watch ... and I'm starting to feel like I am giving up the whole thing ... the effort is just not worth it anymore and the commercial attitudes are winning, and no one says anything and then ... Mosh is screaming again!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: MortSahlFan
Date Posted: September 22 2019 at 06:13
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:


Having an issue finding a lot of these things, and searching in Netflix is like sorting through your garbage for the ... that has been lost for 3 months! And I'm not interested in their quasi-real stories of history, although they are certainly better than your history teacher and class in high school ... at least a few titties looked nice, right? Well, they had those in 1500 too, you know?

I'm in the market for somewhere where I can find a lot of these things ... as it is getting worse every day, for finding good films to watch ... and I'm starting to feel like I am giving up the whole thing ... the effort is just not worth it anymore and the commercial attitudes are winning, and no one says anything and then ... Mosh is screaming again!

Yes, Netflix stinks. A friend gave me his password, and besides the rare comedy stand-up, it's worthless, and I'd just download specials....

YouTube has a lot of great movies, and so does -- which also has them divided into categories. LOTS of other great stuff, including prog music, etc.


Posted By: Hrychu
Date Posted: September 22 2019 at 08:15
I've heard that "Black Cat, White Cat" is pretty good but I've never seen it. From what I've seen, I really enjoyed the Russian adaptation of Aladdin (1967).

“On the day of my creation, I fell in love with education. And overcoming all frustration, a teacher I became.”
— Ernest Vong

Posted By: MortSahlFan
Date Posted: September 22 2019 at 10:59
Well, if we're including Russian movies, here's one I just saw.. I'd give it a 7.5/10


Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: September 27 2019 at 21:58
Originally posted by MortSahlFan MortSahlFan wrote:

Yes, Netflix stinks. A friend gave me his password, and besides the rare comedy stand-up, it's worthless, and I'd just download specials....

YouTube has a lot of great movies, and so does -- which also has them divided into categories. LOTS of other great stuff, including prog music, etc.

I gave up on openculture ... and most of these other sites ... they all want to add Chrome addons, and it is insane, and too crazy for my bad eyes. I guess I will try Hulu for a bit ... but it looks like everyone wants more money for watching many movies ... and old folks like me, don't have too much of that moolah hanging around ... kind of a bummer, but I'll survive I guess!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: omphaloskepsis
Date Posted: September 28 2019 at 05:20
Netflix is like sorting through garbage.  That's hilarious.  

Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: September 28 2019 at 11:04
"The Firemen's Ball" by Miloš Forman.
"Knife in the Water" by Roman Polanski.
"Battleship Potemkin" by Sergej Eisenstein.


BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.

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