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Match worked tobacco tins.

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Topic: Match worked tobacco tins.
Posted By: scruffydragon
Subject: Match worked tobacco tins.
Date Posted: August 28 2017 at 11:26
These were tobacco tins which were covered in matchsticks or veneered woods. Usually they were heavily decorated with pictures of Motorbikes, hells angel chapter symbols or similar, naked lady's with coiling serpent or dragon, dolphins, tigers amongst other designs. These designs were often inked by hand or applied by making home made transfers.
In the early - late 80's I spent a bit of time repairing tins for some rather rough looking but fascinating people I used to meet in our local pubs until I started to make my own.
But the history and where the craft/art form came from has always been a bit of a mystery. It has been suggested it was more to do with prison life, these tins helped to break up the boredom in cells and the materials were easy to obtain. Another theory is that they were apart of the late 60's early 70's counter culture that grew up alongside Psychedelic and later harder edged forms of rock. Either way I have not been able to trace the origins of the Match worked tobacco tins back any further.
I also assume that the early tins I have seen were all from the UK.I have not seen or heard of any other examples from anywhere else in the world.
If anybody could give me any information on this craft form no matter how little I would be very grateful. I am hoping eventually to form a web site dedicated to the these tins but Until I know more about them and their hidden history it will not be possible.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: August 28 2017 at 18:22
pictures might help

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy

Posted By: scruffydragon
Date Posted: August 29 2017 at 00:57
I will try to put an image of a tin on here. It's a real pain using a third party site to upload. Here goes........
Looking at the subject matter I would say this tin could date from the 80's.

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