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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: Gong
Posted By: scumflesh
Subject: Gong
Date Posted: May 06 2017 at 08:43
I was surprised there was no topic about the french band GONG,
so I create one (Perhaps their music was too psychedelic to really fit the "prog" sticker?)

From the first crazy albums, to the more "regular" following ones,
they recorded some very good things!

Here's a live recording with very good sound,
from the middle of their career as I see it (Not really an expert, even if they're from my country)


Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: May 06 2017 at 08:56
Definitely no shortage of Gong-ladites amongst us, Scumflesh!

Any chance you've heard the most recent (ahem!) `Gong' work `Rejoice! I'm Dead!' with the "younger" members, given Allen's blessing to carry on with the name? It's pretty fine, just a great psych/space/Canterbury album in its own right, although I don't dig it quite as much as Allen and Smyth's final Gong disc `I See You' (which had many of the same players on it). Apparently they're terrific live, though, but I don't imagine we'll get to see them down here in Australia any time soon!

Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: May 06 2017 at 09:55
Big Gong fan, generally think of them as a bunch of different bands as their evolution is all over the map. Certainly don'y think of them as French as they are much more multinational. The classic Daevid Allen line-up created a bunch of great albums then Pierre Moerlen's version is good in its own right. They've certainly had a rebirth with the last Daevid album, I See You, which is very good. The new one is very good and the line-up has Daevid's blessing but it sounds a bit more like a Kavus Torabi band than Gong. Will see them at RIO in Sept so will be able to assess better there.


Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: May 06 2017 at 10:31
yeah man... I'd go as far as to say Gong is one of the most beloved bands on the website. I mean seriously.. who DOESN'T like them some Gong.

Outside perhaps of the limpdicked Neo-prog crew LOL

Posted By: scumflesh
Date Posted: May 06 2017 at 10:59
Originally posted by Aussie-Byrd-Brother Aussie-Byrd-Brother wrote:

Definitely no shortage of Gong-ladites amongst us, Scumflesh!

Any chance you've heard the most recent (ahem!) `Gong' work `Rejoice! I'm Dead!' with the "younger" members, given Allen's blessing to carry on with the name? It's pretty fine, just a great psych/space/Canterbury album in its own right, although I don't dig it quite as much as Allen and Smyth's final Gong disc `I See You' (which had many of the same players on it). Apparently they're terrific live, though, but I don't imagine we'll get to see them down here in Australia any time soon!

Aaah, cool to see some peoples like them in here :)

No I didn't hear the new albums.
I mostly like the old stuffs, and I'm not sure if the new one would pleasme that much.
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Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: May 06 2017 at 11:25
There are lots of Gong lovers here, I'm also one. It has pretty wide appeal, and have known a number of Neo-Prog fans who like Gong (even if Caravan is more popular).

There have been many topics on Gong, especially in Prog polls, and we have had appreciation threads, but finding them can take some practice with the search function. Use advanced search, and fill in the fields correctly. For instance, the default setting is six months, so one should set it to "Any Date" for more results. EDIT: neglected to mention that I was referring to the advanced search option.

I used to be all about the Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy, especially You, but love lots of Gong now. I was listening to Shamal just the other day and loving it.

I like the new stuff as well as the old, but I don't have most Gong albums.

Posted By: Thatfabulousalien
Date Posted: May 06 2017 at 15:22
Yes, I'm a huge fan

Classical music isn't dead, it's more alive than it's ever been. It's just not on MTV.

Posted By: Cosmiclawnmower
Date Posted: May 06 2017 at 16:35
Over the years ive seen Gong in lots of forms, variations and line ups including last summer with Kavus Torabi who played most of Camembert Electrique! Other notable times include Mother Gong with Gilli Symth at Glastonbury 81 and in a small tent in a field in North Devon supporting Hawkwind the same year and the reunion Gong with Steve Hillage 2009 and Pierre Moerlin's Gong in the late 70's. Sadly i'm just a bit too young to catch them in the early 70's but the flying teapot trilogy is just the tops!!! the last full lp with Daevid Allen, 2032, is excellent too!.. and floating Anarchy 1977 with Here & Now is also great, if a bit raw recording wise. In short, one of the best, most joyus, most humourous and most sincere bands to come out of the psychedlic undergroundSmileThumbs Up


Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: May 07 2017 at 05:28

I'm not sure that things can continue rightly ... with Daevid and Gilly gone, I tend to think that the sould of the whole thing is mostly gone, but there are some great things out there. On the Nik Turner Fusion album there is a piece that Stiv does a solo on, and you can tell that this is a tribute to GONG ... it is really special and sad, and beautiful, and uplifting at the same time. No lyrics required!

Other than that, this is a glorious memory for me to live out my days with ... some of the nicest and most influential people I have ever met!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: heavydrum
Date Posted: May 07 2017 at 12:26
i've just seen them a couple of weeks ago at roadburn in tilburg, i didn't expect such an intense concert, it was really great, a lot of energy and the wonder of gong music.
love the classic albums, especially "flying teapot". as a drummer i've always loved pierre moerlen's work behind the kit, fresh, organic and damn groovy.
and, of course, there can never be enough praising of what a genius daevid allen has been, may he rest in peace.

Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: May 11 2017 at 01:16
I just received the 2LP version of Rejoice ! I'm Dead.
I think the current ensemble has done Daevid & Gilli's legacy justice. They would be very proud of this new work. I was (initially) sceptical, though as soon as the Gliss kicked in, I knew I was in for an adventure.
Hats off to the new crew

Posted By: hieronymous
Date Posted: May 11 2017 at 09:47
I discovered Gong in the early 2000s - it was like "where has this band been my whole life?!!!" My personal favorite albums are You, Camembert Electrique, Flying Teapot & Gazeuse! (Expresso in the US, the one with Allan Holdsworth). 2032 is good too, though I don't listen to it much. 

I was very fortunate to see Daevid Allen and Gilli Smith perform once, with Acid Mothers Gong in Osaka. I can actually say that I have seen Daevid Allen naked! It may not be such a big deal, apparently he was ready to shed his clothing at a moment's notice, which he did to open the show - something about helping uptight Japanese people shed their inhibitions. Not sure if it worked but it was a good show - Tatsuya Yoshida of RUINS was on drums! 

Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: May 11 2017 at 10:31
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:


I'm not sure that things can continue rightly ... with Daevid and Gilly gone, I tend to think that the sould of the whole thing is mostly gone, but there are some great things out there. On the Nik Turner Fusion album there is a piece that Stiv does a solo on, and you can tell that this is a tribute to GONG ... it is really special and sad, and beautiful, and uplifting at the same time. No lyrics required!

Other than that, this is a glorious memory for me to live out my days with ... some of the nicest and most influential people I have ever met!

Talking about Gong and Nik Turner reminds me of Nik Turner's first solo album "Xitintoday". Half of Gong play on this album (Tim Blake, Mike Howlett, Steve Hillage, Miquette Giraudy) plus Harry Williamson, the co-founder of Mother Gong. Great album; any fan of space rock should love it. Here a YouTube link:


BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.

Posted By: verslibre
Date Posted: May 11 2017 at 11:34
Thanks for posting that, BaldFriede. I hadn't heard that one.

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Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: May 11 2017 at 11:41

Gong to me, is about ... 

"... welcome magick brothers and mystic sisters ... " in the one album of theirs I love blasting on my earphones the most ... with the perfect "beat poetry" title ... "Floating Anarchy".

No one else, has even come close to the ability and beauty of that moment, and how it was said ... it may have sounded sensuous, but it was much more powerful than just that ... the same could be said for the band, although when I mentioned that to Gilly, she smiled, looked at me ... and said quietly ... thank you!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: May 11 2017 at 13:25
Originally posted by hieronymous hieronymous wrote:

I discovered Gong in the early 2000s - it was like "where has this band been my whole life?!!!" My personal favorite albums are You, Camembert Electrique, Flying Teapot & Gazeuse! (Expresso in the US, the one with Allan Holdsworth). 2032 is good too, though I don't listen to it much. 

I was very fortunate to see Daevid Allen and Gilli Smith perform once, with Acid Mothers Gong in Osaka. I can actually say that I have seen Daevid Allen naked! It may not be such a big deal, apparently he was ready to shed his clothing at a moment's notice, which he did to open the show - something about helping uptight Japanese people shed their inhibitions. Not sure if it worked but it was a good show - Tatsuya Yoshida of RUINS was on drums! 

If you dig the Radio Gnome Invisible trilogy then be sure to pick up Gong's swansong I See You. It is such a powerful album.
I also love Daevid's last solo effort with his Weird Quartet called Elevenses. Comes highly recommended to Gong fans.

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

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