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The Eve of the war

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Topic: The Eve of the war
Posted By: Blacksword
Subject: The Eve of the war
Date Posted: April 12 2018 at 06:18
So, it seems that the west is about to start bombing Syria, which may evoke a Russian response and lead to someone far bigger.

Assuming the worst for now, if you had the choice, how would you spend your last days before the end?

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Kingsnake
Date Posted: April 12 2018 at 06:46
I don't follow the news. And feel absolutely no fear whatsoever.
To me it's just another day, like yesterday.

Haven't these kind of scary news been told a million times for the last 20.000 years?

Posted By: Jeffro
Date Posted: April 12 2018 at 07:26
Originally posted by Kingsnake Kingsnake wrote:

Haven't these kind of scary news been told a million times for the last 20.000 years?

Well, it is true that there is always someone holding up a sign saying "The End Is Near". Nothing new about that at all.

We all dwell in an amber subdomain, amber subdomain, amber subdomain.

My face IS a maserati

Posted By: Blaqua
Date Posted: April 14 2018 at 06:41
Assuming the worst for now, if you had the choice, how would you spend your last days before the end?

I'll listen to Kate Bush's Babooshka 

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: April 14 2018 at 06:50
Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

So, it seems that the west is about to start bombing Syria, which may evoke a Russian response and lead to someone far bigger.

Assuming the worst for now, if you had the choice, how would you spend your last days before the end?

on a serious note... neither we nor Russia consider Syria worth pushing it too far.  We drop a few bombs.. shoot a few missiles on things that don't really impact Syria or Russia... and forget about it till the next outrage. and the Russians know that. 

Both Putin and Trump have bigger fish to fry than blowing the world up over a pile of rubble.

BUT if it was the end.. and we only had a few days left... I'd suppose I'd take a trip down nostalgia lane and relive my 20's...  and spend my last days drunk as a skunk.. high as a kite and f**king anything with red hair haha

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: April 14 2018 at 09:38
on the topic of Syria... trust me.. I'm no tin hatter.. but did hear that some on the right are seriously questioning this.

Sure Trump got his 'Mission Accomplished' moment.. lol..  at least for a couple of months.

However I've read... and putting ideology and politics aside there is merit to this. I think Carlson might ... for once be on to something. We all do realize the rebels also have access to chemical weapons.

when did this last chemical attack occur.. days after Trump publicly made noise about taking our troops (and interest) out of Syria.

The last chemical attack before that.... we announced we were not out to dipose Assad.. then shortly after.. there go the chemical attacks.

personally.... I think the guy is a moron.. and perhaps he deserved to be ingnored for having a spent a career gaining no crediblity.. and for once.. exercising independent thought...  hmmm.

Not saying the Syrians didn't do this.. but let's be honest... has it EVER made sense that they were using them.

For those.. like me.. that ignore him.. and Faux out of principal. I had to be told of this.. so perhaps some are not aware of the serious questions about this.

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: The Dark Elf
Date Posted: April 14 2018 at 09:39
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

high as a kite and f**king anything with red hair haha

Trump might let you, if you promise to pee on him. Then you can collect a check from the National Enquirer if you mention your sexcapades to the Trump Tower doorman.

...a vigorous circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined
to take the place of the mud shark in your mythology...

Posted By: Tillerman88
Date Posted: April 14 2018 at 11:22
Originally posted by Kingsnake Kingsnake wrote:

Haven't these kind of scary news been told a million times for the last 20.000 years?
And yet the Middle East oil exploration is not over. I just wonder what will be the next Middle Eastern country on target..... 

The overwhelming amount of information on a daily basis restrains people from rewinding the news record archives to refresh their memories...

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: April 14 2018 at 13:42
Originally posted by Tillerman88 Tillerman88 wrote:

Originally posted by Kingsnake Kingsnake wrote:

Haven't these kind of scary news been told a million times for the last 20.000 years?
And yet the Middle East oil exploration is not over. I just wonder what will be the next Middle Eastern country on target..... 


just in time for the 2020 election. How many times has a wartime President lost reelection here?..


The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: April 14 2018 at 13:44
Originally posted by The Dark Elf The Dark Elf wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

high as a kite and f**king anything with red hair haha

Trump might let you, if you promise to pee on him. Then you can collect a check from the National Enquirer if you mention your sexcapades to the Trump Tower doorman.

yeah.. but without that end of the world kind of jazz... Raff might interrupt my fun with a knife in the eye before I see a red cent...

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: April 14 2018 at 15:20
now to follow up an earlier post.. that is TOO damn funny..." rel="nofollow -

'at least I won't feel bad when he gets impeached'

fleas jumping from the cooling corpse of his Presidency.. that is what that is...

oh yeah.. speaking of... my date for Trump's impeachment comes up soon.. later this month. Guess I won't be collecting that pool money at our office.. over 200 dollars.  My friend might have it right.. he predicted early 2019 figuring that only the Dems would impeach him and if Trump was as bad as we thought, the Republicansas inept as we thought, the Dems would sweep into power in the midterms and do it.  I don't think the Dems will do it though.. he's likely to be a lame duck by this time next year.. in fact.. he might even be one now.  Just curb the worst he might do.. and do EVERYTHING possible to keep the real danger, Pence, as far from the Oval Office as possible.

Good call bro'.. better than mine. .for I thought there still might be some life left in the misguided.. but still honorable old Republican Party. That is now dead.. as Ryan's leaving is showing... it is the party of Trump now.

Only a war now will save him in 2020.

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Tillerman88
Date Posted: April 14 2018 at 17:07
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by Tillerman88 Tillerman88 wrote:

Originally posted by Kingsnake Kingsnake wrote:

Haven't these kind of scary news been told a million times for the last 20.000 years?
And yet the Middle East oil exploration is not over. I just wonder what will be the next Middle Eastern country on target..... 


just in time for the 2020 election. How many times has a wartime President lost reelection here?..


The overwhelming amount of information on a daily basis restrains people from rewinding the news record archives to refresh their memories...

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: April 14 2018 at 17:22
well.. I think there is already a large amount of distrust of our dear leader by the idiots in Congress.  I don't think that ^ fact is lost on many in the political and military here in DC....especially with adults like McMaster in the room being replaced with yes men and f**king right wing wackos like Bolton..  I expect Congress to (long overdue) slap some limits on the power of the President to wage war..  perhaps this year.. if not you bet your ass it will next year under the Dems perhaps saving us from another pointless war.. and another 4 years of Trump haha

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

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