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Djamra at Nakatsu Vi-Code 25.11.2018

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Topic: Djamra at Nakatsu Vi-Code 25.11.2018
Posted By: DamoXt7942
Subject: Djamra at Nakatsu Vi-Code 25.11.2018
Date Posted: November 25 2018 at 08:39
November 25, 2018 ... today I’m a bit pressed with some concerts. In the afternoon, enjoyed J. Strauss II’s “Die Fledermaus” in Kurashiki (awesome operetta really) and without any breath took a Shinkansen for Osaka. At Nakatsu Vi-Code, we can attend a great gig by a Japanese jazz rock pride DJAMRA, who have not gigged for about a year actually. And today is 15th anniversary of Vi-Code. Yeah cannot help hoping their unique, eccentric, explosive gig. Of course quite suitable to give greeting for Vi-Code! Honest to say, they’re going to recording and mixing new material for newer creation ... cannot wait for it really.

Pretty surprising and amazing they got started with non-quirky, quiet song “Lost M”. Their gig would go forward slowly?!

But I’ve got relieved they soon changed their play style to excessively complicated one ... “Komurakaeri”. Oh they come back finally.

And MC by Masaharu “WAI” NAKAKITA is as flat and downtempo as usual. Hey, be more active and finer! :P

As for “Kaito Naito-san”, the prologue and the epilogue are played very sincerely but humorously. We the fans are waiting for the TV drama about such a great thief, let me say.

Fantastic and splendid is their masterpiece “Kamihitoe” featuring celebration for Vi-Code’s 15th anniversary. What a coolness. The audience’s got deeply moved (with laughing).

A new song “Zombie Powder” was created with two ‘orthodox’ songs they say. Don’t be deceived. Two “weirdly complex” songs get merged and unified to a brilliant outcome. Looking forward to another version in their new album.

They enjoy playing as if they gigged everyday. Cannot believe they have not hugged officially for a year. We the audience get immersed in your soundscape upon stage.

Today’s program by them is as follows:
1. Lost M
2. Komurakaeri 
3. Kaito Naito-san Prologue
4. Kaito Naito-san Epilogue
(MC Announce Time)
5. Kamihitoe (Including Omatsuri Mambo)
6. Zombie Powder (new song)

Thanks to DJAMRA for your fantastic gig, and thanks to you for reading my live report.

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Posted By: charcoz
Date Posted: December 27 2019 at 21:46
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