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Topic: The Lowest Rated Movie on IMDB, thst you likePosted By: Icarium
Subject: The Lowest Rated Movie on IMDB, thst you like
Date Posted: July 24 2018 at 08:09
Do you have any movie (movies, allow plural movies of low rating that you seem to like or think is better then the IMDBs rating tells) which for some shoccking reason in is below 6, butbyou for some reason seem to like.
I think Ang Lee's 'Hulk' is rated pretty low, but i like it alot i find it misunderstood imo.
Replies: Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: July 24 2018 at 08:30
I'd have to find out how to search lowest rated movies on IMDB, until then, checking some I like with poor reputations.
- Tommy Wiseau's The Room has a rating of 3.6. - The legendary Ed Wood film Glen or Glenda has a a 4.2 (I prefer it to Plan 9). - Zardoz, a film I adore but many think terrible, has a 5.9. - The Clonus Horror has a 3.4.
- Manos: The Hands of Fate has a 1.9, so thus far that will be my pick. Some movies are so bad that they are good.
By the way, I adore Ang Lee's Eat Drink Man Woman.
Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: July 24 2018 at 08:37
Hulk have 5,7 in rating
Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: July 24 2018 at 10:46
Icarium wrote:
Hulk have 5,7 in rating
Hulk has a pretty good rating over at rottentomatoes. Since Ang Lee has various films I really like, and I thought various reviewers would compare his works, I thought it might be relevant enough to show the ratings for various of his films there. I do think that coming after the acclaim and success of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, some might have been expecting more from The Hulk.
96% The Wedding Banquet (good, but I much preferred Eat Drink Man Woman) 91% Eat Drink Man Woman (one of my all-time favourite films) Pushing Hands (no score for some reason, I've seen it) 98% Sense and Sensibility 84% The Ice Storm (also good) Chosen (no rating) 97% Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (perhaps the most loved modern martial arts film and a hard act for The Hulk to follow) 62% Hulk 87% Brokeback Mountain (acclaimed) 73% Lust, Caution (this 2007 film was one of the last really good movies I saw in the cinema) 48% Taking Woodstock 87% Life of Pi (liked the book, but wasn't that keen on this)
I wonder if Hulk might get a somewhat harder time of it from many because Ang Lee is an acclaimed director. I think people were harder on Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut simply because it was a Kubrick film. That said, I wasn't keen on Hulk, partially because the CGI was poor, but I do think it's a step down in quality from his great films. I have big respect for the diversity in the portfolio. That said, not sure that such comparisons to his other perhaps artsier work would affect his rating at IMDB hugely.
Anyway, that's an aside, on with the topic. And perhaps Zardoz should by my choice as while not as nearly lowly rated as Manos, I think it fits the apparent goals in your opening post better (it's still a little better rated than Hulk at IMDB). At rottentomatoes, though, Zardoz only gets 45% compared to Hulk's 62% tomatometer (interestingly at rottentomates, the audience score is only 29 percent liked it for The Hulk)
Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: July 24 2018 at 11:40
Hulk is also a challanging character to do on screen becouse of hes outragious physical atributes. Also it bugs me when they change small details as in villains origins and names. I think it ruins the intent the creators of hero and its rogue gallarie.
Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: July 24 2018 at 12:04
Yep. By by the way, don't know if you've seen it, but I like the animated Hulk series from 1966, and it has perhaps the TV theme song that has given me more smiles over the years than any other.
"Doc Bruce Banner, Belted by gamma rays, Turned into the Hulk.
Ain’t he unglamor-ous!
Wreckin’ the town With the power of a bull,
Ain’t no monster clown Who is as lovable.
As ever-lovin’ Hulk! HULK!! HULK!!"
I basically forced both of my kids when they were very young to memorise the lyrics.
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: July 28 2018 at 08:34
yeah.. posting the movies would be a great help.. too much like work but then again you got me curious so I'll forgive you for the transgression this time.
had to get to 26 before one I saw.. that yeah.. that sucked ass big time..
so continuing...
lol... yeah I think we know the Jaws movie francise was the worst in movie history.. well done
continuing on (yes my tastes must be good and avoid the stinkers)...
lol... note the date on most of these.. what does that tell us...
continuing on.....
reached 100.. and didn't find a single one I liked...
ummm.. what a colossal waste of time... why am I bothering to post this. Well I might as well get something for this time which I'll never get back in my life.. .a post onto my post count and that is about it.
time for a fresh beer and a cigarette.. thanks OP.
I owe you for this sh*t show of a thread....
------------- The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: July 28 2018 at 10:06
Thanks for the link, just what I was hoping for, but I didn't get around to searching for it. So with Manos: The Hands of Fate, my stab at a choice, came close to the top of that bottom list (it's at number 3). That said, it may be less of a so bad it's good film, and more of a so bad it's bad film (wow, just edited the most garbled sentence I've seen -- keyboard "stickiness", don't go there, *spurts diet coke on keyboard*, combined with my ineptitude).
I enjoyed Barb Wire (1996) which is at number 38 in a strange way. Number 41's Hercules in New York (1970), with Arnold Schwarzenegger, is a bad film worth watching, methinks. I quite enjoyed 45. The Starving Games (2013).
The Room at 51 (2003) was my first mention -- that is a hilariously bad movie, although one may just wish to watch The Disaster Artist, which is about that film, which is a a lot of fun.
29. Rollerball (2002) -- loved the original, never got around to watching this remake.
At 57, The Wicker Man (2006). That was worth watching for me because I am a huge fan of the original Wicker Man (it doesn't compare well to the original film)
At 87. S. Darko (2009). been meaning to watch this sequel to Donnie Darko (love Donnie Darko, which is one to look out for Micky if you get the chance and haven't seen it yet).
At 92. Furry Vengeance (2010) -- bad movie or not, that is an awesome title for a film.
At 93. RoboCop 3 (1993). Definitely not as good as the first, or the second, but fairly entertaining.
95. Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959). I expected that would make the list -- it's one of the best known bad movies, is a cult bad movie, and is well worth seeing. My favourite Ed Wood is Glen or Glenda?
100. The Last Airbender (2010). Twas mediocre. A pretty poor M. Night Shyamalan offering.
I like so bad they're good films, and can even enjoy so bad they're just plain bad films. I also like some music that is so bad it's good such as The Shagg's Philosophy of the World (which I genuinely love).
There are quite a few in that list that I have seen. It may have been a waste of time for you, Micky, but it was an enjoyable waste of time for me. Again, thanks for the link.
Of those one hundred, I would go with The Room (it's not the lowest rated, but I found it to be such fun -- if anyone plans to watch it, don't watch the video I posted. Otherwise, the video I posted is a good way to see it. I do recommend The Disaster Artist.
Posted By: dwill123
Date Posted: July 28 2018 at 11:20
"Dr. Dolittle 2", IMDB 4.7. I love this movie.
Posted By: MortSahlFan
Date Posted: July 28 2018 at 11:49
Posted By: Squonk19
Date Posted: July 28 2018 at 12:33
78 - The Cat in the Hat - Having to endure many children's films as the kids grew up, this film was a welcome source of relief with great, hidden adult references or observations within it, and Myers on good form, I thought. I enjoy playing the TV cook show clip and the petition with the big pencil clip amongst many!
------------- “Living in their pools, they soon forget about the sea.”
Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: July 28 2018 at 22:56
What Lies Beneath - while it's no masterpiece, a 6.6 is just way too low. Pfeiffer's performance alone is worth a 6.0 and another 1.0 at minimum for Silvestri's magnificent score. Then again, I am more old school in the way I appreciate cinema. I am more interested in the visuals and sounds and the film scores highly on both counts. I can let go of the details that don't work if there are mitigating factors.
Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: July 29 2018 at 02:47
Not really low rated (at 7.3) but extremely little known is "De
Wisselwachter" ("The Pointsman") from 1986 by Belgian director Jos
A woman gets off a train by mistake when it stops at a siding in the
middle of nowhere. The only person there is a peculiar man whose job is
to switch the trains. He doesn't understand her language and won't speak
to her at all, so she quietly waits for another train, but there isn't
one. Eventually the winter weather forces her to shelter in his room.
She unpacks her things and a wordless relationship begins to form.
is a very quiet and slow movie with very little dialogue (the pointsman
says about a dozen words in the whole movie, and the woman who
apparently is a native French speaker, a language which the pointsman
does not understand, is similarly silent) and very weird, but also very
poetic. A longtime favorite of mine.
some reason this version I found has Russian overdubs spoken over the
original dialogue (which is also audible), but it has English subtitles
as well. Enjoy one of the weirdest movies ever made!
BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.
Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: July 29 2018 at 03:17
I skimmed through the 100 poorest rated movies on IMDB and there is literally nothing on there that I like. Granted I've not seen all of em and I may just find those old school 50s sci fi flicks hilarious. Actually a good chance.
The rest? Hmmm I remember Barb Wire...though not for its cinematic qualities. The Jaws movies on offer here were poor - but not in a kitsch way...just really bad movies.
Surprised to see that Cristopher Lambert's Beowulf wasn't listed in this racket. Without a doubt one of the most unwillingly funny movies I've ever seen. Britney Spears music video teams up with an old Robin Hood flick, hip hop fashion and a warped and wholly unrecognizable take on the old saga.
------------- “The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”
- Douglas Adams
Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: July 29 2018 at 03:22
Here is a short excerpt from the movie:
BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.
Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: July 29 2018 at 03:22
Guldbamsen wrote:
I skimmed through the 100 poorest rated movies on IMDB and there is literally nothing on there that I like. Granted I've not seen all of em and I may just find those old school 50s sci fi flicks hilarious. Actually a good chance.
The rest? Hmmm I remember Barb Wire...though not for its cinematic qualities. The Jaws movies on offer here were poor - but not in a kitsch way...just really bad movies.
Surprised to see that Cristopher Lambert's Beowulf wasn't listed in this racket. Without a doubt one of the most unwillingly funny movies I've ever seen. Britney Spears music video teams up with an old Robin Hood flick, hip hop fashion and a warped and wholly unrecognizable take on the old saga.
Yup, that list just has films I have either not watched or didn't like if I did watch. Is it at all possible to like Batman & Robin, lol? Casting Arnold as a villain is a far cry from the Jack Nicholson and DeVito essays in the Burton films. But of course, Warner wanted a PG rating so bad that they had to make it super bland and dull.
Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: July 29 2018 at 04:49
Ahh Batman & Robin THE flick that positively turned me off the Batman franchise...and I wasn't even that old when it came out. Even as a teen I thought it was too much - though you must admit that it also sports an extravagant cartoonish universe that very much mimicks a certain Batman era. Problem is it lacks balls and the fear that later became the focal point of the Christian Bale fronted remakes. For all its flaws and lacklustre Hollywood glitter it also sports some pretty funny one-liners from the former Austrian skijumper I will however take Predator any day of the week to this dud.
------------- “The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”
- Douglas Adams
Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: July 29 2018 at 04:52
Guldbamsen wrote:
Ahh Batman & Robin THE flick that positively turned me off the Batman franchise...and I wasn't even that old when it came out. Even as a teen I thought it was too much - though you must admit that it also sports an extravagant cartoonish universe that very much mimicks a certain Batman era. Problem is it lacks balls and the fear that later became the focal point of the Christian Bale fronted remakes. For all its flaws and lacklustre Hollywood glitter it also sports some pretty funny one-liners from the former Austrian skijumper I will however take Predator any day of the week to this dud.
Ditto, Predator and Total Recall are the only Arnold films I have ever liked.
Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: July 29 2018 at 05:01
Speaking of Arnold and bad movies, it is somewhat of a miracle that a flick like Junior didn't end up on a list like this. I mean: mechanical muscle man stars as a scientist who impregnates himself to prove a point cooked up by himself and his midget business partner played by Danny Devito...only to realise that he wants to keep the baby. I would have loved to see the pitch speak behind this and, perhaps more interestingly, Arnold's reaction.
------------- “The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”
- Douglas Adams
Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: July 29 2018 at 05:04
Guldbamsen wrote:
Speaking of Arnold and bad movies, it is somewhat of a miracle that a flick like Junior didn't end up on a list like this. I mean: mechanical muscle man stars as a scientist who impregnates himself to prove a point cooked up by himself and his midget business partner played by Danny Devito...only to realise that he wants to keep the baby. I would have loved to see the pitch speak behind this and, perhaps more interestingly, Arnold's reaction.
Haven't even seen that one. It was a moderate grosser. 108 mn on a 60 mn budget. Might have made some money if not quite what the studio had in mind with the cast.
Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: July 29 2018 at 05:13
It's actually a rather funny movie. If you haven't seen it I heartily recommend you do...if only to experience the terminator in drag cracks me up every time.
------------- “The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”
- Douglas Adams
Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: July 29 2018 at 05:46
Guldbamsen wrote:
Ahh Batman & Robin THE flick that positively turned me off the Batman franchise...and I wasn't even that old when it came out. Even as a teen I thought it was too much - though you must admit that it also sports an extravagant cartoonish universe that very much mimicks a certain Batman era. Problem is it lacks balls and the fear that later became the focal point of the Christian Bale fronted remakes. For all its flaws and lacklustre Hollywood glitter it also sports some pretty funny one-liners from the former Austrian skijumper I will however take Predator any day of the week to this dud.
Oh my LORD, David, `Batman and Robin' is AMAZING!
It's like a day-glo nightmare of Hollywood excess at its absolute worst! Such a guilty pleasure, I've watched it so many times, and I'd take it any day over the deadly serious Christopher Nolan Bat-films!
Actually, the only film that comes close to it would be Van Damme's `Streetfighter' for me! Even more campy colour and silly fun, with the added bonus of the action star at the absolute peak of his cocaine bender phase!
Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: July 29 2018 at 09:11
I do find the Nolan trilogy progressively heavy to the point of becoming unwieldy. Started nicely with the taut Batman Begins (my favourite of the bunch). Then Heath Ledger saved Dark Knight. Dark Knight Returns was just loud (thanks much Zimmer) and overlong. And you do NOT cast sweet, dainty Ann Hathaway as Catwoman. Not that she didn't do a competent job but she was just miscast. I preferred the Burton films, especially Batman Returns. I liked how he gave everyone except Max Shrek a backstory, even Penguin.
Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: July 29 2018 at 09:48
Howard the Duck is a worse movie than Batman and Robin, both high budgeted movies.
Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: July 31 2018 at 04:15
rogerthat wrote:
I do find the Nolan trilogy progressively heavy to the point of becoming unwieldy. Started nicely with the taut Batman Begins (my favourite of the bunch). Then Heath Ledger saved Dark Knight. Dark Knight Returns was just loud (thanks much Zimmer) and overlong. And you do NOT cast sweet, dainty Ann Hathaway as Catwoman. Not that she didn't do a competent job but she was just miscast. I preferred the Burton films, especially Batman Returns. I liked how he gave everyone except Max Shrek a backstory, even Penguin.
Yeah, I'm of the eras of the event that was the first Burton film, so that and his sequel are the go-to ones for me. At least they had colour, fun and humour in amongst the darkness. I can admire a lot of the Nolan flicks (and agree that the first one is the highlight), but they're quite dull, and even seem quite embarrassed to be based on comic books.
I too similarly don't regard `The Dark Knight' as the so-called `greatest comic book movie ever' either. Heath Ledger made that film much more memorable than it was, ad it has a handful of superb scenes, but did no one notice that it didn't even give audiences a showdown between Bats and the Joker in the finale?! Instead of an exciting confrontation, we got a dull diversion with a bunch of anonymous extras squabbling on a boat. When we could have Batman and Mr J slugging it out, we got the Joker setting lose a couple of dogs instead, and then just disappearing from the film! Pathetic!
Posted By: Jeffro
Date Posted: July 31 2018 at 04:42
Posted By: Saperlipopette!
Date Posted: July 31 2018 at 07:49
The list misses a lot of top notch crap as To be included on the list, a movie must receive ratings from at least 1,500 users. - which is quite a lot. But among these I've seen:
Jaws 3-D & Jaws: The Revenge - and they both f**kin' stunk
Exorcist II: The Heretic - probably saw it when I was 11 - got slightly scared and thought it was ok.
+half of The Hottie & the Nottie - just plain useless and dumb obviously, but harmless
The Room - pure genius... & finally:
Plan 9 from Outer Space- which I have a lot of genuine love for
Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: August 02 2018 at 10:14
The Room is hilarious -- it is the idiot savant of genius movies.
I love Plan 9, especially for the Amazing Criswell.
If you haven't seen Glen or Glenda?, Glen or Glenda is I think a real treat. It incongruously and wonderfully features Bela Lugosi.
Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: August 11 2018 at 18:09
I found the remake of the Beauty and the Beast to be an utter desaster i will check how it fared at IMDB, got 7,2 i don't get that rating at all.
Posted By: Upbeat Tango Monday
Date Posted: August 12 2018 at 08:01
31. The Human Centipede III (score:3.3) EDIT: Nah, I rewatched it and it's garbage. Part 2 is somewhat passable.
39. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation (score:3.5) Now, this one I truly love. Campy as hell but, oh so satisfying. A particularly random scene shows the family eating and they all start fighting. Grandpa was there, sitting down all withered and motionless. Suddenly, the old fart gets up, picks up a knife and sprints out of the scene never to be seen again
I also like Freddy Got Fingered (score 4.5) One of the most surreal comedies ever made. A great scene shows Gord (Tom Green) telling a shrink that his father fingers his brother (hence the name of the movie). It was an utter lie that the psychologist believes completely even after the dude throws a bust against a window and jumps outside screaming and babbling.
------------- Two random guys agreed to shake hands. Just Because. They felt like it, you know. It was an agreement of sorts...a random agreement.
Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: August 23 2018 at 15:30
Not sure. Most of the ones that are rated low have those low ratings for a reason. I really like this move from about ten years ago or so(maybe more)called the Break up which stars Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston. I think it's a good portrayal of an actual break up. I surprised to find it had a rather low rating(under 6.0). Some of the Adam Sandler movies I like probably have low ratings too but then again I like almost anything I've seen him in.
Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: August 24 2018 at 00:54
Upbeat Tango Monday wrote:
31. The Human Centipede III (score:3.3) EDIT: Nah, I rewatched it and it's garbage. Part 2 is somewhat passable.
That f*cking surreal. I saw it in a packed cinema of horror fans, and to say that everyone left deflated and in disbelief would be an understatement! What's so bizarre about it is that it's essentially the director completely ending his career, just for the sake of sticking a middle finger up not only to critics, but to the fans who didn't like the second film. And then there's the completely deranged acting on top of it all! Reminds me of that `Futurama' episode with Zoidberg's filmmaker father directing everyone to really `act' and they're all running around like crazy in every corner of the screen!
The second film is a grubby and unpleasant piece of work (even if the black and white photography is quite beautiful), but the first one, for all its notorious and seedy reputation, is actually a rather beautifully shot and subtly directed horror thriller with a superb lead performance from the main baddie. Probably the only decent thing that director has done, and it's a shame his own ego has been his undoing!
Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: August 24 2018 at 15:33
Do you have an actual list of low rated movies from there..?
------------- One does nothing yet nothing is left undone. Haquin
Posted By: Morningrise
Date Posted: September 27 2018 at 08:31
I can think of 3 at the moment.
Masters Of The Universe and The Phantom starring Billy Zane are deeply flawed and campy, but I find them very entertaining.
But the best example I can think of is "The Last American Virgin". It's not really that badly rated, as it currently has a 6.2 rating in imdb. But I LOVE that movie. It starts as just another teen flick of a group of guys trying to get laid, but in the middle of the film something happens which changes the whole tone of it. And it has one of the ballsiest endings ever.
Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: September 27 2018 at 10:31
I looked through the bottom 100 list Micky posted and had to go up to #65 (Dungeons and Dragons) to find one I have seen. The next was #95 (Plan 9).
I really enjoyed "Unfinished Business" which comes in at 5.4.
Of my top 10 favorites, "Mystery Men" is only a 6.0.
Posted By: Morningrise
Date Posted: September 27 2018 at 15:46
I thought of 3 more
Blood Feast (1963): Herschell Gordon Lewis' gore classic. Before Leatherface, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees and all the others, there was FUAD RAMSES!!
Killer Klowns From Outer Space (1988): So much fun
Teeth (2007): Two words: vagina dentata
Posted By: Morningrise
Date Posted: September 27 2018 at 15:48
On a more serious and artsy note if you wish, there's also The Tree Of Life (love it or hate it. Personally I think it's one of the greatest movies of the last 20 years),and Pier Paolo Pasolini's infamous Saló
Posted By: Odvin Draoi
Date Posted: July 28 2019 at 10:34
There are LOTS OF movies I like very much, and rated low in IMDB. It is not a surprise anymore.
For example look at this, rating average and number is ridiculous." rel="nofollow -
I like this type of films. In the 90s, Turkish televisions were showing this kind of horror b-films very much. I'm not defending that most of them have necessary merits to be assessed as "high-quality", yet a serious number of them are at least watchable. Or else, it is because I grew up with such films, watching on TV and hiring VHS tapes.
Another example is this. It was a very interesting film for me, having an extraordinary plot. Again its IMDB statistics are horrible." rel="nofollow -
This is one of the best teenager series I watched. OK, this time rating average is high enough, yet number of ratings are not." rel="nofollow -
Same for my favourite comedy show. rating average is splendid this time though." rel="nofollow -
This anime is one of the best D&D related things. Look at its IMDB statistics." rel="nofollow -
This is also undeservedly very underrated." rel="nofollow -
Recently I was surprised by this movie's ratings. It is a great movie, if I were in my adolescence, it would be one of my favourite movies ever." rel="nofollow -
More for adults, this movie may be one of the most underrated one I can mention. One of my ultimate favourites." rel="nofollow -
Posted By: Vompatti
Date Posted: July 28 2019 at 10:48
Al Adamson's movies are quite enjoyable, many of them are rated under 3/10.
Posted By: Frenetic Zetetic
Date Posted: July 29 2019 at 02:18
The entire Friday the 13th series .
"I am so prog, I listen to concept albums on shuffle." -KMac2021
Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: July 29 2019 at 02:31
Icarium wrote:
Do you have any movie (movies, allow plural movies of low rating that you seem to like or think is better then the IMDBs rating tells) which for some shoccking reason in is below 6, butbyou for some reason seem to like.
I think Ang Lee's 'Hulk' is rated pretty low, but i like it alot i find it misunderstood imo.
where and how would you find the list of lowest or lows on ImDB??
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: July 29 2019 at 02:31
Morningrise wrote:
On a more serious and artsy note if you wish, there's also The Tree Of Life (love it or hate it. Personally I think it's one of the greatest movies of the last 20 years)
Oh god what a beautiful and painful movie to watch, some of the most luscious visuals on film accompanied by vacuous nothingness.
Speaking of vacuous nothingness, Ralph Bakshi's Wizards scores 63 on RT but it was a childhood favorite and still is, with its grim realizations and Heavy Metal fumes of death --
------------- "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." -- John F. Kennedy
Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: July 29 2019 at 03:48
Sean Trane wrote:
Icarium wrote:
Do you have any movie (movies, allow plural movies of low rating that you seem to like or think is better then the IMDBs rating tells) which for some shoccking reason in is below 6, butbyou for some reason seem to like.
I think Ang Lee's 'Hulk' is rated pretty low, but i like it alot i find it misunderstood imo.
where and how would you find the list of lowest or lows on ImDB??
Im no expert on ImDB but i have found lists by roaming around in the ImDB website. Also i usuaøy type various movies ive seen and liked and weather my feelikg of a lovie matches ImDBs raters. F.eks i like Ang-Lees Hulk but in general peopøe dislike it, i am not blind to its flaws but it was brave and bold, and tried to tell a different Hulk story. It had some great Hulk scenes though, but the villain was confused and the dirextor certainly created a mess of blending together three villain concepts inside one beingm