Friede and I sat down together and wrote down the story of our
first meeting. I just sent it to a friend of us here and then thought
others might be interested in it too. So without further ado here it is:
Actually we had two first meetings. The
first time we met was at the self-help meetings for people with
alopecia universalis. But it never made click there; we were just one
more person with that condition for each other.
The story of our second first meeting
is funny and worth telling. Jean worked for an international US-based
travel agency. They wanted to open a branch in Cologne, and Jean was
chosen to organize it because she had taken German in High School.
After she had organized the basics (finding a space to rent and
employees) she needed some brochures translated. Friede worked as a
free-lance translator back then, and Jean chose her from an ad in the
local paper (this was 1993; ads were still being placed in newspapers
back then). We talked with each other on phone, and it was decided
that we meet at a restaurant to discuss the details.
We had immediately liked each others
voices on the phone and had the vague feeling we had heard them
before (which of course we had at these meetings) but couldn't place
them. So we decided to dress up for each other, and we each chose
very daring dresses. The meeting took place on Jun 14th 1993,
which was the 24th birthday of Steffi Graf (who we were
and still are great fans of). We were both 24 too.
Friede chose a blood red dress with
LOTS of cleavage back and front. The cleavage in front went all the
way down to the crotch in a V. In the back it ran all the way down to
the crack of ass. She didn't wear any underwear. Since the dress was
rather loose around the top occasionally her pussy, a nipple or her
ass flashed. She also wore 8 inch high heels in the same color as the
dress. She wore a black wig which reached halfway down her back and
also false eyebrows and eyelashes. She had also put on a lot of
bright red lipstick.
Jean wore a skintight
poison green dress that had a metallic sheen and also no underwear. The
dress looked as if it was painted on; everything contoured beneath - her
breasts, nipples. navel and ass, and she
had a pronounced camel toe. She wore 8 inch heels in the color of her
dress too which made her a giantess because she is 6'0'' without
heels already. She had put on a strawberry blonde wig of the same
length as Friede's and also false eyebrows and eyelashes. She had put
on a lot of bright red lipstick too.
And now we come to the special feature
of the dresses: Both were extremely narrow around the legs and
ankles; we could only take 6 inch steps in them. Both dresses were incredibly hot. No, hot is not enough; they were sizzling.
We both arrived by taxi. Jean was the
first to arrive and hobbled towards the entrance. She was still a few
feet away when Friede arrived. She saw a hot woman in green hobbling
towards the entrance and hopefully called out: “Excuse me, are you
Miss Tolleson”?
Jean stopped, turned around and replied
“Yes. You must be Miss Greifswald then”.
“Yes”. Friede hobbled over to her,
and we both looked at each other for a long time. And we both
thought: “Wow, this is an incredibly hot woman”! And we both
developed embarrassing wet spots on our dresses.
Jean finally said: “Let's get in”!
We both hobbled in and set down at our table (Jean had booked one for
us). A lot of eyes in the restaurant were on us, especially male
We will spare you the details of what
we ate though we both remember very well; this day was burned into
our brains as if with a branding iron. We will just tell you that we
stared at each other all the time. We discussed business before and
between courses. And all the time we had the feeling that we had
heard the other's voice before but just could not place it.
Jean finally called for the waiter and
asked for the check. Friede offered to pay her share but Jean said
she could put it on expenses. While Jean scrambled for her purse in
her handbag Friede said in German: “I noticed you ate me with your
eyes all the time. Are you by any chance a lesbian”? Jean blushed
for a moment but said “ja”. Friede continued: “Well, I am too,
and we could make out tonight. But first you should know something
about me”. With that she removed her wig and her false eyebrows and
Jean stared at her for a moment. Then
she started to laugh and removed her wig and false eyebrows and
eyelashes as well, and then we both laughed. Of course we now
realized where we had heard the other's voice before. The whole
restaurant stared in disbelief at these two hot women who suddenly
had turned bald, and the waiter's jaw dropped open.
Jean paid, and we left the restaurant
arm in arm as fast as we could in our dresses. Our breasts and asses
must have wobbled a lot because of the many quick little steps; we
must have been quite a sight to behold.
The rest is history; we have been a
couple ever since.
Well, that's the story of our first
meeting. We hope you like it.