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Any Marxists answer my questions??

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Topic: Any Marxists answer my questions??
Posted By: condor
Subject: Any Marxists answer my questions??
Date Posted: January 19 2018 at 13:22
If material conditions determine consciousness, why do so many millions of people commit suicide because they find the world soulless, rather than because of disability, pain, or debt?

If Marxism is a science, and science centres on universal phenomena, why have there not been revolutionary situations in every capitalist country, in America, Canada, Japan, Israel, Australia and New Zealand?

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: January 19 2018 at 14:35
I used to be something of a Marxist in college.

1. We are all products of our environment from that Marxist perspective -- he focused on socio-economics -- one's social grouping (say with class and wealth) informs ones consciousness or self-identity but need not be identical to it. Our material reality shapes what we think. That doesn't mean that people wouldn't commit suicide for a variety of reasons (mental health, poverty, physical illness, feelings of isolation and alienation within one's supposed social grouping, tedium). The social structures have an affect on our ideas and sense of self and people can be seen as the products of their environment, but such materialism doesn't negate a host of factors when it comes to someone's psychological state (heredity etc.) and how they as individuals have a unique perspective on the world while sharing traits and experience with their social and economic class. Instead of saying people commit suicide because they find the world soulless, I would say that some people feel alienated and isolated, and do feel that there isn't much point to anything. That is a social and mental health issue and material conditions play their part (I can't divorce material conditions from it).

2. I know you said if, but I wouldn't say that Marxism is a science but that Marx applied the scientific method in his approach to economics, history and sociology. Materialism is an important concept in both science and philosophy. Science tries to describe natural phenomena based on observation and experimentation. Things happen according to the right conditions. Marx himself felt that revolution would happen around the world given the right conditions. Marxists, generally, think that this will happen in all capitalist economies at some time, but there are differences in the conditions in different places at different times. While there have been rebellious situations in all of those countries, not big enough to really change the fabric of society into a Communistic society. Those in power strive to maintain the status quo and most proles are just struggling to get on. One day, perhaps, there will be a world revolution.

Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: January 19 2018 at 15:48
I love Graucho!
You bet your life postcard 1953.JPG


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