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The Other Window-(Space Rock)

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Recommendations/Featured albums
Forum Description: Make or seek recommendations and discuss specific prog albums
Printed Date: March 05 2025 at 11:54
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Topic: The Other Window-(Space Rock)
Posted By: Kohllapse
Subject: The Other Window-(Space Rock)
Date Posted: September 09 2005 at 22:21

"The Other Window are a psychedelic space punk community with one foot in the 70s and the other deep in the future, and deep space is where they create their magic.

Their influences range from Hawkwind, Floyd and progressive rock to punk and metal bands like; Wire, the Stranglers, Paradise Lost, Sabbath and Monster Magnet.

Welcome to your future.

Welcome to The Other Window.........." -


Posted By: Kohllapse
Date Posted: September 10 2005 at 05:21
"Described as psychedelic space rock The Other Window pretty much stick to their remit. Although if you were hoping for a British Brave St Saturn you'd be disappointed. For this is a brand of psychedelic rock harking back to the good old days of the 1970s when prog was king. But this is guitar-led prog with a synth in support and not the vice versa. It also manages to incorporate heavier, more metallic moments too (reminding us that the band features ex-members of Seventh Angel and Ashen Mortality). Whilst '70s psychedelic/prog rock is not my forte, the nearest comparison I can muster is the mighty Hawkwind - particularly with their closing song. Despite my Dad being a much bigger fan of prog than myself, it does not stop me appreciating it. This does highlight that this is a band that do have a particular audience, who sadly were not there to appreciate it. Large swaths of intricate instrumentals left little space for lyrics, which spiritually does perhaps leave them a little light. But overall a very well crafted set performed to a high standard.
Greg Sammons"


Posted By: Kohllapse
Date Posted: September 10 2005 at 11:22
If youre a fan of hawkwind or space rock in general check this band out


Posted By: horza
Date Posted: September 10 2005 at 11:28
Which window was it again??

Originally posted by darkshade:

Calling Mike Portnoy a bad drummer is like calling Stephen Hawking an idiot.

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