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What albums did you listen to today?...continued

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Topic: What albums did you listen to today?...continued
Posted By: Sagichim
Subject: What albums did you listen to today?...continued
Date Posted: July 30 2016 at 08:04
Ok so the last thread have passed the 500 pages, so here's the new and improved thread of which we can go on and on about the music we like so much.

For me not a vast selection:

The Winstons (three times really, this is just outstanding!)
Mike Oldfield - Hegest Ridge

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: July 30 2016 at 08:10
Thanks buddy
Oh and just so folks can better differentiate between the two threads, it'd be cool if you could edit the title a tad; maybe call it Sagi's best buns or the slightly more unadventurous: part two.

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: ALotOfBottle
Date Posted: July 30 2016 at 12:50
I'll kick this one off.
Christian Vander/Magma - Tristan et Iseult (aka Wurdah Itah).
Zeuhl, zeuhl, zeuhl... Really loving this genre recently! This one is quite a bit different from most Magma album, but no less enjoyable. I really like the vocalisation on this album as well as the use of grand piano. In addition, I also read a pretty big interview with Christian Vander today (The Wire Issue 381 November 2015, my dad has all issues of The Wire) and I must admitt - he is just such an interesting figure! Probably not someone most would love to deal with, but he is really a unique character. Highly recommended - both the article and the album!
Peter Fromhader/Nekropolis - Cultes des Goules, The Ballet of Death. Woah! This is quite a discovery to me! Peter Fromhader is probably rather unknown around these parts, for instance this album has no reviews (only ratings) and I'll be more than happy to pave the way for other reviewers. Anyway, to the album. This is such an outstanding work of art! Fromhader creates an incredibly dark, ominous, unsettling trip! It is sort of zeuhl-type-of-dark in my opinion, but most of the music could get the title of "dark ambient." This is nothing short of a masterpiece! Something to be experienced. Check it out, guys!
Michael Hoenig - Departure From the Northern Wasteland. Even better! After looking for my "perfect" Berlin School album for a few weeks now, I think I've found it. This music cannot be really put to words. This takes all of the best elements of Klaus Schulze, Tangerine Dream, and Ashra, mixes them in a blender, and the result is the tastiest possible sauce one could imagine! Ever! Sometimes you're in a great mood and when you pair it with incredible music, you nearly feel as if you were a part of the sonic landscape it creates. See me there? Or is there something wrong wth me? Anyway, if this album was a woman, I'd never ever get my eyes off it.
Ga'an - Black Equus. Sometimes you've got to catch up with some newer releases, huh? Ga'an are an excellent modern zeuhl band from Chicago. Their style really appeals to me, I really like that symphonic thing that's going on there. The female vocals from Lindsay Powell are beautiful and, from what I've seen on Google, so is she. These guys really know what they are doing and they've really got feeling for the classic zeuhl sound without being a clone of any of zeuhl bands. Very nice!
Amon Duul II - Tanz Der Lemminge. I remembered this album as a very enjoyable experience, yet not very distinctly. Naturally, I had to come back to it. And man, it's so good! I like how it's incredibly consistent, yet has a great variety and diveristy, truly making it a psychedelic journey! However, it is differnt sort of psychedelic than Yeti - here, Amon Duul II's sound is much more refined, I think. Ein kosmische Klassiker! Ich liebe es!

You know how sometimes you just wake up in perfect mood and music just tastes incredibly good? Everything about it is just so exceptionally enjoyable, it flows right through you. Something inexplicably "clicks", you can feel this incredible chemistry? It's rare for me, but today was one of those days! Man, I love music! Smile

Posted By: aglasshouse
Date Posted: July 30 2016 at 14:28
Originally posted by Sagichim Sagichim wrote:

Mike Oldfield - Hegest Ridge
I'm curious to how that was. Is it in any way similar to Bells?


Posted By: Sagichim
Date Posted: July 30 2016 at 15:21
Originally posted by aglasshouse aglasshouse wrote:

Originally posted by Sagichim Sagichim wrote:

Mike Oldfield - Hegest Ridge
I'm curious to how that was. Is it in any way similar to Bells?
Well it is but it's also not. It is in the way that they are both epics (and that is true about all his 70's albums) long epics that evolves from one idea to the next, exploring and playing around every motif, using alot of both acoustic and electric guitars and of course no drums! you'll definitely recognize right away it is Oldfield, so yeah it is pretty similar in that sense. But of course this is a different product with new ideas (Duhh) I for example am not a big fan of Bells, I like this album much better, it is a bit richer imo and has a better or should I say a more pleasant sound, but this is maybe because it is more symphonic.

But if you're interested in Oldfield definitely check out Ommadawn, it is simply beautiful beyond any measure, a masterpiece imo Approve

Posted By: Finnforest
Date Posted: July 30 2016 at 15:26
Originally posted by aglasshouse aglasshouse wrote:

Originally posted by Sagichim Sagichim wrote:

Mike Oldfield - Hegest Ridge
I'm curious to how that was. Is it in any way similar to Bells?

I concur with Sagi.  Hergest Ridge is better than Tubular Bells.  And Ommadawn is great also, probably his most accessible recording of those early ones. 

...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: July 30 2016 at 16:36
I also prefer Hergest Ridge these days, although it took me some spins to start appreciating it, especially because of the wall of sound on the second half.

An eclectic selection to start this thread Smile
Big Red Panda - s/t
Tangerine Dream - Tangram
Locanda Delle Fate - Forse le Lucciole...

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: July 30 2016 at 16:40
Originally posted by Meltdowner Meltdowner wrote:

Locanda Delle Fate - Forse le Lucciole...

Uh oh....

Hope you went and rolled around in the dirt afterwards, Sam!

I still can't make it through more than half that album....too sweet, it would actually make a fine soundtrack to that `Candy Crush' game!

OK, I'm overreacting and being snarky, but you know what I mean!

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: July 30 2016 at 16:53
I listened to the first side of Tai Phong's debut yesterday and I was so full of it. This one is much less sweet.

I watched Indiana Jones' second movie afterwards, does it count as rolling in the dirt? :P

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: July 30 2016 at 16:59
Didn't like `Temple of Doom'?!

Heh, a lot of people would replace that with `Kingdom of the Crystal Skull', but even that isn't nearly as bad as a lot of people seem to think!

Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: July 30 2016 at 17:11
Originally posted by Meltdowner Meltdowner wrote:

I listened to the first side of Tai Phong's debut yesterday and I was so full of it. This one is much less sweet.

I haven't spun my record of this for at least 12 years........BUT, I love that Locanda Delle Fate album.......

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: July 30 2016 at 17:28
That Locanda Delle Fate album is just one I can barely get through, Tom, I'm so sick of it after about the third track. It's too damn pretty and swooning - ALL THE TIME!

I think I could name dozens of Italian discs I'd place ahead of it.

How did you go with Greg Walker's latest update, mate? Any titles got your interest?

If you don't already have it, there's a cool Italian disc called `MO.DO - LA SCIMMIA SULLA SCHIENA DEL RE' on the LP section available, I'd highly recommend that one!

Also, there's a modern Zeuhl album called `RHÙN - FANFARE DU CHAOS (WHITE VINYL) (HAND-NUMBERED EDITION OF 300) (SOLEIL ZEUHL) $30' that you should absolutely snap up. It's a dark one, and quite short, but it delivers the goods. I remember Sagi and I both overdosing on it when it came out a few years back. I also recall a friend listening to it and she said `Man, I get such a bad feeling from that album, it really digs at your skin'!

Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: July 30 2016 at 19:07
^ Yep !! I have several titles in mind, that Rhun being the very first where I wet my pants
- Algarnas Tradgard being another I've been searching for several years.......
Curious about that Tusmorke album and the Nemrud.....

Posted By: Ozark Soundscape
Date Posted: July 31 2016 at 00:11
Elvis Costello and the Attractions - "Imperial Bedroom"
Patti Smith - "Horses"
Dain Bramage - "I Scream Not Coming Down"
Patti Smith - "Banga"
Public Image Ltd. - "First Issue"

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: July 31 2016 at 04:10
Originally posted by Aussie-Byrd-Brother Aussie-Byrd-Brother wrote:

Didn't like `Temple of Doom'?!

Heh, a lot of people would replace that with `Kingdom of the Crystal Skull', but even that isn't nearly as bad as a lot of people seem to think!
Of course I liked it Smile I didn't say it with that intention but in literal sense, since Indy rolls in the dirt Tongue

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: July 31 2016 at 04:34
Nice save, buddy!

Posted By: King Only
Date Posted: July 31 2016 at 10:00
This Heat - Deceit.
Talking Heads - The Name Of This Band Is Talking Heads (CD2: Live 1980-1981).
Soundgarden - Down On The Upside.
Kangding Ray - OR.
Cocteau Twins - BBC Sessions (CD2: 1983- 1996).
Clock DVA - Horology 2 (Radiophonic Dvations 2 disc).
Pink Floyd - The Endless River.

Posted By: King Only
Date Posted: July 31 2016 at 10:06
Originally posted by ALotOfBottle ALotOfBottle wrote:

Michael Hoenig - Departure From the Northern Wasteland. Even better! After looking for my "perfect" Berlin School album for a few weeks now, I think I've found it. This music cannot be really put to words. This takes all of the best elements of Klaus Schulze, Tangerine Dream, and Ashra, mixes them in a blender, and the result is the tastiest possible sauce one could imagine! Ever! Sometimes you're in a great mood and when you pair it with incredible music, you nearly feel as if you were a part of the sonic landscape it creates.

Yeah, this album is really good, I love it. It's a pity he never made any other albums like this. His album Early Water (with Manuel Gottsching) is okay but very unfocused. And his later albums and soundtracks have a very eighties digital sound.

Posted By: ALotOfBottle
Date Posted: July 31 2016 at 10:25
Originally posted by King Only King Only wrote:

Originally posted by ALotOfBottle ALotOfBottle wrote:

Michael Hoenig - Departure From the Northern Wasteland. Even better! After looking for my "perfect" Berlin School album for a few weeks now, I think I've found it. This music cannot be really put to words. This takes all of the best elements of Klaus Schulze, Tangerine Dream, and Ashra, mixes them in a blender, and the result is the tastiest possible sauce one could imagine! Ever! Sometimes you're in a great mood and when you pair it with incredible music, you nearly feel as if you were a part of the sonic landscape it creates.

Yeah, this album is really good, I love it. It's a pity he never made any other albums like this. His album Early Water (with Manuel Gottsching) is okay but very unfocused. And his later albums and soundtracks have a very eighties digital sound.

Interesting. I liked this one especially because it did not have that digital sound. Everything sounded extremely organic, glassy, smooth, spacious, yet quite "analog", if you will. And the compositions were also smooth as heck. Never overwhelming, never underwhelming. It was close to... Perfect?

Posted By: aglasshouse
Date Posted: July 31 2016 at 10:29
The Moody Blues - Long Distance Voyager
Genesis - Trick of the Tail
Dave Matthews Band - Before These Crowded Streets


Posted By: Magnum Vaeltaja
Date Posted: July 31 2016 at 12:24
Yes - Tales From Topographic Oceans
Guillaume Perret and the Electric Epic - S/T
Uriah Heep - Salisbury

when i was a kid a doller was worth ten dollers - now a doller couldnt even buy you fifty cents

Posted By: ALotOfBottle
Date Posted: July 31 2016 at 13:07
Magma - Udu Wudu. A very good Magma album, although I like the group at their jazzier. This is more like a continuation from where Kohntrakosz left off. As always - very well written and well performed. That throbbing bass is also something that I love.
Agitation Free - Second. Had not listened to Agitation Free for a while then and thought how many great musicians passed through its lineup (Michael Hoenig, Lutz Ulbrich, Harald Grosskopf etc.) I like this one a lot more than their debut, because I don't find Eastern and African influences to sit well in their mainly jam-oriented style.
Tangerine Dream - Phaedra. One of my favorites from Tangerine Dream. What is there to say about this album? Nothing short of a masterpiece. In terms of composition, it could very well sit alongside works by Philip Glass or Terry Riley.
Tangerine Dream - Rubycon. This one pictures Tangerine Dream shifting towards a less ambient, more Berlin School-esque direction, and although Phaedra is my fave from them, I seem to like that sequencer-dominated type of sound a bit more.
Art Zoyd - Musique Pour L'Odyssee. This was, I think, my second encounter with this one and quite a revelation to me, in a sense that I had remembered it much differently. In reality, it was not as dark, ominous, Univers Zero-like as I had remembered it to be.

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: July 31 2016 at 17:33
A couple of old favourites. Not feeling adventurous today:
Led Zeppelin - s/t
Jean Michel Jarre - Équinoxe

Posted By: Ozark Soundscape
Date Posted: July 31 2016 at 23:10
The Rolling Stones - "Beggars Banquet"
Elvis Costello and The Attractions - "Armed Forces"
Patti Smith - "Horses"
Roy Orbison - "16 Biggest Hits"
The Rolling Stones - "Out of Our Heads"

Posted By: TeleStrat
Date Posted: August 01 2016 at 00:28
88 Mile Trip - Through The Thickest Haze
Dune Pilot - Wetlands

Forming The Void - Skyward 
Blues Funeral - The Search
Transcendent Sea - Ballads Of Drowning Men
Spirit Division - No Rapture
Mothers Of The Land - Temple Without Walls 

Posted By: DeadSouls
Date Posted: August 01 2016 at 10:39
Last days...

Nick Drake - Way to Blue: An Introduction to Nick Drake
Pink Floyd - BBC Archives: 1967
Henry Cow - In Praise of Learning (Partially)
Gilgamesh - Another Fine Tune You've Got Me Into
The Muffins - Manna/Mirage
Henry Cow - Hamburg (Partially)

Posted By: ALotOfBottle
Date Posted: August 01 2016 at 13:22
Serge Bringolf Strave - Vision. This was definititely a very ncie zeuhl album! However, it was not very inventive or innovative, sort of repeating most of the genre's cliches. It did highlight its best parts, though. Not memorable after first listen, will have to revisit.
Manuel Gottsching & Michael Hoenig - Early Waters. I always love those relentless, lengthy soundscapes, really krautrock's (or Berlin School's too, for that matter) very own characteristic. I could listen to this, E2-E4, "Hallogallo" etc. on repeat for days! This one is very good!
Tangerine Dream - Ricochet. I am really glad I revisited Tangerines yestarday and rediscovered their genius once again. Ricochet  is such a great album. BTW, I believe the main motiff of Part 1 is the same thing they played at the Coventry Cathedral concert, right? Anyway, I love their melodic, classical electronic stuff!
Egg - The Polite Force. Most of you, or at least those, who I frequently meet on other threads, know this is my absolute #1 of all time. Wow. It's just so extremely good. Long Piece No. 3 is so perfect, varied. It's nineteen minutes long and has moments that are probably the most sophisticated in the whole prog rock history (I'm sure) and even spacey ambient parts. Killer!
Peter Frohmader - Musik Aus Dem Schattenreich. (twice) This has been playing on repeat lately here in ALotOfBottle cavern. I am currently working on a review for this dark, sinister masterpiece and I want this to be the best review I've ever written, sort of to commemorate my promotion to a title of a "Prog Reviewer" (again, big thanks to all admins and those who congratulated). Anyway, guys, check it out, you won't regret it. In fact, I've worked out a deal with my former bandmate (a stoner/doom fanatic) that we would meet for a little jam the day after tomorrow and play something in the vein of this one. Love it!

Posted By: TeleStrat
Date Posted: August 01 2016 at 23:30

Among The Serpents - The Grand Betrayal
Throttlerod - Turncoat
The Worship Of Silence - In The Early Hours
Psicomagia - Psicomagia
Space Debris - Phonomorphosis
Space Debris - She's A Temple  

Posted By: Ozark Soundscape
Date Posted: August 02 2016 at 00:30
The Rolling Stones - "Out of Our Heads"
Devo - "Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!"
The Police - "Sycnhronicity"
v/a - "Grind Madness at the BBC: The Earache Peel Sessions" disc 3
Radiohead - "In Rainbows"

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: August 02 2016 at 03:16
Originally posted by ALotOfBottle ALotOfBottle wrote:

Tangerine Dream - Ricochet. I am really glad I revisited Tangerines yestarday and rediscovered their genius once again. Ricochet  is such a great album. BTW, I believe the main motiff of Part 1 is the same thing they played at the Coventry Cathedral concert, right? Anyway, I love their melodic, classical electronic stuff!
If you're talking about the video of the Coventry concert on Youtube, they used the album recording over the image. If you listen to the bootleg, it's completely different.

Originally posted by TeleStrat TeleStrat wrote:

Psicomagia - Psicomagia
I haven't spun this one in a while. I learned my lesson though, I won't end the day with that album LOL

Philippe Lenfant de Dagobert - Suite Mégalique Apocalyptico Foulfuitique
La Curva di Lesmo - s/t (I'm more familiar with it now, I was able to listen to the whole album without losing focus. I still think the second track is the best one though)

Posted By: ALotOfBottle
Date Posted: August 02 2016 at 03:44
Originally posted by Meltdowner Meltdowner wrote:

Originally posted by ALotOfBottle ALotOfBottle wrote:

Tangerine Dream - Ricochet. I am really glad I revisited Tangerines yestarday and rediscovered their genius once again. Ricochet  is such a great album. BTW, I believe the main motiff of Part 1 is the same thing they played at the Coventry Cathedral concert, right? Anyway, I love their melodic, classical electronic stuff!
If you're talking about the video of the Coventry concert on Youtube, they used the album recording over the image. If you listen to the bootleg, it's completely different.

Oh, ok, I see now. Kind of the shame, because this main theme from Ricochet Part 1 (you know, the most rhythmic, the most catchy one) is simply phenomenal, in my opinion. One of my favorite moments from Tagnerine Dream, probably. I just listened to parts of the original Coventry recordings and they are also very nice, although a lot more ambient.

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: August 02 2016 at 03:56
^ I agree, it's fantastic Thumbs Up That makes sense, if you consider the venue they played at. Now that I think about it, it's probably why all their concerts are so unique.

Posted By: Modrigue
Date Posted: August 02 2016 at 04:04
Originally posted by ALotOfBottle ALotOfBottle wrote:

 this main theme from Ricochet Part 1 (you know, the most rhythmic, the most catchy one) is simply phenomenal, in my opinion. One of my favorite moments from Tagnerine Dream, probably. I

The track that really made me want to explore TD

-------------" rel="nofollow - My compositions

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: August 02 2016 at 04:07
Today's choices, just a few Krautrock-related discs:

Xhol Caravan - Mother f**kers GMBH (2 Years On) - awesome disc, a cross between droning Krautrock jamming, noisy Soft Machine-sounding jazz eruptions, drifting acid-folk Deuter-like reflections and organ-drenched Birth Control-like proto prog and hard Sixties R&B.

Heldon - Electronique Guerilla - interesting mix of Kraut droning and electronic experiments, spoken word passages, etc.

Siddhartha - s/t - a loopy and eclectic German band that had both male and female vocals, English and German lyrics, and a range of different styles and sounds.

Posted By: Sagichim
Date Posted: August 02 2016 at 07:04
Happy The Man - The Muse Awakens
Kevin Ayers - Whatevershebringswesing 
Soft Machine - 4
King Crimson - Larks..
King Crimson - Starless And...

Posted By: DeadSouls
Date Posted: August 02 2016 at 09:31
Henry Cow - Legend
Caravan - If I Could...
Soft Machine - Alive in Paris 1970
Pink Floyd - Meddle
Jethro Tull - Thick As a Brick
Osanna - Palepoli

Posted By: ALotOfBottle
Date Posted: August 02 2016 at 12:50
Magma - Mekanïk Destruktïẁ Kommandöh. Ok, it's not 1000°Centigrades, it's this one that's my favorite Magma work (duh, originality, as if saying that Close to the Edge is my favorite Yes album, which is not BTW). But really, I started enjoying MDK enormously recently. It's so well composed and so well performed. Vander really followed through on this one, everything is top-shelf here. I just realized how great the guitar is here with its tasty fills and how organ really works with Magma's music. Amazing!
Zanov - Green Ray. It's the first time I've ever listened to Zanov. First thing that came to mind was Klaus Schulze, obviously, but there is something very distinctive about his music. I feel it's much lighter and not as... massive, overwhelming (which does often work well for Klaus, but makes Zanov's work equally good). Not all that memorable, but good enough to make me want to explore the rest of his discography.
Yatha Sidhra - A Meditation Mass. Wow, that's a good one. I've been wanting to listen to Yatha Sidhra's only album for a while now, but never actually got around to doing so. And how stupid were I! This feels like a spiritual journey into the imaginary realm of inner space. The Eastern influences work incredibly smooth and well. The instrument choice and performance is out of this world and the band build fantastic atmospheres!
John Coltrane - A Love Supreme. A Love Supreme is probably my favorite Coltrane album (duh, originality, once again) along with My Favorite Things and maybe Meditation. The mixture of free, yet restricted modal improvisation on slow, hard-bop-esque rhythms combined with a healthy dose of mysticism really does it for me. Plus, because Coltrane is not playing ultra fast, like on some other records, you can cop some of his phrases.
Eric Dolphy - Out To Lunch. I thought that while I'm at jazz that I like, I would listen to some Eric Dolphy from around the period. However, this was a much more experimental effort than A Love Supreme. But I like that vibe that's in the air in Eric's music - his use of bass clarinet, vibraphone, an upright bass with a bow. For most part, this is free jazz, sometimes even free-form, yet you can easily (or maybe not so easily) distinguish the progression.
Arkham - Arkham. Again, Michael, many thanks for telling me about this band - it's so close to what I love in the music of Egg and Soft Machine. Arkham are such phenomenal musicians and really, what I like about Egg, I like about this band. Egg's music has a bit more in common and puts less emphasis on improvisation (I'm talking especially about The Polite Force, which was highly likely the one they were influenced by, considering this was recorded in 1971 and 1972, their debut features more improv). But really, the arrangements are so great and it actually uses Farfisa organ... WITH FUZZ! Heart
Tim Blake - Crystal Machine. THE KINGDOM OF THE ANALOG MODULAR. I really like Tim Blake's style. I think it's much different than that of his German and French contemporaries. His tones are so beautiful, mellow. I'm smelling a VCS3, right? And a Minimoog. Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing Blake's New Jerusalem, as I enjoyed this one immensly.

Also, a tiny part of Peter Frohmader's debut to complete my newest review on it.
Today the music just "clicked." I think I made a great playlist. 

Posted By: Ozark Soundscape
Date Posted: August 03 2016 at 00:14
Elvis Costello and the Attractions - "Get Happy!"

Posted By: TeleStrat
Date Posted: August 03 2016 at 01:25

Domadora - The Violent Mystical Sukuma 
Abrahma - Reflections In The Bowels Of A Bird 
Electric Octopus - This Is Our Culture 
Balero - The Impossible Crusade 
Soul Thief - Cosmic Woman  EP 
Bailjack - Show Me Your Heart 

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: August 03 2016 at 03:06
Originally posted by ALotOfBottle ALotOfBottle wrote:

Zanov - Green Ray. It's the first time I've ever listened to Zanov. First thing that came to mind was Klaus Schulze, obviously, but there is something very distinctive about his music. I feel it's much lighter and not as... massive, overwhelming (which does often work well for Klaus, but makes Zanov's work equally good). Not all that memorable, but good enough to make me want to explore the rest of his discography. 

Tim Blake - Crystal Machine. THE KINGDOM OF THE ANALOG MODULAR. I really like Tim Blake's style. I think it's much different than that of his German and French contemporaries. His tones are so beautiful, mellow. I'm smelling a VCS3, right? And a Minimoog. Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing Blake's New Jerusalem, as I enjoyed this one immensly.
Green Ray is really great. His next album is even more accessible but still good, the one after that is better though. The two recent ones sound very different, he mostly used VST's, but his compositional style is the same.

I have "New Jerusalem" but never heard that one. I'll have to change that.

Tangerine Dream - Poland (I only listened to this one once two years ago. It's really good, I'll have to get a copy of it someday)
Egg - The Polite Force (This one seemed more psychedelic than the debut. Great stuff Cool)
Siddhartha - Weltschmerz (Thanks for posting the video, Michael Thumbs Up)
Psicomagia - s/t (An adrenaline shot...)
Deuter - Aum (...followed by a sedative. This was a great idea, I can listen to aggressive music at night and also listen to a calm album without falling asleep Tongue)

Posted By: ALotOfBottle
Date Posted: August 03 2016 at 03:31
Originally posted by Meltdowner Meltdowner wrote:

Originally posted by ALotOfBottle ALotOfBottle wrote:

Zanov - Green Ray. It's the first time I've ever listened to Zanov. First thing that came to mind was Klaus Schulze, obviously, but there is something very distinctive about his music. I feel it's much lighter and not as... massive, overwhelming (which does often work well for Klaus, but makes Zanov's work equally good). Not all that memorable, but good enough to make me want to explore the rest of his discography. 

Tim Blake - Crystal Machine. THE KINGDOM OF THE ANALOG MODULAR. I really like Tim Blake's style. I think it's much different than that of his German and French contemporaries. His tones are so beautiful, mellow. I'm smelling a VCS3, right? And a Minimoog. Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing Blake's New Jerusalem, as I enjoyed this one immensly.
Green Ray is really great. His next album is even more accessible but still good, the one after that is better though. The two recent ones sound very different, he mostly used VST's, but his compositional style is the same.

I have "New Jerusalem" but never heard that one. I'll have to change that.

Tangerine Dream - Poland (I only listened to this one once two years ago. It's really good, I'll have to get a copy of it someday)
Egg - The Polite Force (This one seemed more psychedelic than the debut. Great stuff Cool)
Siddhartha - Weltschmerz (Thanks for posting the video, Michael Thumbs Up)
Psicomagia - s/t (An adrenaline shot...)
Deuter - Aum (...followed by a sedative. This was a great idea, I can listen to aggressive music at night and also listen to a calm album without falling asleep Tongue)

I'll check out that Zanov album later on today. Glad to see you enjoyed The Polite Force. It might indeed be interpreted as more psychedelic, yet far more technical. I need to check out Aum, I really liked Deuter's D.

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: August 03 2016 at 03:44
^ It's very different from "D", basically a set of short meditative/psychedelic ideas with acoustic guitar, sitar and lots of percussion linked by sea and bird sounds. It's quite good if you're in the right mood.

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: August 03 2016 at 04:01
I had an absolute smashing day of listening yesterday:

Earth & Fire - Song Of The Marching Children (Revisit 1 of the day)
Eberhard Weber - Yellow Fields (Revisit 2 sports the most velvety fusion almost akin to symph)
Egg - s/t (Up down sideways and in between. More organ please!)
Clivage - Mixtus Orbis (Saliva hits the floor)
Geinoh Yamashirogumi - Osorezan (Possibly the most outrageous album in my collection)
Gerard Manset - La Mort d'Orion (Ode to a planet)
Hermeto Pascoal - Slave Mass (Fusion a la Miles meets Brazil)
Herbert F Bairy - Traumspiel (1979 album that reeks of 1971 and acid and fumbling round in strange dark places.)
Hiro Yanagida - Hirocosmos (Canterbury feels from Japan)
Anna Själv Tredie - Tussilago Fanfara (Sweden's finest Berliner)

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: August 03 2016 at 04:04
Originally posted by Meltdowner Meltdowner wrote:

^ It's very different from "D", basically a set of short meditative/psychedelic ideas with acoustic guitar, sitar and lots of percussion linked by sea and bird sounds. It's quite good if you're in the right mood.

Seconded. There's sadly nothing that sounds like the debut in his subsequent career, but if one is looking for meditative and slowly brooding atmospheric music, then Deuter is the man. He is often heralded as one of the very first "New Age" composers.

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: DeadSouls
Date Posted: August 03 2016 at 10:13
Joy Division - Closer
Pink Floyd - Animals
Camel - Mirage
National Health - Of Queues and Cures
Phil Miller / In Cahoots - Recent Discoveries
Phil Miller / In Cahoots - Parallel

Posted By: King Only
Date Posted: August 03 2016 at 11:31
Yesterday and today:

Simple Minds - Glittering Prize 81/92.
Vangelis - L'Apocalypse Des Animaux.
Peter Baumann - Machines Of Desire.
Placebo - Placebo (10th Anniversary Collector's Edition with extra tracks).
Suzanne Vega - Days Of Open Hand.
David Bowie - David Live 1974 (CD 1).
Goldie presents Rufige Kru - Malice In Wonderland.
Rapoon - Song From The End Of The World.
Otomo Yoshihide, Bill Laswell and Yoshigaki Yasuhiro - Soup Live (CD 1).
Boris Blank - Electrified (CD 2).

Posted By: Magnum Vaeltaja
Date Posted: August 03 2016 at 12:09
Magma - M.D.K.
Magma - KA

First time I've actually gotten around to listening to Magma and I've gotta say, they've won me over. Thumbs Up

when i was a kid a doller was worth ten dollers - now a doller couldnt even buy you fifty cents

Posted By: ALotOfBottle
Date Posted: August 03 2016 at 13:47
Weidorje - Weidorje. It's not as great as I thought it was during my first listen, when I fell in love with zeuhl for the very first time.  However, don't be tricked by my first sentence. It's darn fine music. Phenomenal melodies, great, unorthodox arrangements, crispy, throbbing bass, and my favorite sound of all - Fender Rhodes.
Tim Blake - Blake's New Jerusalem. I didn't know a fusion like this was actually possible. The fantastic mixture of excellent electronica from Blake's first album and carefully-crafted post-hippie space-folk-pop gives really good, original results. The instrumental synth parts are what you come for, however. Blake knew how to dial in perfect sounds!
Popol Vuh - In Den Garten Pharaos. A great continuation of what Mr. Fricke and company presented on their debut. A bit more of that classic "Popol Vuh" sound with ethnic influences - more percussion anyway as well as a wider variety of keyboards. It's overall more focused than their debut. Which is equally good!
John Coltrane - My Favorite Things. Well, this is my second favorite thing from Coltrane, after Love Supreme. His playing is so tasty here. Only one musician so good could make a jazz-pop standard that "Summertime" is seem so cool, laidback. The title track is obviously a favorite and (fun fact) The Door's instrumental section on "Light My Fire" is based on the main progression from that.
Gila - Free Electric Sound. I'm starting to like that one! At first listen, I thought it was quite boring and unoriginal, but I guess I just wasn't in the mood. This time I started appreciating how this puts distinctive jamming themes to the table with great variation in between them. Great organ and guitar solos!
Klaus Schulze - Body Love. Thanks, Nico! Your review really made me want to check this one out. It was great! I really liked the overall stylistic o the album. It was very melodic (and had amazing synth timbres from Klaus), but also kept that very Schulzy integrity of slowly evolving soundscapes! Great, hope vol. 2 is nearly good!
This was my day. Smile

Posted By: Modrigue
Date Posted: August 03 2016 at 14:22
Originally posted by ALotOfBottle ALotOfBottle wrote:

John Coltrane - My Favorite Things. Well, this is my second favorite thing from Coltrane, after Love Supreme. His playing is so tasty here.

These two albums are a tight choice for me, both are great!
I recommend checking "Crescent" too.

Originally posted by ALotOfBottle ALotOfBottle wrote:

Klaus Schulze - Body Love. Thanks, Nico! Your review really made me want to check this one out. It was great! I really liked the overall stylistic o the album. It was very melodic (and had amazing synth timbres from Klaus), but also kept that very Schulzy integrity of slowly evolving soundscapes! Great, hope vol. 2 is nearly good!

Vol 2. is worth the listen too Wink

-------------" rel="nofollow - My compositions

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: August 03 2016 at 17:51
Originally posted by King Only King Only wrote:

Vangelis - L'Apocalypse Des Animaux

Stunning album, one of his best! I love that early period of Vangelis where all his albums sounded completely different.

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: August 03 2016 at 17:54
Originally posted by ALotOfBottle ALotOfBottle wrote:

Arkham - Arkham. Again, Michael, many thanks for telling me about this band - it's so close to what I love in the music of Egg and Soft Machine. Arkham are such phenomenal musicians and really, what I like about Egg, I like about this band. Egg's music has a bit more in common and puts less emphasis on improvisation (I'm talking especially about The Polite Force, which was highly likely the one they were influenced by, considering this was recorded in 1971 and 1972, their debut features more improv). But really, the arrangements are so great and it actually uses Farfisa organ... WITH FUZZ! Heart

Awesome, mate, glad you dig it. That's one great thing about prog/krautrock, etc, there's always more albums that keep popping up or you accidently discover just waiting around the corner!

Posted By: Ozark Soundscape
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 00:10
Morphinist - "Giants"
Bernard Herrmann - "Psycho"

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 03:16
Originally posted by Aussie-Byrd-Brother Aussie-Byrd-Brother wrote:

Originally posted by King Only King Only wrote:

Vangelis - L'Apocalypse Des Animaux

Stunning album, one of his best! I love that early period of Vangelis where all his albums sounded completely different.
Hmmm, I never heard that album. How is it?

Triumvirat - Illusions on a Double Dimple
Fire! Orchestra - Ritual
Happy The Man - Crafty Hands
Eloy - Planets
La Coscienza di Zeno - La Notte Anche di Giorno
Nemo - Coma
Michael Brückner - Naura

Posted By: Modrigue
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 03:26
Originally posted by Meltdowner Meltdowner wrote:

Originally posted by Aussie-Byrd-Brother Aussie-Byrd-Brother wrote:

Originally posted by King Only King Only wrote:

Vangelis - L'Apocalypse Des Animaux

Stunning album, one of his best! I love that early period of Vangelis where all his albums sounded completely different.
Hmmm, I never heard that album. How is it?

Simply one of the best soundtracks of Vangelis Smile

-------------" rel="nofollow - My compositions

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 03:39
I'm intrigued, I'll give it a listen later Thumbs Up

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 03:45
I'm sure you'll dig it, Sam.

I sadly have been away from work with a kind of food poisoning, so all I have to offer is what I listened to on the way home from work last night:

Steve Roach - Shadow of Time/This Place to Be

and the first 20 minutes of `Cluster 2' this morning, before I pulled over in the car feeling my stomach churning and thinking `Nope, not risking this!' and drove back home!

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 03:54
^ Sorry to hear that. Is it because "Cluster 2" is a difficult album to stomach? Tongue

That's the new Steve Roach album, right?

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 04:07
Put it this way, Sam. If you decide you have a craving for brussel sprouts, and for some reason you were lazy and bought a pre-packaged pack of them instead of picking them fresh like you usually do, and then when you decide days later you actually want them, notice that the `best before' date is two days out, and you can tell that they don't exactly look the best anymore, but you decide to cook and eat them anyway - DON'T!

Yep, the new Roach has a long track in the middle, and it initially said that the digital download version of that particular track will run 74 minutes, and now two days later after the announcement, seems like they're going to do two different CD releases, kind of like that `The Delicate Forever/Delicate Beyond' twin releases.

I'll admit, I wasn't able to concentrate on the second Cluster album much, I was too busy clutching my stomach trying to get home before the twisting pain in my guts (as Roger Waters would say on `The Wall') `fills me with the urge to defecate'!

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 04:30
It's better to never take risks in these cases. I had a terrible case of food poisoning when I was 14, I spent a whole week recovering and I sure learned the lesson.

Nice! I'm sure he'll make one of those combo packs. How many albums did he release this year, so far? Tongue

Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 05:53
Not good Michael.
On the other hand, I've had a good run of listening this eve :
FRUUPP - Seven Secrets
ELEPAHANT9 - Walk The Nile
and currently on GURU GURU - Hinten

Posted By: ALotOfBottle
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 07:00
Get better, Michael! I really like that Cluster II album. It's probably because I really enjoy the sound of combo organ, especially in ambient music (that's why I like Klaus Schulze's tones so much).
Tom, enjoy that Guru Guru album! Their first three are excellent albums!

Posted By: DeadSouls
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 10:02
Brian Eno - Here Come The Warm Jets
Brian Eno - Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy)
Henry Cow - Vol. 3: Hamburg
Jethro Tull - Stand Up (Collectors Edition) [CD1]
Bobby Gutesha - Rockin' Bach Dimension
Jethro Tull - Stand Up (Collectors Edition) [CD2]

Posted By: King Only
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 10:19
Originally posted by Meltdowner Meltdowner wrote:

Originally posted by Aussie-Byrd-Brother Aussie-Byrd-Brother wrote:

Originally posted by King Only King Only wrote:

Vangelis - L'Apocalypse Des Animaux

Stunning album, one of his best! I love that early period of Vangelis where all his albums sounded completely different.
Hmmm, I never heard that album. How is it?

It's more subtle than many of his works. It doesn't have the bombast of 666Heaven And Hell, Spiral, Albedo 0.39, China or Chariots Of Fire. If you like the quieter tracks on Opera Sauvage then you'll probably like L'Apocalypse Des Animaux.

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 11:05
^ I heard it this morning, it's indeed very gentle. I don't like the bombast of these albums you mentioned as much as their calmer parts, so I thought it was really good.

Posted By: King Only
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 11:12
Originally posted by Meltdowner Meltdowner wrote:

^ I heard it this morning, it's indeed very gentle. I don't like the bombast of these albums you mentioned as much as their calmer parts, so I thought it was really good.

If I remember correctly, L'Apocalypse Des Animaux was the album that inspired Jon Anderson to contact Vangelis and suggest working together.

Posted By: ALotOfBottle
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 13:44
Bubu - Anabelas. Wow... WOW... WOOOW! This is what I love about prog (and what Michael said yestarday) - new discoveries always seem to pop up! This album is so incredible. It has the proportion of influences that I love! It definitely has that Avant-Rock/Canterbury influence of the Softs, Henry Cow, maybe even Magma at times, but there is also that typical prog rock thing going on right there, very much in the vein of King Crimson or Gentle Giant. The arrangements and performance are sheer perfection!
Peter Frohmader/Nekropolis - The Awakening. Nekropolis Live '79. Another phenomenal listen! I really, really enjoyed Frohmader's solo debut, which I've expressed in my review a few days ago, but the way he plays with his band live is outstanding. There is a strong jazz influence, but the dark ambient post-krautrock quality is still in the foreground. Excellent!
Zanov - Moebius 256 301. I really liked Zanov's debut. This one, in my opinion, seems to put more emphasis on the melody and the sound being friendly. I feel, however, that in the process a bit of those atmospherics were lost. However, it's still a very good album. Does not really stand out for me, but it's very enjoyable.
Zao - Z=7L. This was my fist Zao album. It very much resembles Magma from the 1000 Centigrades era, for me. Jazz-rock is a primary influence, but there is no Kobaian heaviness here. However, there are beautiful, feminine vocals. This is much easier listening than Magma, but no less rewarding. Great!
Setna - Guerison. The kingdom of Fender Rhodes, huh? Setna are probably one of hte best modern zeuhl bands. Their awesome fusion of zeuhl and Gilgamesh-like Canterbury sound just simply does it for me! The vocals do sound a bit like Michael Jackson, but only at times. And the electric piano is a prominent instrument here, which is something I always like.
Heldon - Un Reve Sans Consequence Speciale. I had only been introduced to Heldon's second album until I listened to this one today. It's definitely very different, but on both of these, Heldon seem to have a very distinctive sound. I really like the combination of a synth, a guitar, and drums and the balance between their parts. They have some great moments on this one!

This was my day. Man, that Bubu is good! And Nekropolis too! Wink

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 14:53
Great choices there Tymon. I particularly adore the Bubu and Setna ones - the latter being something of a slowburner...but once I caught onto it I absolutely loved it.

Me today:
Dungen - Allas Sak
Carmen - Fandagos in Space
Herbert F Bairy - Traumspiel
Clivage - Mixtus Orbis
Agusa - Två
Our Solar System - In Time
Wire - 154

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Magnum Vaeltaja
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 15:55
Originally posted by ALotOfBottle ALotOfBottle wrote:

Bubu - Anabelas. Wow... WOW... WOOOW! This is what I love about prog (and what Michael said yestarday) - new discoveries always seem to pop up! This album is so incredible. It has the proportion of influences that I love! It definitely has that Avant-Rock/Canterbury influence of the Softs, Henry Cow, maybe even Magma at times, but there is also that typical prog rock thing going on right there, very much in the vein of King Crimson or Gentle Giant. The arrangements and performance are sheer perfection!

Aaayyyyyyyyy! Always glad to see some love for that album. Thumbs Up After dozens and dozens of listens I always manage to find something new to appreciate whenever I put it on. 

Get hyped, because apparently Bubu is set to have a new full length album out within the next year, and check out their EP Replandor if you haven't; not quite as perfect as Anabelas, but still excellent!

when i was a kid a doller was worth ten dollers - now a doller couldnt even buy you fifty cents

Posted By: King Only
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 22:51
I have three days off work so lots of time to listen to music!

Vangelis - China.
The Sundays - Static And Silence.
Nine Horses (David Sylvian) - Money For All.
Jimi Hendrix - Martin Scorsese Presents The Blues.
Gang Of Four - 100 Flowers Bloom (CD 1)
Supercar - Re: Supercar 1.
Scorn - Yozza EP.
Utada Hikaru - Ultra Blue.
Love And Rockets - Express.
Tangerine Dream - The Deutschlandhalle Performace 1973 (CD2 of the Atem expanded edition).

Posted By: King Only
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 22:55
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Wire - 154

Hey Guldbamsen. If you like Wire, you should check out a band called Githead. It's a project featuring Colin Newman from Wire and they are really good. I recommend their albums Waiting For A Sign and Artpop.

Posted By: Ozark Soundscape
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 23:40
Elvis Costello and the Attractions - "Imperial Bedroom"
Elvis Costello and the Attractions - "Get Happy!!"
Elvis Costello and The Attractions - "Punch the Clock"

Posted By: ALotOfBottle
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 23:42
Originally posted by Magnum Vaeltaja Magnum Vaeltaja wrote:

Aaayyyyyyyyy! Always glad to see some love for that album. Thumbs Up After dozens and dozens of listens I always manage to find something new to appreciate whenever I put it on. 

Get hyped, because apparently Bubu is set to have a new full length album out within the next year, and check out their EP Replandor if you haven't; not quite as perfect as Anabelas, but still excellent!

It's outstanding! I can't wait for their new album! I am yet to check out their EP, though! But writing about Bubu, I knew you would show up. Wink Really, such a great band. I liked it for the very same reason Henry Cow's debut is one of my favorites of all time. If you don't know it, check it out! You might just like it!

Posted By: Sagichim
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 23:56
Originally posted by ALotOfBottle ALotOfBottle wrote:

 This is what I love about prog (and what Michael said yestarday) - new discoveries always seem to pop up!
It never ends man, there are so many bands out there, new and old. Just stick around here and you'll pick up a lot.
BTW do you already know Khan or Quiet Sun?

Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: August 04 2016 at 23:59
Originally posted by ALotOfBottle ALotOfBottle wrote:

Get better, Michael! I really like that Cluster II album. It's probably because I really enjoy the sound of combo organ, especially in ambient music (that's why I like Klaus Schulze's tones so much).
Tom, enjoy that Guru Guru album! Their first three are excellent albums!
Cluster are great - even into the 80's.
Yeah, big Guru Guru fanboy here - have stacks of their LP's. I even love the 'rockin' 4th s/t album. That RnR medley is so much fun !! Mani is one of my favourite drummers.

Posted By: ALotOfBottle
Date Posted: August 05 2016 at 00:03
Originally posted by Sagichim Sagichim wrote:

BTW do you already know Khan or Quiet Sun?

Of course I know them, Sagi. I love both of these bands. Khan was love at first hearing and still remains one of my favorites, while Quiet Sun took a longer while to get into. And it's a great band!

Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: August 05 2016 at 00:05
Tymon, you have impeccable taste

Posted By: TeleStrat
Date Posted: August 05 2016 at 03:00

Astral Cult - The Sacred Flame
Fox 45 - Ashes Of Man 
Desert Rider - Echoes Of The Big Sand 
Violence Of The Sun - Perceptionism
Temple Of Smoke - Against Human Race

Posted By: ALotOfBottle
Date Posted: August 05 2016 at 03:15
Originally posted by Tom Ozric Tom Ozric wrote:

Tymon, you have impeccable taste

Why, thank you, Tom! You too! Wink

Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: August 05 2016 at 03:24
Originally posted by TeleStrat TeleStrat wrote:

Violence Of The Sun - Perceptionism
Now I have the Wolfmother track playing in my headTongue

Narassa - Viaggio Pop
Vangelis - L'Apocalypse des Animaux
The Raveonettes - Pe'ahi
Causa Sui - Return to Sky (Finally gave it a listen, great album Thumbs Up)
Jakob Skott - All The Colours of the Dust (It's good but I think he should try a different approach.)
Metamorfosi - Inferno (I read some time ago about the similarities in Unreal City's music, since they're from the same town. Listening to it again, I have to agree.)
Michael Brückner - Two Letters From Crimea (CD 1)

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: August 05 2016 at 04:20
Originally posted by King Only King Only wrote:

Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Wire - 154

Hey Guldbamsen. If you like Wire, you should check out a band called Githead. It's a project featuring Colin Newman from Wire and they are really good. I recommend their albums Waiting For A Sign and Artpop.

Thanks man, I appreciate itBig smile 
I've also been meaning to check out latter day Wire. They are still making albums to this day. Me I only know of their early career and dig it immensely. 
A kind of post punk that most prog fans would find (mildly) interesting. They sorta remind me of Magazine in that respect.

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Magnum Vaeltaja
Date Posted: August 05 2016 at 07:36
Originally posted by ALotOfBottle ALotOfBottle wrote:

Originally posted by Magnum Vaeltaja Magnum Vaeltaja wrote:

Aaayyyyyyyyy! Always glad to see some love for that album. Thumbs Up After dozens and dozens of listens I always manage to find something new to appreciate whenever I put it on. 

Get hyped, because apparently Bubu is set to have a new full length album out within the next year, and check out their EP Replandor if you haven't; not quite as perfect as Anabelas, but still excellent!

It's outstanding! I can't wait for their new album! I am yet to check out their EP, though! But writing about Bubu, I knew you would show up. Wink Really, such a great band. I liked it for the very same reason Henry Cow's debut is one of my favorites of all time. If you don't know it, check it out! You might just like it!

I have yet to enter the world of the sock, but Legend is very high up on my musical to-do list. Now that you mention it, I'll probably listen to it later today. I will report back shortly!

when i was a kid a doller was worth ten dollers - now a doller couldnt even buy you fifty cents

Posted By: Finnforest
Date Posted: August 05 2016 at 08:21
Heart - Passionworks
First Aid Kit - Stay Gold
Stevie Nicks - Enchanted
Television - Marquee Moon
Gentle Giant - The Power and the Glory

...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"

Posted By: DeadSouls
Date Posted: August 05 2016 at 09:50
Brian Eno - Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy)
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
Camel - On the Road 1972
Soft Machine - Third (Disc 2)

Posted By: Finnforest
Date Posted: August 05 2016 at 09:58
Originally posted by DeadSouls DeadSouls wrote:

Brian Eno - Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy)

I have a re-interpretation of this album by different people, interesting album....I don't know if I've ever met anyone else who's heard it.  Eno liked it very much.  You can find the tracks on YouTube if interested in hearing. 

...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"

Posted By: DeadSouls
Date Posted: August 05 2016 at 10:18
Originally posted by Finnforest Finnforest wrote:

I have a re-interpretation of this album by different people, interesting album....I don't know if I've ever met anyone else who's heard it.  Eno liked it very much.  You can find the tracks on YouTube if interested in hearing.

I'm listening to it right now. Sounds great! Thanks for the recommendation. Big smile

Posted By: Finnforest
Date Posted: August 05 2016 at 10:41
You're very welcome, Jose....glad you like it.  I need to play again too, its been a long time.  In the liner notes Eno says he was "moved" by it and that it had a "powerful effect" on him.  It was released on CD in 2004.

...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"

Posted By: ALotOfBottle
Date Posted: August 05 2016 at 13:14
Neu! - Neu! '75. This is my second favorite Neu! album after their debut (but then again these are the only two "to like"). It has everything I love about this band, they definitely think out of the box here. The addition of piano is some places gives fantastic results. Those calm, meditative, laidback tracks are definitely my favorites, but those proto-post-punk experiments (quite successful) provide excellent contrast!
Laurent Thibault - Mais On Ne Peut Pas Rêver Tout Le Temp. This is an album that is held in very high regard here on PA. I thought it's great and that it was a very original take on zeuhl - very feminine, diverse, smooth. I don't feel, though, like I was in the right mood, sadly... And now I feel like a kid that read a book it wasn't capable of fully comprehending at a too early age. See me there? Still, amazing album. Definitely putting this on my iPod, when I go to London in a few days.
Peter Frohmader/Nekropolis - Nekropolis 2. Nekropolis, Nekropolis, Nekropolis... I feel wrong for yapping about Nekropolis and Peter Frohmader all the time now. Anyway, this is an oustanding continuation of Musik Aus Dem Schattenreich. It still retains that ambient quality, but has some other, great touches - Fender Rhodes and more pronounced bass playing (often solo).
Zao - Osiris. I like this one better than their first album actually. Although that beautiful-sounding singer is gone, the band still retains the zeuhly character, however there is more here! It has the sort of sophistication that I like. Numerous odd time signatures, rapid jazz-rock jams, and... Fender Rhodes Heart. Zao are great!!!
Klaus Schulze - Body Love Vol. 2. Once again, Nico, thanks for your review and especially your recommendation for volume 2. Believe it or not, I seem to like this one more than volume 1. Now, it might be traced back to my attitude and overall mood, but, anyway, this one sounds more original and innovative. Very fresh and unique from Klaus' albums that I've listened to. I read about the movie Body Love to give me a little bit of background context and man... 70's were darn crazy. Don't ask me to tell you what the film is about...

Posted By: King Only
Date Posted: August 05 2016 at 21:21
Manuel Gottsching and Michael Hoenig - Early Water.
JK Flesh - Nothing Is Free.
Pink Floyd - The Wall.
Carly Rae Jepsen - Emotion.
Clock DVA - Horology (Radiophonic Dvations 2 disc).
Placebo - Live In Chile (bonus disc from the Chilean special edition of the Meds album).
Githead - Art Pop.
Coil - The Remote Viewer.
Pink Floyd - Obscured By Clouds.

Posted By: Ozark Soundscape
Date Posted: August 06 2016 at 00:17
Pulp - "His 'n' Hers"

Posted By: KingCrInuYasha
Date Posted: August 06 2016 at 00:23
Stormwatch by Jethro Tull. Good album, but geez, that three song stretch at the end ("Dun Ringill" - "Flying Dutchman" - "Elegy") always gets me emotionally.

He looks at this world and wants it all... so he strikes, like Thunderball!

Posted By: LearsFool
Date Posted: August 06 2016 at 00:26
Originally posted by Ozark Soundscape Ozark Soundscape wrote:

Pulp - "His 'n' Hers"

Love that album to death. What do you think of it?


Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: August 06 2016 at 01:11
Cluster – Cluster II
Heldon – Un Reve Sans Consequence Speciale (was NOT in the mood for this clanging noisefest, well the first track anyway)
Trace – s/t
Siddhartha – Weltschmerz
Headspace – All That You Fear Is Gone
Arena – Pride
Flamborough Head – Unspoken Whisper
Kitaro – Ten Kai
Heldon - Electronique Guerilla
Ash Ra Tempel - Schwingungen
Light Year – Reveal the Fantastic (such a tragedy this album/band is not on the Archives)

Posted By: TeleStrat
Date Posted: August 06 2016 at 01:53

Cruces - Cruces
Dead Meadow - Shivering King And Others
Gypsy Sun Revival - Gypsy Sun Revival
Smoke Healer - Smoke Healer
Sophie's Earthquake - The flood 

Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: August 06 2016 at 06:53
My TT treated me to the following LP's :
BI KYO RAN - s/t
BRAND X - Livestock
WOBBLER - Afterglow
PAR LINDH PROJECT - Gothic Impressions

Posted By: Magnum Vaeltaja
Date Posted: August 06 2016 at 08:02

Henry Cow - Legend
Frank Zappa - The Grand Wazoo
Cherry Five - Cherry Five

All three I listened to for the first time. From my initial impressions I'd say that I like Cherry Five the most, but all three are now on my to-buy list. Thanks Tymon for encouraging me to try out Henry Cow!

when i was a kid a doller was worth ten dollers - now a doller couldnt even buy you fifty cents

Posted By: ALotOfBottle
Date Posted: August 06 2016 at 08:11
^LegEnd has not fully charmed you yet? Tongue No worries, I didn't like it at first and now it's one of my favorites of all time. Good move to buy it, I betcha you will love it with all your heart someday. I'd say that the compositional skill and musicianship is right up there with your beloved Bubu.

Posted By: DeadSouls
Date Posted: August 06 2016 at 09:14
Black Sabbath: Greatest Hits
New Order - Movement (Collector's Edition)
John Zorn - The Dreamers
John Zorn - O'o
Soft Machine Legacy - Steam

Posted By: King Only
Date Posted: August 06 2016 at 12:31
Sting - Bring On The Night.
The Future Sound Of London - Environments 4.
Sun Kil Moon - Ghosts Of The Great Highway (6 track bonus CD).
Download - III Steps Forward.
Love And Rockets - Earth Sun Moon.
Robert Plant and Jimmy Page - Live In San Jose 1995 (bootleg).

Posted By: ALotOfBottle
Date Posted: August 06 2016 at 12:58
Zao - Shekina Although these Zao albums are respectivelly getting a lot less zeuhly and more fusion-oriented, therefore, at times, less original-sounding, they are getting much better in my opinion. This one was really good! It takes off where the previous album left. At times, the party gets a bit Canterburian even. Tight musicianship, intricate arrangements, well-thought compositions - that's what I love.
Tangerine Dream - Sorcerers This is very good. This is as good as their most acclaimed studio albums, in my mind. Although I have not watched the film Sorcerers, I've read the main plot, and with only that in mind, I feel how well their music corresponds with the theme. What I particularly like about this one and other TD albums in general is how they always come up with innovative sequencer lines or build great, innovative textures around less-innovative lines.
Peter Frohmader/Nekropolis - Cultes Des Goules, The Ballet of Death Sorry, everyone, one more Peter Frohmader album. This one was different from its predecessors, yet no less enjoyable. We can hear Frohmader experimenting with (then fresh and new) drum machines, which despite sounding just a bit dated, corespond with slowly moving soundscapes. Less dark, still phenomenal. Recommended!
Marion Brown - Afternoon of Georgia Faun Although free jazz stands in opposition to a good most of musical ideas I believe in, it is surprisingly close to my heart and that of many of my musical idols, to whose ideas, free jazz theoretically also stood in opposition to (that's one hell of a sentence). This is free jazz of the highest order. It really isn't to heavy on your thoughts, making it a bit more open to interpretation and giving the listener space for contemplation. Awesome! And it has Chick Corea and Anthony Braxton on it! Approve
Arachnoid - Arachnoid I've been away from symphonic prog recently, so when I saw this one had that label on it, plus it was very zeuhl-infused, I thought I would give it a listen. I was not disappointed by any means, but was not blown away or satisfied, either. These guys seem to put too much of effort on being dark, introducing evil harmonies etc., therefore at times sounding a bit phoney and unnatural. Still, a pretty good album and it had some really good moments.
Michael Hoenig -Departure From the Northern Wasteland I enjoyed this album immensly when I've first listened to it. This time, that I was already familiar with it, more or less, I was not blown away once more. Still, I love this album and think it's one of the best on its shelf (which is top shelf). In the other thread, I've read that Hoenig had every cable of his taped with a different color and was a perfectionist - that is very detectable on here.
Sinoia Caves - Beyond the Black Rainbow OST Some modern music! This is so excellent! And it makes me smile that there are still young artists who are still expanding borders of the Berlin School in keeping with its tradtitions. Furthermore, these guys have a very good sound - smooth, analog, I'm sure they use vintage equipment (they even have some pics on their Facebook page). This is such a good album, I can't believe it. Sam, have you listened to it? You will probably like it very much. "1966 - Let The New Age Of Enlightenment Begin" is so refreshing!

This was my day. Smile
Sorry for that lengthy post, I can never seem to cut the chase when discussing things I like. Tongue

Posted By: Ozark Soundscape
Date Posted: August 07 2016 at 01:33
The Kinks - "Are the Village Green Preservation Society"

Originally posted by LearsFool LearsFool wrote:

Originally posted by Ozark Soundscape Ozark Soundscape wrote:

Pulp - "His 'n' Hers"

Love that album to death. What do you think of it?
It was a damn good first listen. Most were quite good, some were just okay, and some were really impressive (Babies and First Time, especially)! It's pretty fun, and weird and dark, too.

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