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What was the last protest march...

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Topic: What was the last protest march...
Posted By: condor
Subject: What was the last protest march...
Date Posted: August 28 2017 at 18:09
you went on?

I haven't been on one for years.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: August 28 2017 at 18:16
Politics has become so strange, so mismatched, confused and polyhedric, that I barely know who's fighting for what.   Anarchists?  Young Republicans?  Students for Justice?  Aryan Brotherhood?   They all seem to want their brand of 'freedom'.

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy

Posted By: TeleStrat
Date Posted: August 28 2017 at 21:44
In 1972 my friends dragged me to an anti-war demonstration in Century City where Nixon was holding a fund raiser. I didn't support the anti-war movement but I had a strong dislike for Nixon so I went.
That was the first and the last demonstration I attended.

Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: August 28 2017 at 23:55
I yearly find some parole on Labour Day ( the 1st of May) which is a holyday in Norway to march, for various ideal anf political caused. I also find time during the International Womans day (March the 8th) not that regular vut stil worth marching for. Alwayd remeind myself about causes which liberates gender roles which seems silly in 2017. I might also mark and even march during International Psychiatric Health Day (Octorber 10th). For various cauuses related to mental health.


Posted By: Mascodagama
Date Posted: August 29 2017 at 01:14
Either anti-Poll Tax or 'grants not loans'. Yeah, I was a student in the late eighties.

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Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: August 29 2017 at 02:26
March against the Iraq war in 2003. Fat lot of f**king good that did!

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: August 29 2017 at 02:41
A demonstration against cruise missiles in The Hague on 29 October 1983. It is not my habit to attend any demonstration because I dislike crowds (it was the only march I ever attended), but a friend of mine wanted me to accompany him on what has been the greatest demonstration ever held in the Netherlands even to this day (c. 550000 attendants).


Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: August 29 2017 at 03:20
Originally posted by someone_else someone_else wrote:

A demonstration against cruise missiles in The Hague on 29 October 1983. It is not my habit to attend any demonstration because I dislike crowds (it was the only march I ever attended), but a friend of mine wanted me to accompany him on what has been the greatest demonstration ever held in the Netherlands even to this day (c. 550000 attendants).

I was a CND member as a young teeenager and use to go on local rallies. There wee some pretty big marches here in the UK against cruise missiles. Hundrends of women held a 'sit in' at Greenham Common in Berkshire where the UK batch of misslies were going to be kept. They were eventually forcibly evicted from the site.

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

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