First of all I would like to
state that I love my mothers very deeply. But it can't be denied that
life with them can be quite a strain because they are both odd. Very
My sister and I took some time
reading through their posts on this forum, and we think this oddity
can sometimes be detected in their posts, even by people who don't
know them personally. But what comes through in these posts is merely
the surface.
A post we read with special
interest is the one about their first meeting. While it is quite
candid there is something left out in this tale; I will come back to
this in a moment.
The first thing that is striking
about my mothers is their lack of any hair. This is due to alopecia
universalis, an autoimmune disorder. All hair is regarded as not
belonging to the body by the immune system, from head to toe, and
this really means all, so they don't even have eyelashes.
But that is just their looks.
Their behavior is odd too. They do, for example, both have the
Asperger syndrome, which means they have difficulty connecting to the
emotions of other people. This shows in the way they speak, but
interestingly in very different ways. While both don't look into the
eyes of the person they are speaking to, Mommy Friede stares
somewhere over the shoulder of the person she is speaking to and
speaks in a very loud voice, as if that person is somewhere in the
distance, while Mommy Jean looks into her lap and speaks almost in a
Both have explained to us how
they acquired these behaviors. Mommy Friede said that as a child she
always had the feeling other people did not understand her (while it
was probably the other way round, at least emotionally), so she
raised her voice to be better understood. Mommy Jean had the same
feeling but reacted just the other way round. She lowered her voice
out of frustration because she thought people did not listen to her
anyway. Having difficulty to look a person in the eye is, by the way,
typical for the Asperger syndrome. A conversation with both of them
is therefore definitely a strain to the ears because you have to
adjust them all the time.
That Mommy Friede speaks with a
very loud voice and Mommy Jean with a very quiet one does not mean
one of them is dominant and the other submissive in their
relationship; it just means one of them is extroverted and the other
Mommy Friede also had ADHD
(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) as a kid. The combination
of Asperger syndrome and ADHD is very rare but does sometimes occur.
Mommy Jean on the other hand had SCT (sluggish cognitive tempo). This
does not mean she is stupid; Albert Einstein for example probably had
SCT too.
Their doctors suggested the kids
should practice yoga, a suggestion Mommy Jean's parents immediately
jumped on because they were hippies. They have both been practicing
yoga for almost 45 years now and are therefore extremely flexible.
Doing yoga is something my sister and I picked up from them too.
As to hippies: Both our mothers
had contact with drugs very early in life. The home of Mommy Jean was
always full of sweet smoke because her parents were hippies and lived
in Oakland CA, which is just a bridge away from San Francisco, the
center of the hippie movement. Mommy Friede's parents both worked,
and her elder brother who is ten years older than her had to watch
her, and he started smoking hashish at age eleven. So both were
involuntarily passive hashish smokers.
But their oddities don't end
there. Both are extremely close to each other, and I mean extremely;
their relationship closely resembles a symbiosis. They can't stand to
be separated, and if for some reason they have to for a short time
they embrace each other as if the separation is going to be forever,
and when they rejoin they embrace again as if they have been
apart for years when in reality it was only two hours or so. Mark
that these embraces are very clumsy (people with the Asperger
syndrome are usually not too fond of body contact), and if I saw two
other people embrace like this I would probably laugh. But with my
mothers I can't help but be deeply moved.
My mothers have even tried
connecting themselves with a short chain between them, which of
course leads to problems in daily life. They tried connecting
themselves by the necks, by the waists, by one wrist or by one ankle
and once even in all four places. When there is some sort of crisis
in their lives they sometimes sleep like that.
My mothers are also home nudists,
a habit which my sister and I picked up from them. The first time we
visited a school friend at her home this caused funny and somewhat
shocked reactions by her parents because we both immediately
undressed as soon as we entered her home. So I actually am nude while
writing this (collective yells from the readers: “Show us
Connecting each other with chains
sounds kinky, and my mothers are most definitely very kinky. They
tried to hide it from us, but my sister and I secretly watched them
when we were eleven years old and they thought we were in bed. They
found out that we found out when we had to write an essay about our
parents for school and asked them if we could include the “funny
things” they do and they asked what “funny things” we meant.
We had a long conversation after
this in which they explained their behavior to us, and after this
conversation they decided to no longer hide their kinky side from us
since we knew about it anyway. I won't go into the details
(disappointed “aww” from the readers), but trust me, they have
done some really weird sh**.
And then my mothers are also High
Priestesses of Gaia, the ancient Greek Goddess of the Earth, and
raised us in that spirit. So we are followers of their religion too,
as well as Aunt Bea, the sister of Mommy Jean, who lived at our home
for a few years while studying at the university of Cologne. And this
religion definitely has an influence on our daily lives as well.
This description of my mothers
does not do them justice; they are really very lovable women. But
most definitely with a lot of oddities.