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Tehran attack: if they ever welcome RIP messages

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Topic: Tehran attack: if they ever welcome RIP messages
Posted By: jayem
Subject: Tehran attack: if they ever welcome RIP messages
Date Posted: June 09 2017 at 17:24
Being a victim for at least 35% Iranians is considered martyrdom. They're meant to have faith and thus could take pride in not granting value to our RIP messages, since all non (acknowledged) muslims would be called infidels... SO... May all those who need get my RIP message !

Iran is a very important actor in current history. The Internet and medias allow us to feel closer to Iranians (not only those who can't back up much of their government's policies but also hardliners, and in the parliament there must be many –  provided we get beyond the thought they're being indoctrinated lemmings) so I dare post this.

To whomever needs : Hug

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Posted By: ExittheLemming
Date Posted: June 10 2017 at 22:52
Originally posted by jayem jayem wrote:

Being a victim for at least 35% Iranians is considered martyrdom. They're meant to have faith and thus could take pride in not granting value to our RIP messages, since all non (acknowledged) muslims would be called infidels... SO... May all those who need get my RIP message !

Iran is a very important actor in current history. The Internet and medias allow us to feel closer to Iranians (not only those who can't back up much of their government's policies but also hardliners, and in the parliament there must be many –  provided we get beyond the thought they're being indoctrinated lemmings) so I dare post this.

To whomever needs : Hug

I think I may have misunderstood your post?. Yes, we recognise that Iranian society has a historical 'cult of martyrdom' but why are you effectively apologising for sending good thoughts to those Iranians who have lost loved ones in two terrorist attacks for which ISIS have claimed responsibility?

(and lay off the 'lemming' metaphors thankyou very much, we've never done anyone any harmWink)


Posted By: jayem
Date Posted: June 11 2017 at 10:27
After reading your comment I decide to make apologies, but not to Iranians – since I'd precisely typed my message so as to prevent any reason for having to make any to them – but to anyone for not decorating the lemmings word with quotation marks, thus helping support the lemming legend.

NB: No tribute meant to boorish people who'd throw lemmings down a cliff in order to create a legend.

On doing no harm: I've read on Twitter from a young pro IRGC "hardliner" who's convinced that his fighting brothers have done no harm to "innocents" (he thinks IRGC fights "satans" ) because, he said, it's haram ! A guy tried to persuade him that at least losses of control and collateral damages here and there are inevitable, to which comment Mr Young Hardliner remained silent. Does silence mean default disdain to anyone he can't persuade, or embarrassment, is what I'd like to know...

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Posted By: ExittheLemming
Date Posted: June 11 2017 at 13:40
Originally posted by jayem jayem wrote:

After reading your comment I decide to make apologies, but not to Iranians – since I'd precisely typed my message so as to prevent any reason for having to make any to them – but to anyone for not decorating the lemmings word with quotation marks, thus helping support the lemming legend.

NB: No tribute meant to boorish people who'd throw lemmings down a cliff in order to create a legend.

On doing no harm: I've read on Twitter from a young pro IRGC harliner who's persuaded that his fighting brothers have done no harm to "innocents" (he thinks IRGC fights "satans" ) because, he said, it's haram ! A guy tried to persuade him that at least losses of control and collateral damages here and there are inevitable, to which comment Mr Young Hardliner remained silent. Does silence mean default disdain to anyone he can't persuade, or embarrassment, is what I'd like to know...

OK, I have misunderstood both your posts now but I suspect that English is not your first language? Please accept my own good thoughts for the future. Confused


Posted By: jayem
Date Posted: June 11 2017 at 14:18
Originally posted by ExittheLemming ExittheLemming wrote:

OK, I have misunderstood both your posts now but I suspect that English is not your first language?

It isn't... I've edited my last post.

Due to conflicting cultures between the West and Iran, I expect that an RIP message from a Westerner to Iranians won't be felt the same as an RIP message from an Iranian to antother Iranian. 
In my first message I wanted to make sure my RIP message was holding cultural differences into account.

I apologize for not adding quotation marks to the "lemming" word because reading that word without quotation marks feels like I help support the famous lemming story.

Let's see if it makes sense to anyone now (and thanks for your time).

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