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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Recommendations/Featured albums
Forum Description: Make or seek recommendations and discuss specific prog albums
Printed Date: March 05 2025 at 21:18
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Posted By: Kohllapse
Date Posted: September 23 2005 at 17:28
  1. Machine Called Man   (FFO Cynic/Death/Control Denied) - Cup of Sorrow.MP3

  2. Actual Time  (FFO Meshuggah/Spiral Architect) - 3

  3. !T.O.O.H! (Jazzy Grindcore) -

  4. XthoughtstreamsX (FFO Mauldin of the Well) - indiepop.mp3

  5. Carnival in Coal -(FFO Mr Bungle) -

      I'll give you my ratings of them

     1.Great band, Worth checking out if your craving more music similar to death!!

     2.ill give you a quote from the man himself "These guys can lay down some really heavy,  chaotic grooves, then mix in some clean, very interesting rhythmic textures." Ron Jarzombek,Spastic Ink / WatchTower

     3.Let me just say 3 words...THEY ARE AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     4.Im Sad that they only did 4 songs and broke up

     5. If you like Mr Bungle , Listen to MR BUNGLE

     Im going to add more when I find them




Posted By: Kohllapse
Date Posted: September 23 2005 at 18:13
no one wants to listen ? oh well, i think im the only person here who likes metal anyway.


Posted By: King of Loss
Date Posted: September 23 2005 at 18:14
I like metal, but I got dial-up right now!

Posted By: barbs
Date Posted: September 23 2005 at 19:51

Some of us will need a little time to dl and listen. Will get back when.


Posted By: goose
Date Posted: September 23 2005 at 21:16
I've listened to !T.O.O.H.! a bit before and they're pretty interesting. My friend knows someone who's friends with Carnival in Coal, apparently. Mad stuff, either way.

Posted By: Interbeing
Date Posted: September 23 2005 at 22:12
Hmmm well this is what i thought.

1) Machine Called Man - i don't like it at all (on that point i really don't like "death" either)

2) Actual Time - Very enjoyable

3) !T.O.O.H! - The gindcore influences really turned me off this. Musically very good.

4) XthoughtstreamX - great band, have the Split which they recorded with "Dysrhythmia" absolutly fantastic.

5) Carnival In Coal - Interseting, gave me a bit of a laugh. Think i will be sticking to Mr Bungle for that style of msuic.

Also i see that you like "Virgin Black". Only have their first album. Have heard mixed reviews about their second one - just wondering your thoughts on it.

Posted By: goose
Date Posted: September 24 2005 at 08:13
Oh my god, you have a sample of XThoughtstreamsX! I've been looking for that for a year! Thankyou! Great stuff!

Posted By: Typography
Date Posted: September 25 2005 at 20:54
1. Machine Called Man - The vocals ruined it.

2. Actual Time - They can play their instruments, but its boring.

3. !T.O.O.H.! - I totally dig the grindcore influence. Good stuff.

4. XthoughtstreamX - Rad mix of styles and they seem to have a good
sense of humour (judging be the song title).

5.Carnival in Coal - Not bad, but I'd rather listen to the new Fantomas
record of some Naked City

Posted By: antibiotic
Date Posted: September 25 2005 at 21:05
Originally posted by Interbeing Interbeing wrote:

Also i see that you like "Virgin Black". Only have their first album. Have heard mixed reviews about their second one - just wondering your thoughts on it.

It's very good. Better than the first in my opinion. They have a new one coming up sometime soonish too. They recorded something with an orchestra for it. Could be interesting.

The only problem I find with albums from this band is that they seem to have difficulty capturing their power on recordings. I've seen them play a few times, the guys voice in the live setting is simply nothing short of stunning, but on record it doesn't translate at all. If only they'd get someone to produce their albums properly, instead of doing it themselves.

Posted By: Manunkind
Date Posted: September 26 2005 at 13:02

Thank you for the MP3s (especially for XthoughtstreamsX, they're VERY much an insider's tip), Kohllapse, I enjoyed each and every one of them.


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