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Severe problems with editing

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Topic: Severe problems with editing
Posted By: someone_else
Subject: Severe problems with editing
Date Posted: October 21 2018 at 09:39
This site has entered hell again with something worse than any CAPTCHA trouble has ever been. I spend almost the entire afternoon editing a poll and I am not finished yet, though I should have been at least two hours ago if things worked in a normal way. When I try to paste a block of text, it appears after some minutes.
After I click the 'Update Post'-button, it takes some more minutes and then - Eureka! - error 524 pops up.

Editing this post does... nothing. Maybe this has something to do with a number of URL's in the post. I dunno.


Posted By: Quinino
Date Posted: October 21 2018 at 09:50
Make a tea and relax (that's what myself  I'm gonna do right now)

been awhile I've been noticing some update/maintenance is going on in the background, slowing everything down

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: October 21 2018 at 09:54
Cloudflare seems to cause pretty major issues, from Captcha to time-outs. This site does need some reconfiguration methinks to operate smoothley with Captcha (Edit, I mean with Cloudflare generally)." rel="nofollow -

It might help to copy your original post with the links (quote it to copy the code), then, say, edit the poll without link in the original post, then if that edit works, try editing in your original post. I could edit it for you if you like, see how that goes, then you could try to re-edit it so my name isn't listed as having edited it.   I think one's own network connections can have an effect on the time-out, and I may have no problems whereas you would.

EDIT: I see you've already removed the links from the original post -- if there is site maintenance slowing down the site, later you might be able to edit in the links easily to your first post. I also feel a sense of urgency to get things done when having a tea and relaxing is often the best while there are site issues. I like iced tea to chill out with.

Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: October 21 2018 at 10:16
Thanks Smile. I was not confronted with Captcha's, to my own surprise. But 16 URL's on that page slowed the whole thing down, even if this does not consume gigabytes. I split the URL's in four separate posts and removed them from the original. This worked well: the whole thing seems to be out of the coma right now.

Too bad I don't have iced tea in the fridge. I have to deal with some X-rated, lifespan-curtailing cola-lookalike-but-hardly-tastealike instead. Never mind, it will do...


Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: October 21 2018 at 10:29
Glad you came up with a solution. Wonky sites require some creativity and versatility for work-arounds. I'm hardly the most patient of people, so I can find site issues or my own computer issues really aggravating. Actually, make than any issues. ;)

Cloudflare seems to cause so many issues with this site, Captchas, time-outs, slowing things down, and, to be fair, it does help with some things. CLoudflare creates another level of communication that slows things down (sometimes the pings don't get a pong, and ping pong is no fun without the ping and the pong).

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