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Quatermass (Bluegaloo/Broken chords/Scales(Live))

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Topic: Quatermass (Bluegaloo/Broken chords/Scales(Live))
Posted By: Garga Roshava
Subject: Quatermass (Bluegaloo/Broken chords/Scales(Live))
Date Posted: September 03 2017 at 03:12
Sorry for the long text in advance.
There is something strange going on here. In the 2013 Expanded Edition of the Quatermass album there is a previously unreleased medley of songs (Bluegaloo/Broken chords/Scales). Discogs and other such sites say it's a live recording from 1974 and that it is indeed written by members of the band (J. Gustafson and P. Robinson), but all available sources say that Quatermass disbanded in early 1971. I can not find any records of them getting back together for almost 30 years, when Mick Underwood decided to continue on their legacy (unsuccessfully in my opinion) with Quatermass II (1997), so how is it possible for them to have played in 1974? Any information would be deeply appreciated, for this dilemma has been bugging me for a while... :D
I'm uploading it via Google Drive, for the full version isn't on Youtube and other such sites.

Posted By: presdoug
Date Posted: September 03 2017 at 07:03
I read an interview with John Gustafson on the net, and he does mention a tour in the US in 1974 of a revamped Quatermass. They did play live at that time, though I think they were more than a trio this time around. I will hunt for the interview.

Posted By: presdoug
Date Posted: September 03 2017 at 07:05
Found it!

Posted By: Garga Roshava
Date Posted: September 04 2017 at 16:41
Thank you man! I appreciate the attention. Really helped me out a lot! Big smile

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