Do you feel betrayed by Bernie?
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Topic: Do you feel betrayed by Bernie?
Posted By: condor
Subject: Do you feel betrayed by Bernie?
Date Posted: January 14 2018 at 16:10
...for his refusal to split from the Democrats and endorsement of Clinton?
Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: January 14 2018 at 16:22
------------- Dig me...But don't...Bury me I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: January 14 2018 at 17:07
Absolutely not. It's called integrity.
------------- "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." -- John F. Kennedy
Posted By: condor
Date Posted: January 14 2018 at 17:12
Atavachron wrote:
Absolutely not. It's called integrity.
How does supporting Clinton designate integrity? I don't understand.
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: January 14 2018 at 17:28
Yeah, he promised a great party and all we got was cheap beer and weed that the cat pissed on

Posted By: omphaloskepsis
Date Posted: January 14 2018 at 19:08
It's hard as a Bernie fan to understand how Bernie endorsed Crooked Hillary after she rigged the primaries and stole 200 million dollars in donations from Bernie, given by folks like me to the DNC. The DNC set an hourly sweep of all Democratic National Commitee funds to Hillary. I'm part of a multi million dollar class action lawsuit against the DNC. Yeah, I felt the burn...
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: January 14 2018 at 21:38
condor wrote:
Atavachron wrote:
Absolutely not. It's called integrity. | How does supporting Clinton designate integrity? I don't understand. |
Then don't.
------------- "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." -- John F. Kennedy
Posted By: HackettFan
Date Posted: January 14 2018 at 23:14
No. Bernie was my first choice. Hillary was my second choice. I would have thought less of him if he hadn't endorsed her. I never understood the Clinton hate on either side of the spectrum.
------------- A curse upon the heads of those who seek their fortunes in a lie. The truth is always waiting when there's nothing left to try. - Colin Henson, Jade Warrior (Now)
Posted By: HackettFan
Date Posted: January 14 2018 at 23:19
omphaloskepsis wrote:
It's hard as a Bernie fan to understand how Bernie endorsed Crooked Hillary after she rigged the primaries and stole 200 million dollars in donations from Bernie, given by folks like me to the DNC. The DNC set an hourly sweep of all Democratic National Commitee funds to Hillary. I'm part of a multi million dollar class action lawsuit against the DNC. Yeah, I felt the burn... | You donated to the DNC? Now I do feel betrayed.
------------- A curse upon the heads of those who seek their fortunes in a lie. The truth is always waiting when there's nothing left to try. - Colin Henson, Jade Warrior (Now)
Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: January 15 2018 at 03:15
If people don't understand the problem with Hillary now, then they never will. That discussion is over really. Was she a better choice than Trump for president? Well, yes of course, but that's like asking is it better to be castrated via proper medical procedure, or simply to have your nuts chopped off with a Stanley knife.
Bernie is basically a good guy and IF he chooses to run again it will need to be as part of the democrat machine. I would like to see him run again, and just pray to God that Harvey Weinsteins buddy Oprah doesn't throw her hat in. People are stupid enough to vote for that monster, just as many were stupid to vote for Trump.
------------- Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: January 15 2018 at 03:56
It does seem to be the era of the Celebrident.
------------- "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." -- John F. Kennedy
Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: January 15 2018 at 04:12
condor wrote:
Atavachron wrote:
Absolutely not. It's called integrity.
How does supporting Clinton designate integrity? I don't understand. |
while I really dislike  Trump  , he did say something that did chime right to me during his campaign: basically, Arsehole Trump said that he wished one day to have a woman president, but not that one. I must say, that despite the fact that I would've preferred Hillary in office rather than Donald Duck Trump, she does appear quite corrupted.... or at least, been way too long in politics. While I still view Bill as the second-best president since I'm born (after Obama), but I can't help feeling that she has become a fake or a heavily-corrupted individual... If DDT made it as president, it's mostly the Democrat's fault by insisting on her (let's face it, Bernie didn't stand a chance (no matter how credible and honest he is). The other half of the fault is the way the votes are counted...  As a fan or proportionality in democracy, I'm really opposed to the "winner takes all"  in a given county or state (same problem in the UK)... Where is the democracy in that?? How the f**k  is it possible that someone with 2M votes more than his opponent can lose.    ========================= Andy, outside the "TV star" thing, what do you have against Oprah?? is she corrupted??  
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: January 15 2018 at 05:07
^ The vote was pro-Trump, not anti-Hillary. That's the part people have a hard time accepting.
------------- "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." -- John F. Kennedy
Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: January 15 2018 at 06:31
Absolutely. Nobody puts baby in the corner!
------------- “The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”
- Douglas Adams
Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: January 15 2018 at 06:33
HackettFan wrote:
No. Bernie was my first choice. Hillary was my second choice. I would have thought less of him if he hadn't endorsed her. I never understood the Clinton hate on either side of the spectrum. |
Completely agree with this.
------------- ---------- i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag that's a happy bag of lettuce this car smells like cartilage nothing beats a good video about fractions
Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: January 15 2018 at 09:58
Atavachron wrote:
^ The vote was pro-Trump, not anti-Hillary. That's the part people have a hard time accepting.
Ooooh, I have no problem accepting that there is a vile minority that voted DDT, but there was an anti-Hillary vote abstention, when you consider that 6M possible democrat voters abstained (a lot of "ethnic" voters, mainly). It's usually the motivation in the democrat reservoir that usually makes the difference.
Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: January 15 2018 at 10:31
I've never felt betrayed by Bernie. I've only felt the Bern.
------------- This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.
Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: January 15 2018 at 10:57
Atavachron wrote:
It does seem to be the era of the Celebrident.
| As a tangent, my prediction for the next 3 GOP presidential candidates:
Ted Nugent Scott Baio Kirk Cameron
-------------" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp
Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: January 15 2018 at 12:28
No, because from a logistical standpoint it made sense for him to do that. I do think that he probably should have run as an independent in the first place though. But none of that really matters since the election was already decided thanks to the Russians.
Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: January 15 2018 at 12:31
HackettFan wrote:
No. Bernie was my first choice. Hillary was my second choice. I would have thought less of him if he hadn't endorsed her. I never understood the Clinton hate on either side of the spectrum. |
My thoughts exactly. Bernie was my first choice.
Posted By: Argo2112
Date Posted: January 15 2018 at 12:46
The thing I'm afraid of is it seems like the middle is dying, At least here in America. It feel like sane, reasonable candidates on both side are going to pushed aside by extremists & celebrities. It's turning in to some kind of crazy freak show circus.
Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: January 15 2018 at 15:41
Turning? I think we passed that marker a while ago. Or a year ago at least. Lol.
Posted By: Frenetic Zetetic
Date Posted: January 15 2018 at 17:36
I've always had little faith in the system, but it's hard not be cynical and think it's never going to get any better.
I don't trust nor think politicians are the answer civilization needs, but I also don't have another solution.
"I am so prog, I listen to concept albums on shuffle." -KMac2021
Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: January 17 2018 at 03:42
^^^ Sadly we need politicians in some shape or form to manage the show. It's just a shame that politicians are slaves to the human condition, which revolves around conflict and contest, and not the protection of our species or the wellbeing of humanity. IMO.
------------- Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!
Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: January 17 2018 at 09:07
No. The betrayal came when it was clear Orange Julius was going to win. Despite the fact I swallowed the bile and voted for her I was still attacked by more than one of her hardcore backers as being the reason she lost. Apparently I didn't vote for her hard enough.
And why the hell was I still getting campaign donation calls the day of the election? Absurd.
No, if you are going to feel betrayed, try to point it in the right direction. Perhaps at the head scratchers in rural 'merka that thought a misanthropic, foul mouthed, loophole abusing, genitalia assaulting, urban billionaire would have their best interest at heart.
-------------" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp
Posted By: Easy Money
Date Posted: January 17 2018 at 10:52
Bernie is fine, lets not divert from the real problem which is the racist, misogynist, fascist con artist; T Rump.
Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: June 10 2018 at 16:17
I feel betrayed by him because Bernie admitted back in July 2017 on MSNBC that he knew before anyone else that the Russians hacked the DNC but then he was silent about it and didn't tell his supporters about it. In that same interview he defended Don Jr.'s meeting with the Russians, After he did that he lost me as a supporter and I will never make the mistake of supporting him ever again. Bernie among other things he has done over the decades and years had Tad Devine in his campaign when Devine had ties to a Pro Putin Ukrainian President, He voted against sanctions on Russia, when he was Mayor of Burlington Vermont he provided funding for a Public Access TV Channel to air Pro-Castro and Pro-Sandinista films made by the Cuban and Nicaraguan Governments, He said positive things about Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, He praised Hugo Chavez, voted against the Amber Alert, He said he was excited to work with Donald Trump, and he kissed the asses of the NRA back in 1990 and got their support which part of why he got elected to the House of Representatives. These are the reasons why I refuse to support the man. Him and Trump are making politics that much worse.
------------- "Do not do to others as you don't want done to yourself."- Confucius
Posted By: JJLehto
Date Posted: June 10 2018 at 16:54
Nope, I do not. As a fan for years, early vocal supporter of his 16 campaign and a wisher that the movement he brought to the mainstream (Warren cracked it open first) continues to grow, no I do not feel betrayed.
The endorsement was sincerely such a non issue, anyone who says they no longer support Sanders simply because of that, imho, was never in it for the policies...they just wanted to be edgy/be in the alternative, hated Clinton, or were just pissed off kids that wanted to see the world burn in a way like the alt right. I can say most of the types I know of that nature seem to have faded...I never hear a peep from them. Leading me to believe I was right, they loved the guy, the feeling, the want to be different but not actually in it for real.
It was just an endorsement....of the candidate who won the nomination  And more so, (this gets to the larger point) he's a sensible guy. He wants more parties, like I do, but gets until we have that there is no hope running as an Independent. Much like Ron Paul/the libertarians accepting the only way is to go through the mainstream and push them (while taking compromises) Sanders gets the left must do the same. For what its worth, Ralph Nader defended his running as Dem and he'd know better than anyone that situation  But nah, its politics. Much fun as it is to run at the wall screaming "IM HARDCORE NO SELLOUT HERE" (I guess?) it will make no progress, you kill yourself in the process and people dismiss you as a loon. Gotta chip away.....
Posted By: JJLehto
Date Posted: June 10 2018 at 17:09
Tapfret wrote:
No. The betrayal came when it was clear Orange Julius was going to win. Despite the fact I swallowed the bile and voted for her I was still attacked by more than one of her hardcore backers as being the reason she lost. Apparently I didn't vote for her hard enough.
And why the hell was I still getting campaign donation calls the day of the election? Absurd.
No, if you are going to feel betrayed, try to point it in the right direction. Perhaps at the head scratchers in rural 'merka that thought a misanthropic, foul mouthed, loophole abusing, genitalia assaulting, urban billionaire would have their best interest at heart. |
Its true. There were awful Sanders fans, god where there ever, but overall I found Clinton people more insufferable. 1, 99 out of 100 never ever could give a concrete, policy/reason based reason to vote for her besides shes not Trump. Which I did, esp living in a state now where my vote really matters, but yeah it was just that, or "so smart. So experienced!" which is true and great, but idk so is John Kasich, doesnt mean he just gets a pass to be PotUS 2: The backlash I got from the people claiming "unity" and "stop destroying the party" was indeed hostile and continued well past the election and once in a blue moon I still see it. Again I voted for Clinton, in FL, and while it was generally futile I told Bernie friends of mine ya gotta it the bullet and do it too. So same, not sure what else I was supposed to do nor was I aware I cost her the election. Oh right Bernie's running that alone cost her! It ate away support and unity.
That one I found most ridiculous. That means we literally cant have primaries, or at least the party should just choose the candidates. Disturbingly, more than a few Dems told me that'd be fine.... Sheesh all so their candidate can win? That's some unity  If anything I feel more betrayed by the Democratic Party, which btw I have registered as since 2006 and vote Dem always (cept 2 times I deeply regret). I had one "friend" say I was killing the party. I told him he was the one that registered as a Repub and campaigned for Romney in 2012, he blocked me. WONDERFUL.
You are right, if Bernie fans should feel betrayed its by his fans in the rust belt that believed in Trump, as well as a media that actually was pretty generous to Trump, the Democratic Party, and yes really anyone that voted for Trump out of economic interest... How are we supposed to get past this dark time in the US and all his deep seeded anger and hostility when we, as progressives, are hung up on some endorsement that means nothing or hes getting cozy with Dems, who are slowly migrating his way and being filled at the grassroots levels with people not scared to be called socialists.
Posted By: Jonathan
Date Posted: June 18 2018 at 16:52
Argo2112 wrote:
The thing I'm afraid of is it seems like the middle is dying, At least here in America. It feel like sane, reasonable candidates on both side are going to pushed aside by extremists & celebrities. It's turning in to some kind of crazy freak show circus. | I completely agree with you, Ever since Trump and Sanders started their campaigns it has caused politics here in America to get far far worse. I may be a Moderate Democrat that isn't a fan of Obama or Hillary but at least they were less divisive than Trump or Sanders.
------------- "Do not do to others as you don't want done to yourself."- Confucius
Posted By: King Crimson776
Date Posted: September 11 2018 at 05:29
Jonathan wrote:
Argo2112 wrote:
The thing I'm afraid of is it seems like the middle is dying, At least here in America. It feel like sane, reasonable candidates on both side are going to pushed aside by extremists & celebrities. It's turning in to some kind of crazy freak show circus. | I completely agree with you, Ever since Trump and Sanders started their campaigns it has caused politics here in America to get far far worse. I may be a Moderate Democrat that isn't a fan of Obama or Hillary but at least they were less divisive than Trump or Sanders. |
I'm fine with "divisive" if unity means being a neocon/neolib warhawk.
Trump and Sanders were both at least anti-war to some degree, although Bernie went right along with Hillary and the rest in taking out Gaddafi.
Posted By: Easy Money
Date Posted: September 11 2018 at 10:06
^ trump wanted to use our military to overthrow the government in Venezuala, thats not what I would call anti-war.
Posted By: King Crimson776
Date Posted: September 12 2018 at 02:04
Easy Money wrote:
^ trump wanted to use our military to overthrow the government in Venezuala, thats not what I would call anti-war. |
Apparently he said he wouldn't rule it out if the situation worsens there.
This won't happen though. Trump tends to put out aggressive rhetoric as a strategy. He has resisted the deep state plan to take out Assad, despite also having very aggressive rhetoric against him. I have to give him some credit for this.
Same thing with North Korea. But no, now the warhawk neoliberal media says he is meeting with a dictator and we should never do this. This is total crap. Diplomacy is almost always the best option.
Posted By: Easy Money
Date Posted: September 12 2018 at 11:41
^ There is nothing wrong with meeting with a dictator, but the problem is sending a naive under experienced fool like trump is a problem. Keep in mind trump is stupid enough to take someone like Putin's word as fact. I don't think there is anyone else in the world that has been stupid enough to say that. Now you could send someone tough and experienced, such as James Mattis, to talk to the blood thirsty dictator and you might actually get meaningful results.