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objectivity criterion to add a band here

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Suggest New Bands and Artists
Forum Description: Suggest, create polls, and classify new bands you would like included on Prog Archives
Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 07:38
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Topic: objectivity criterion to add a band here
Posted By: Kubla Khan
Subject: objectivity criterion to add a band here
Date Posted: September 09 2005 at 10:25

hi to everyone.


i don`t know if here there are a criteria or objectivity requirementent to put a band in the prog archives.

what are the requirements for a band to be here?

Posted By: frenchie
Date Posted: September 09 2005 at 15:22
dont even ask!

The Worthless Recluse

Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: September 09 2005 at 15:24
  1. to be prog
  2. to be prog
  3. to be prog
  4. to BE prog
  5. TO BE PROG!
  6. To really be prog or in the "area" of prog
  7. To have the cool sound of prog
  8. To get 50% + 1 vote of the Goverment
  9. To be listened,after which said "Hey,this is prog"
  10. To be prog
  11. To be at least more prog than other genre
  12. To sound like prog
  13. to be accepted as prog


Posted By: Kubla Khan
Date Posted: September 10 2005 at 01:02

a band were prog if it have:

odd time signatures


continious key changes

if it use different scales

if it mix different styles of music

if the band have a groundbraking concept of make music

if the band evolves from album to album

if it the band use hammonds, moogs, theremins , dinamofon , mellotrons ,buchla synthz or folky stuff...


that is what i was triying to say  


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: September 10 2005 at 20:02
That means there is not.

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