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jethro tull (under wraps)

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Topic: jethro tull (under wraps)
Posted By: grantman
Subject: jethro tull (under wraps)
Date Posted: September 01 2017 at 16:01
i really feel this is truly one of worst record by tull but not because of the experimentation, with drum machines and keyboards it because most of the songs lack form or were just mixed without any common threads like solos, or i barely hear the flutes which in general makes me listen to tull hey this just not everyone's cup of tea, because being a huge fan ,i mean almost every album the bar is high and this really misses it by a mile for me, but for others could be different, i suggest give it a listen because i am a formula kinda guy .i know works and what does not for me . I still do find at least 3 songs that remind me why i first choose the record in the first place LAP OF LUXURY UNDER WRAPS #2 and the one i enjoyed the most PAPARAZZI the rest i just don,t get it . any other opinions please ! thank you for reading

Posted By: dr prog
Date Posted: September 01 2017 at 18:29
Radio Free Moscow craps on Lap of luxury

All I like is prog related bands beginning late 60's/early 70's. Their music from 1968 - 83 has the composition and sound which will never be beaten. Perfect blend of jazz, classical, folk and rock.

Posted By: Kepler62
Date Posted: September 05 2017 at 03:33
The previous album "A" was no masterpiece. This was Martin Barre's favourite JT album up to that point or so he said in an interview once.. It certainly was an experiment but hey it was the eighties. I like the cold war themes and spy sh*t I listen to it every now and then. Didn't get good reviews when it came out but I saw them on that tour and the whole tour was sold out  fast. So I wouldn't call it their worst album by any stretch. I only have a vinyl copy but I think it might have been fixed up a bit on CD.or at least I remember Anderson saying that he wanted to overdub a real drummer on some tracks. Doane Perry was the drummer on the tour. 

Posted By: Cosmiclawnmower
Date Posted: September 05 2017 at 15:17
Along with Ian Anderson's 'Walk into Light' it was Ian's solo ideas (as was 'A').. The Tull brand could carry it through live but it was fairly inevitable that they had to create 'Broadsword' to try and appeal to their core audience (I saw them at Nostell Priory 82 along with Marillion opening the day) but they went downhill for a couple of years commercially (saw them supporting Marillion at 'welcome to the garden party' at Milton Keynes bowl 1986) before the (fairly awful IMHO) 'Crest of a Knave' which at least re-ignited their financial fortunes and their profile.


Posted By: hegelec
Date Posted: September 07 2017 at 20:22
walk into light is the best thing Ian made in the 80's imho. It's a shockingly acceptable record. right before his voice crumbled. he clearly saved up all of his best song ideas for this one, and Vettese's production has a glossy electronic futurism that Tull just failed to capture on their own records of this era (because Ian was unwilling to go full tilt and ditch the rawk completely on those records).

My takeaway track from under wraps is the 2nd title track. also jack frost and the hooded crow which was recorded around the same time is an Xmas fav.

edit: turns out jack frost was recorded even earlier than I realised. oh well. I still enjoy it.


Posted By: Gully Foyle
Date Posted: September 12 2017 at 08:19
I have to disagree, I think UW is a strong Tull release.  Whilst I dodge brickbats, I'll mention why

Frankly, to my ears Tull slid badly after brittle dick died, and Stormwatch, A, and Broadsword are subpar.  A radical shakeup can be a good thing, so they gave it a go.  Different, absolutely.  But no more different that My Sunday Feeling to something like TAAB, or almost anything on SFTW.

They swung for the fences, and created a cool, cold war, eurotechnic, exploration.  Some didnt like it.  Mick Abrahams didnt like non-blues Tull.  Striving to push beyond is always risky, but I prefer risk.  The Crest of a Knave attempt to go backwards was just kind of boring.  

In my book, Tull really kicks off with Stand Up, and runs pretty strong through Horses, then falls apart, tries to get back up, accepts that the glory days are past, and then milks it.  Wish they had packed it in after Wraps.

I saw Martin live a year or so ago, was quite lovely.  1000's of times better than whatever Ian is flogging.

Arguably one of my top 2-3 bands all time, but wish alot of their history was not there.  I just pretend it isnt!

Posted By: Rednight
Date Posted: September 12 2017 at 09:08
It should have been kept under wraps. I mean, talk about a career killer, among others.

"It just has none of the qualities of your work that I find interesting. Abandon [?] it." - Eno

Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: September 12 2017 at 09:20
It's the synthesized drums that really kill this album. Ian likes to say that he was rolling with the times but the truth is his long running feuds with his drummers, particularly Barlow, who he always felt were over playing and show boating. The cure? Digital drums.

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Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: September 12 2017 at 10:48
I agree. Interesting albums with crappie drums. Could have been a great album with more original drums even if programmed


Posted By: Cosmiclawnmower
Date Posted: September 12 2017 at 13:47
Originally posted by Gully Foyle Gully Foyle wrote:

I saw Martin live a year or so ago, was quite lovely.  1000's of times better than whatever Ian is flogging.

Likewise and personally I have to agree.


Posted By: ProfPanglos
Date Posted: September 18 2017 at 13:08
I personally like Under Wraps.  I think it has several strong tracks.  That being said, I'm an amateur synthesizer player/electronic music composer, so I enjoy the synth work, even though it's a bit quirky.  Is it a great Tull album?  No.   

Posted By: Boojieboy
Date Posted: September 19 2017 at 21:10
Ha, Under Wraps is where I stopped buying each Tull album that came out. I guess I caught wind of it beforehand, and never bought it. In all fairness though, I can't say anything bad about it because I'm not familiar with it.

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