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Seriously, rate-bots are screwing stuff up.

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Printed Date: March 02 2025 at 19:38
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Topic: Seriously, rate-bots are screwing stuff up.
Posted By: Luqueasaur
Subject: Seriously, rate-bots are screwing stuff up.
Date Posted: July 08 2017 at 10:03
I don't see the point of putting CAPTCHA for people who make reviews - bots writing reviews would be SO easy to observe and catch - or people who post comment on the forums - maybe this one is more legitimate - while NOT requiring a Captcha for ratings. SERIOUSLY. If you look at any album, you'll see plenty of rate bots. People who have rated entire discographies of over 1000 artists the same rating. Just look at any sh*tty album, click on 'view all ratings', and check the five-stars ratings: odds are it's a ratebot. And it's everywhere, even on an obscure album I like.

I think letting those spambot exist is highly unfair. People listen to album to give a fair rating only so those mechanized things go on and screw things up? If we can't trust the ratings, what is the point of this site? My suggestion to fix that is simple: Captcha ratings. Done.

Please, admin, mod, someone, please do something to stop those rating-bots. They're by far a bigger nuisance and threat than review-bots or comment-spam-bots ever will.

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