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Topic: Queen vs Elton JohnPosted By: Icarium
Subject: Queen vs Elton John
Date Posted: July 22 2019 at 12:18
In the aftermath of two movies being based on both acts its dumb not to create a poll. Bohemian Rapsody and Rocketman have both created a stir in both acts carear. One can not think of 1970s without these two acts, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road and A Night at the Opera are legendary albums.
Two acts whom both aøhad glam and glitter but beneath that had serious artistic merits. Beneeth the billboard success and larg venues some incredible albums and songs have been made. Tumbleweed Connection and Queen II are often overlooked gems (and targets for my next poll).
So who is to you, your favourite act.
Replies: Posted By: Chaser
Date Posted: July 22 2019 at 12:22
Not a big fan of either really, but Queen gets the vote. They did do "Queen II" afterall, which is tolerably good
------------- Songs cast a light on you
Posted By: Finnforest
Date Posted: July 22 2019 at 12:43
I'm not a super huge fan of either, either, but Elton did "CFBDC" which is just a wonderful album. And "Blue Moves" was also a gem.
------------- ...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
Posted By: The Dark Elf
Date Posted: July 22 2019 at 13:13
I haven't listened to Elton John for 30 years. So there's that.
------------- ...a vigorous circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined to take the place of the mud shark in your mythology...
Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: July 22 2019 at 13:20
^ You might have lost out of something then, how to not sound like a smug when hearing such. From 1970 - 1975, Elton had quite the depth of songs which if listened to after 30 years would reveal elements that a listnerer might have overlooked. Elton is much more dexterious than Queen in this era . Not saying Queen lacked dexterity, but Elton was clever enough to marry power with a higher level of dexterity. Which emoted to a clearer ballance in dynamics. From Tumbleweed Connection to Honkey Chatteau that is very prominant.
Posted By: The Dark Elf
Date Posted: July 22 2019 at 13:32
Icarium wrote:
^ You might have lost out of something then, how to not sound like a smug when hearing such. From 1970 - 1975, Elton had quite the depth of songs which if listened to after 30 years would reveal elements that a listnerer might have overlooked. Elton is much more dexterious than Queen in this era . Not saying Queen lacked dexterity, but Elton was clever enough to marry power with a higher level of dexterity. Which emoted to a clearer ballance in dynamics. From Tumbleweed Connection to Honkey Chatteau that is very prominant.
Elton had some fine albums in the early/mid-70s, and then I stopped caring. "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" and "Philadelphia Freedom" pretty much sealed my disinterest, and Elton became a bloated caricature of himself. I don't feel the need to revisit his catalog, since I wasn't a huge fan to begin with.
I still listen to early Queen. Their dexterity works fine. Perhaps you shouldn't post polls if you get your panties in a twist when someone posts an opinion you don't care for.
------------- ...a vigorous circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined to take the place of the mud shark in your mythology...
Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: July 22 2019 at 13:38
The Dark Elf wrote:
Icarium wrote:
^ You might have lost out of something then, how to not sound like a smug when hearing such. From 1970 - 1975, Elton had quite the depth of songs which if listened to after 30 years would reveal elements that a listnerer might have overlooked. Elton is much more dexterious than Queen in this era . Not saying Queen lacked dexterity, but Elton was clever enough to marry power with a higher level of dexterity. Which emoted to a clearer ballance in dynamics. From Tumbleweed Connection to Honkey Chatteau that is very prominant.
Elton had some fine albums in the early/mid-70s, and then I stopped caring. "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" and "Philadelphia Freedom" pretty much sealed my disinterest, and Elton became a bloated caricature of himself. I don't feel the need to revisit his catalog, since I wasn't a huge fan to begin with.
I still listen to early Queen. Their dexterity works fine. Perhaps you shouldn't post polls if you get your panties in a twist when someone posts an opinion you don't care for.
I quite like Queen and find their first 5 - 6 to be a very good run, and Innuendo is one of my first progrock songs i got into. What an amazing video it had and i always got teary eyes when, 'Show Must go On " is played in public. Couse it marks the pain and tragedy of the death of Freddy. Queen is a remarkable band and force of nature.
Posted By: Argo2112
Date Posted: July 22 2019 at 13:54
I like some EJ but Queen gets my vote.
Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: July 22 2019 at 15:05
Funny how they both have movies out recently about them. :)
Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: July 22 2019 at 15:32
I think both have some very good early albums.....I can't say I like one better....but might go with Elton because I was listening to his stuff before Queen.
------------- One does nothing yet nothing is left undone. Haquin
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: July 22 2019 at 15:35
can't say I'm a particular fan of either ... but generally like what E.J did more.. more songs that really connected than what Queen did.
------------- The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Posted By: dwill123
Date Posted: July 22 2019 at 17:08
Elton John very easily.
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: July 22 2019 at 17:46
Oh come ahhhhhnnn. Queen.
------------- "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." -- John F. Kennedy
Posted By: viktor2112
Date Posted: July 23 2019 at 03:38
Queen of course
Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: July 23 2019 at 03:40
Queen all the way, although I'm finding appreciate Elton a bit more as I age. Maybe a nostalgia thing...
------------- Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!
Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: July 23 2019 at 04:32
Queen, though Elton John can be good now and then.
Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: September 07 2023 at 09:55
Queen by far
Posted By: Jared
Date Posted: September 07 2023 at 10:08
------------- Music has always been a matter of energy to me. On some nights I believe that a car with the needle on empty can run 50 more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio. Hunter S Thompson
Posted By: Octopus II
Date Posted: September 07 2023 at 10:09
I´ve just downloaded theQueen movie, Bohemian Rhapsody! I think it was as filmed in acinema, though, as I see a little silhouetto of a man.
Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: September 07 2023 at 10:34
I've been playing both lately so obviously I like both. Maybe Queen by a little.
Posted By: Hiram
Date Posted: September 07 2023 at 10:44
Atavachron wrote:
Oh come ahhhhhnnn. Queen.
Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: September 07 2023 at 10:51
Queen never came out with anything I like as much as "Funeral for a Friend/ Love Lies Bleeding", or "Tiny Dancer" or "Burn Down the Mission". Elton John for me.
Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: September 07 2023 at 11:10
AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:
I've been playing both lately so obviously I like both. Maybe Queen by a little.
The same goes for me too, and although Elton John has a slight edge in number of CD albums owned (14 against 9), I'm voting for Queen anyway as I Want to Break Free of tradition.
Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: September 07 2023 at 11:13
It says I already voted. I wonder which one I voted for? I'm thinking it was Elton John, but who knows. It smells like a cold front is in my toaster.
------------- ---------- i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag that's a happy bag of lettuce this car smells like cartilage nothing beats a good video about fractions
Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: September 07 2023 at 11:36
Logan wrote:
Queen never came out with anything I like as much as "Funeral for a Friend/ Love Lies Bleeding", or "Tiny Dancer" or "Burn Down the Mission". Elton John for me.
But then Elton never came out with Ogre Battle, Liar, March of the Black Queen, Death on Two Legs, Love of My Life, Let Me Entertain You etc. etc, etc...
Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: September 07 2023 at 11:57
Cristi wrote:
Logan wrote:
Queen never came out with anything I like as much as "Funeral for a Friend/ Love Lies Bleeding", or "Tiny Dancer" or "Burn Down the Mission". Elton John for me.
But then Elton never came out with Ogre Battle, Liar, March of the Black Queen, Death on Two Legs, Love of My Life, Let Me Entertain You etc. etc, etc...
I like Queen, but still Elton John's music connects with me more despite having listened to both since I was a child. And "Funeral for a Friend/ Love Lies Bleeding" especially has been one of my favourite things throughout my life.
A lot of it comes down to associations. A lot of my favourite music has to do with film association. I love Lars von Trier's Breaking the Waves which uses Goodbye Yellow Brick Road for one of its interstices, and Wayne's World never connected with me much (LOL) I like Tiny Dancer in Almost Famous.
I have listened to various Queen music and a lot I like, but it has not touched my soul as much as Elton John (I think it suits my introverted personality more).
"The King Must Die" and long live the Queen.
^ One of my faves.
I do prefer the following with Freddie Mercury (great singer) for sure, but I guess the show must go on.
Both do have beautiful music that connects with me deeply, I just feel a deeper connection to various Elton John music.
Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: September 07 2023 at 12:04
Logan wrote:
Cristi wrote:
Logan wrote:
Queen never came out with anything I like as much as "Funeral for a Friend/ Love Lies Bleeding", or "Tiny Dancer" or "Burn Down the Mission". Elton John for me.
But then Elton never came out with Ogre Battle, Liar, March of the Black Queen, Death on Two Legs, Love of My Life, Let Me Entertain You etc. etc, etc...
I like Queen, but still Elton John's music connects with me more despite having listened to both since I was a child. And "Funeral for a Friend/ Love Lies Bleeding" especially has been one of my favourite things throughout my life.
A lot of it comes down to associations. A lot of my favourite music has to do with film association. I love Lars von Trier's Breaking the Waves which uses Goodbye Yellow Brick Road for one of its interstices, and Wayne's World never connected with me much (LOL) I like Tiny Dancer in Almost Famous.
I have listened to various Queen music and a lot I like, but it has not touched my soul as much as Elton John (I think it suits my introverted personality more).
I've got an introverted personality, too and yet Elton John never did much for me, I do like a few songs, but that's about it.
Queen on the other hand is a band I've never got bored with, I've been listening to them all my life.
Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: September 07 2023 at 12:18
Cristi wrote:
Logan wrote:
Cristi wrote:
Logan wrote:
Queen never came out with anything I like as much as "Funeral for a Friend/ Love Lies Bleeding", or "Tiny Dancer" or "Burn Down the Mission". Elton John for me.
But then Elton never came out with Ogre Battle, Liar, March of the Black Queen, Death on Two Legs, Love of My Life, Let Me Entertain You etc. etc, etc...
I like Queen, but still Elton John's music connects with me more despite having listened to both since I was a child. And "Funeral for a Friend/ Love Lies Bleeding" especially has been one of my favourite things throughout my life.
A lot of it comes down to associations. A lot of my favourite music has to do with film association. I love Lars von Trier's Breaking the Waves which uses Goodbye Yellow Brick Road for one of its interstices, and Wayne's World never connected with me much (LOL) I like Tiny Dancer in Almost Famous.
I have listened to various Queen music and a lot I like, but it has not touched my soul as much as Elton John (I think it suits my introverted personality more).
I've got an introverted personality, too and yet Elton John never did much for me, I do like a few songs, but that's about it.
Queen on the other hand is a band I've never got bored with, I've been listening to them all my life.
Well Elton John certainly is way more flamboyant than this reserved introvert would be.
I think so much of it depends on what our circumstances were when we first heard the music and general mood, what we were into at the time, and also when it comes to later exposure. I do prefer Mercury as a singer to John, and I do love music by Queen. Also, my wife is into Elton John and so that's something we have enjoyed together. And EJ is something I have enjoyed discussing at length with Icarium.
Incidentally, I remember around the time I joined there was a discussion on whether Elton John should be added to PA, and one of the admin said something akin to, "Hell will freeze over before I let that clown in." Funeral for a Friend is Prog for me like Supertramp's Fool's Overture is, but I would not see him in PA.
Nether Queen nor Elton John are common ingredients in my diet these days, however.
Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: September 07 2023 at 12:43
Logan wrote:
I remember around the time I joined there was a discussion on whether Elton John should be added to PA, and one of the admin said something akin to, "Hell will freeze over before I let that clown in." Funeral for a Friend is Prog for me like Supertramp's Fool's Overture is, but I would not see him in PA.
Looks like a good poll idea.
Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: September 07 2023 at 12:55
Cristi wrote:
Logan wrote:
I remember around the time I joined there was a discussion on whether Elton John should be added to PA, and one of the admin said something akin to, "Hell will freeze over before I let that clown in." Funeral for a Friend is Prog for me like Supertramp's Fool's Overture is, but I would not see him in PA.
Looks like a good poll idea.
Actually, I did that poll many years ago.
Posted By: The Anders
Date Posted: September 07 2023 at 12:55
While he is clearly not one of my favourite artists, I always recognized Elton John as a very gifted singer/songwriter. However, I believe Queen had a lot more strings to play on, so they get my vote.
Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: September 07 2023 at 12:57
Logan wrote:
Cristi wrote:
Logan wrote:
I remember around the time I joined there was a discussion on whether Elton John should be added to PA, and one of the admin said something akin to, "Hell will freeze over before I let that clown in." Funeral for a Friend is Prog for me like Supertramp's Fool's Overture is, but I would not see him in PA.
Looks like a good poll idea.
Actually, I did that poll many years ago.
Well, I must have missed it then.
Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: September 07 2023 at 12:58
Cristi wrote:
Logan wrote:
Cristi wrote:
Logan wrote:
I remember around the time I joined there was a discussion on whether Elton John should be added to PA, and one of the admin said something akin to, "Hell will freeze over before I let that clown in." Funeral for a Friend is Prog for me like Supertramp's Fool's Overture is, but I would not see him in PA.
Looks like a good poll idea.
Actually, I did that poll many years ago.
Well, I must have missed it then.
I'll unlock it and bump it.
Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: September 07 2023 at 12:59
Logan wrote:
Cristi wrote:
Logan wrote:
Cristi wrote:
Logan wrote:
I remember around the time I joined there was a discussion on whether Elton John should be added to PA, and one of the admin said something akin to, "Hell will freeze over before I let that clown in." Funeral for a Friend is Prog for me like Supertramp's Fool's Overture is, but I would not see him in PA.
Looks like a good poll idea.
Actually, I did that poll many years ago.
Well, I must have missed it then.
I'll unlock it and bump it.
Posted By: I prophesy disaster
Date Posted: September 07 2023 at 14:38
Both have put out some great music, but I'm not really a fan of either... no vote.
------------- No, I know how to behave in the restaurant now, I don't tear at the meat with my hands. If I've become a man of the world somehow, that's not necessarily to say I'm a worldly man.
Posted By: mellotronwave
Date Posted: September 07 2023 at 16:47
Sorry, none of them
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: September 07 2023 at 22:20
If it was 1970-1975 only then I think it would be close. After that Elton got very boring while Queen retained some freshness right up to Innuendo. Honestly I can't stand Elton's Disney stuff and that makes me want to not like him!
Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: September 08 2023 at 02:53