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Albums I rated without text...

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Topic: Albums I rated without text...
Posted By: Eetu Pellonpaa
Subject: Albums I rated without text...
Date Posted: September 19 2005 at 12:35

...and now I'm willing to write something to it!

Could it be possible, that if you have given a review without writing, you could add text later, or override the review with a new one, if you keep the rating same?

At least I found some albums, which I noted I have given a rating, but I'd love to write some wise words about them now...  Man is unstable, and always in a rush?

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: September 19 2005 at 14:28


PM me with details of the albums, including the name you used and the e-mail address, and I'll delete the ratings. That will let you submit new reviews.Wink

Posted By: Eetu Pellonpaa
Date Posted: September 19 2005 at 15:45

^ OK! Thanks! I'll browse the archives and make a list during the week and send it to you later! I just thought it so silly to bother somebody 'cause the results of your own neurotisms... I'll try to make your work worhty by doing good reviews!

Thank you!

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