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The Sea Within

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: The Sea Within
Posted By: GrafHaarschnitt
Subject: The Sea Within
Date Posted: October 20 2018 at 13:06
What do you think of this recent supergroup. I am personally happy to see Gildenlöws affection for Prog grow again.

Posted By: Quinino
Date Posted: October 20 2018 at 13:53
Unfortunately it's precisely my disliking of his vocals that has kept me away from fully enjoying this new recording (hope he would save himself for choirs only)

Posted By: miamiscot
Date Posted: October 22 2018 at 09:13
After repeat listens...

I give it a 6.5/10.

Kinda meh but I love the first two songs!

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: October 22 2018 at 16:23
It's a grower, I think it's a good album that needs a good few listens to appreciate.

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: October 23 2018 at 01:29
Originally posted by Quinino Quinino wrote:

Unfortunately it's precisely my disliking of his vocals that has kept me away from fully enjoying this new recording (hope he would save himself for choirs only)

Gildenlöw is the main reason I am giving this album a listen, one of my favorite vocalists/musicians. :)

Posted By: Squonk19
Date Posted: October 23 2018 at 04:00
It's a good album, but not a particularly memorable one. Tracks flow over me somewhat - with just the odd musical highlight shining out. The vocal style is okay, but tends to dominate over the instrumentation in the mix, which is rather muted at times, given the calibre of the musicians. At times it almost has a retro-60s 'late Beatles' feel and overall I find it hard to pin a particular identity onto the group. 'They Know My Name' and the latter stages of 'Broken Cord' stand out to a greater extent compared than other tracks, maybe.

As with a lot of albums, I've no idea whether to consider the bonus tracks as part of the album or not when judging a release. Some of these work better than others, but the over-wrought vocals on 'Denise' are heading too close to 'Sylvia's Mother' at times.

Stick it in the background and it is a pleasant enough listen, but I don't engage with it as much as other recent releases. It reminds me of recent collaborations which I expected more from - such as Squackett or Kiama - which are fine enough, but don't go to that next level. I'll persist with more listens in the months to come, in case it continues to grow, though.

“Living in their pools, they soon forget about the sea.”

Posted By: Quinino
Date Posted: October 23 2018 at 05:08
^ Good comparison with Squackett, really, both give - sadly - that unconvincing  lukewarm sensation (meeeehhh)

Posted By: Dopeydoc
Date Posted: October 29 2018 at 16:37
Good, but I'll stay with The Flower Kings

Posted By: omphaloskepsis
Date Posted: October 29 2018 at 19:48
Kind of disappointing.   Meh

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