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Stereotypes about your country that annoy you

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Topic: Stereotypes about your country that annoy you
Posted By: BaldFriede
Subject: Stereotypes about your country that annoy you
Date Posted: June 29 2016 at 17:17
What are some stereotypes about your country that really annoy you? I will give a few examples for Germany.

1) Germans wear short leather trousers. Wrong. This may be so in rural parts of Bavaria but nowhere else.

2) Germans use the word "Scheisskopf" as an insult.  Wrong, nobody would think of using that word; it is just a literal and false translation of the English "sh*thead". Germans might say "Scheisskerl" (which would literally translate as "sh*tguy" but of course is not an English word) or "Du hast nichts als Scheisse im Kopf" ("you have nothing but sh*t in your head"), but not "Scheisskopf".

3) Germans eat Sauerkraut all the time. Wrong. Germans do eat sauerkraut but not more (probably even less) often than for example beans, peas or carrots.

4) Germans are stiff and have no sense of humour. Wrong. Germans tend to be a little reserved when meeting strangers, but that is more out of politeness. Once you get to know them Germans can be extremely funny.


BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.

Posted By: Equality 7-2521
Date Posted: June 29 2016 at 17:43
None really annoy me specifically, but the idea is pretty annoying. We're a 4 million square mile nation of immigrants. That's not exactly the recipe for homogeneity.

"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 01:45
1. Canadians live in igloos: sometimes, but come late July our igloos melt and we move into Tim Hortons until winter sets in in late August.

2. Canadians drink copious amounts of beer and are always eating back-bacon: Incorrect, we also eat side-bacon.

3. Canadians are polite: What a witless thing to consider. Nincompoopish toomfoolery!, though perhaps I am being too harsh.

4. We all play hockey: most of us just watch hockey on TV from the comfort of our igloos while swigging beer and eating back and side-bacon.

5. We like fish in our drinks: Actually, true. A Caesar is a popular cocktail made with vodka and Clamato (Clamato is a tomato based drink that has clam broth in it). We like to chase it down with beer (while watching hockey in our igloos of course).

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 01:56
Oh come on, you guys are hella polite; if "Nincompoopish tomfoolery" is the worst thing you can say, that just proves it.  (And what's this quiet mythology about Canadians and their doughnuts?)

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy

Posted By: ALotOfBottle
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 02:19
Poles drink a lot.
Poles are right-wing and intolerant. Intolerant Poles are basically pretty loud, making everyone think that the whole country is intolerant or agressive. In fact, around 70% of Poles are happy about being in the EU, which is the highest level in the whole EU.
Poles can't speak languages... I guess this one is founded....Tongue

Categories strain, crack and sometimes break, under their burden - step out of the space provided.

Posted By: Modrigue
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 03:21
Frenchs work less than other people. True, but it has been proved that Frenchs are more productive Wink

All Frenchs buy baguettes and wear a beret... False.

Frenchs can't speak proper English... this one is rather true.

Frenchs go on strike... rather true, especially now

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Posted By: ALotOfBottle
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 03:51
Originally posted by Modrigue Modrigue wrote:

Frenchs work less than other people. True, but it has been proved that Frenchs are more productive Wink

All Frenchs buy baguettes and wear a beret... False.

Frenchs can't speak proper English... this one is rather true.

Frenchs go on strike... rather true, especially now

Can you relate to stereotypes that French tanks go faster backwards? Tongue Not meaning to be racist or anything, don't get me wrong.

Categories strain, crack and sometimes break, under their burden - step out of the space provided.

Posted By: Modrigue
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 04:21
Originally posted by ALotOfBottle ALotOfBottle wrote:

Can you relate to stereotypes that French tanks go faster backwards?

I'm sorry I don't understand the reference or to which stereotype it refers Cry. I swear it's the first time I hear this.

Can somebody explain it to me?

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Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 04:43
It's a poor joke, rather like:

Q: How many gears does a French tank have?
A: 4 reverse and 1 forward, in case the enemy attacks from the rear.

Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

Oh come on, you guys are hella polite; if "Nincompoopish tomfoolery" is the worst thing you can say, that just proves it.  (And what's this quiet mythology about Canadians and their doughnuts?)

I must say, I felt like washing my mouth out with soap after uttering those words. It's no myth about doughnuts, we are a nation of doughnut loving, doughnut slinging people. Threaten to take away our dougnuts and there will be trouble. The right to bear dougnuts is practically a constitutional right, and if it isn't, it should be. Our national anthem here is practically, "You've always got time for Tim Hortons". No joke, I ate three today (well yesterday, since it's almost 3:00 am). Like with coffee, nowadays, we've got the cheap doughnuts for the hoi polloi and the really upscale, gourmet doughnuts for the hoity toity, I want my chocolate truffles made out of real truffles, crowd.

Posted By: Modrigue
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 04:48
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

Q: How many gears does a French tank have?
A: 4 reverse and 1 forward, in case the enemy attacks from the rear.

Ok, thanks... But I'm really sorry I swear I still honestly don't understand to which stereotype it refers, the relation with Frenchs or why it can be considered racist? It's the first time I hear this joke.

Or maybe this is a stereotype on Frenchs that I didn't know?

-------------" rel="nofollow - My compositions

Posted By: ALotOfBottle
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 04:55
Originally posted by Modrigue Modrigue wrote:

Originally posted by ALotOfBottle ALotOfBottle wrote:

Can you relate to stereotypes that French tanks go faster backwards?

I'm sorry I don't understand the reference or to which stereotype it refers Cry. I swear it's the first time I hear this.

Can somebody explain it to me?

It's about a stupid joke that the French soldiers always "defend" or retreat during battles, so they produce tanks, which drive faster backwards than forward.

Categories strain, crack and sometimes break, under their burden - step out of the space provided.

Posted By: Modrigue
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 05:07
I'm really sorry guys, I can't help you here. It's the very first time I hear this stereotype and I honestly did not knew about it.

BTW, I still don't understand why it can be considered racist...

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Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 05:17
It's not really racist since the French aren't really a race. I'm of French ancestry, by the way. There are a lot of jokes about the French Army retreating and surrendering easily. I don't like them.

Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 05:30
there are roumers that ther is living and breathing polar bears, parading in Oslo, which is false. Only place for polar bears in Norway is on Svalbard. some miles of the coast of Finnmark.

Norwegian are not born with skiies on their legs, its just a saying which makes every young Norwegian being forced wether they like it or not, to partake in cross-country activities, to become the new Northug or Dælie

Norwegian doesnt like to talk to complete strangers, that is partly true, we look down, even in a almost empty buss, if one sits in fronts, one walks headfirst to the far back, or sits in an empty seat. not looking or says hi to the other person


Posted By: Modrigue
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 05:32
^^Ok... I learned something today...

BTW, concerning Frenchs going on strike, it's rather due to French constitution than to a genuine French mentality. Very few employees are syndicated in France, but the importance of strikes is inversely proportional.

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Posted By: zappaholic
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 07:04
Here's a stereotype about Americans that happens to be true:

"A European says: I can't understand this, what's wrong with me? An American says: I can't understand this, what's wrong with him?" -- Terry Pratchett

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard." -- H.L. Mencken

Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 07:15
Originally posted by ALotOfBottle ALotOfBottle wrote:

Poles can't speak languages... I guess this one is founded....Tongue
In my experience, I have met two Poles that speak English very well. One is a colleague at work that was born in Poland, but is now a U.S. citizen; the other is an archivist and genealogist that came into the U.S. to give a lecture on Polish genealogy last year. Two branches of my family immigrated to the U.S. from the villages of Borek Wielki and Krzywa (both in Podkarpackie) between 1899 and 1910. I don't know how well my great-grandparents spoke English as both died before I was born.
Admittedly those are the only Poles I have met in person.

i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
that's a happy bag of lettuce
this car smells like cartilage
nothing beats a good video about fractions

Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 07:22
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

1. Canadians live in igloos: sometimes, but come late July our igloos melt and we move into Tim Hortons until winter sets in in late August.

2. Canadians drink copious amounts of beer and are always eating back-bacon: Incorrect, we also eat side-bacon.

3. Canadians are polite: What a witless thing to consider. Nincompoopish toomfoolery!, though perhaps I am being too harsh.

4. We all play hockey: most of us just watch hockey on TV from the comfort of our igloos while swigging beer and eating back and side-bacon.

5. We like fish in our drinks: Actually, true. A Caesar is a popular cocktail made with vodka and Clamato (Clamato is a tomato based drink that has clam broth in it). We like to chase it down with beer (while watching hockey in our igloos of course).
LOL One thing I have always admired about Canadians is their amazing sense of humor. I'm a big fan of Tim Hortons. Always have to stop at one when I'm in New York State. Still don't have a passport to get into Canada; but before 9/11 always enjoyed trips to Toronto. I have some distant relatives in Alberta and British Columbia that immigrated from County Antrim, Northern Ireland a long, long time ago.

i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
that's a happy bag of lettuce
this car smells like cartilage
nothing beats a good video about fractions

Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 10:05
All the stereotypes about Americans are true.......everyone watches NASCAR, owns guns, and drinks Miller Lite beer.

One does nothing yet nothing is left undone.

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 10:15
Yeah, we know. Stern Smile


Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 10:31
Originally posted by Modrigue Modrigue wrote:

All Frenchs buy baguettes and wear a beret... False.
Actually all Frenchs buy baguettes and wear scarves. Smile

Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)

Posted By: Ozark Soundscape
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 12:08
A lot of other countries' stereotypes about america are justified tbh.
I do hate how judgemental a lot of americans are about our southern states.

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 12:24
All stereotypes are crass, even positive ones


Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 12:52
Originally posted by Modrigue Modrigue wrote:

Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

Q: How many gears does a French tank have?
A: 4 reverse and 1 forward, in case the enemy attacks from the rear.

Ok, thanks... But I'm really sorry I swear I still honestly don't understand to which stereotype it refers, the relation with Frenchs or why it can be considered racist? It's the first time I hear this joke.

Or maybe this is a stereotype on Frenchs that I didn't know?
It is a cheap joke rather than a stereotype. He/they are referring to the French surrender in 1940 after the British and French forces were beaten during the Battle of France - needless to say this stereotype is used by mostly by Americans and seldom by Brits (certainly not by any Brit who knows the history).


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 14:38
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

Oh come on, you guys are hella polite; if "Nincompoopish tomfoolery" is the worst thing you can say, that just proves it.  (And what's this quiet mythology about Canadians and their doughnuts?)
I must say, I felt like washing my mouth out with soap after uttering those words. It's no myth about doughnuts, we are a nation of doughnut loving, doughnut slinging people. Threaten to take away our dougnuts and there will be trouble. The right to bear dougnuts is practically a constitutional right, and if it isn't, it should be. Our national anthem here is practically, "You've always got time for Tim Hortons". No joke, I ate three today (well yesterday, since it's almost 3:00 am). Like with coffee, nowadays, we've got the cheap doughnuts for the hoi polloi and the really upscale, gourmet doughnuts for the hoity toity, I want my chocolate truffles made out of real truffles, crowd.

Nice.  You should write a Canadian doughnut book, Greg.  Donucks or something.

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy

Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 15:33
I feel like America deserves whatever stereotypes it's acquired over the years.

Dig me...But don't...Bury me
I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.

Posted By: A Person
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 16:32
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

It's a poor joke, rather like:

Q: How many gears does a French tank have?
A: 4 reverse and 1 forward, in case the enemy attacks from the rear.

Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

Oh come on, you guys are hella polite; if "Nincompoopish tomfoolery" is the worst thing you can say, that just proves it.  (And what's this quiet mythology about Canadians and their doughnuts?)

I must say, I felt like washing my mouth out with soap after uttering those words. It's no myth about doughnuts, we are a nation of doughnut loving, doughnut slinging people. Threaten to take away our dougnuts and there will be trouble. The right to bear dougnuts is practically a constitutional right, and if it isn't, it should be. Our national anthem here is practically, "You've always got time for Tim Hortons". No joke, I ate three today (well yesterday, since it's almost 3:00 am). Like with coffee, nowadays, we've got the cheap doughnuts for the hoi polloi and the really upscale, gourmet doughnuts for the hoity toity, I want my chocolate truffles made out of real truffles, crowd.

Tim Hortons is not the best but the frozen capp thing is pretty addictive. I rarely go to Tim's though.

Posted By: MillsLayne
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 17:31
Originally posted by Man With Hat Man With Hat wrote:

I feel like America deserves whatever stereotypes it's acquired over the years.

I was about to say the same thing.  

-------------" rel="nofollow">


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: June 30 2016 at 17:50
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

The right to bear doughnuts is practically a constitutional right

 LOL    We have bear doughnuts, but mostly in Yosemite as a novelty.

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy

Posted By: CPicard
Date Posted: July 01 2016 at 06:19
Strangely, the positive stereotypes about France and Paris tend to annoy me, but I guess that's because I can see the darker stuff and the grim reality of living in Paris.

Also, I come from Marseille, and I'm somewhat fed up to see/hear/read people describing my hometown as a mix of Napoli, Detroit, the 70's New York and nowadays Syria: there are problems of poverty and violence (drug dealers shooting each others nearly every month), but most of its inhabitants can live rather peacefully without fearing everyday for their lives or their money like there were gangs in every street waiting with knives and kalashnikoves for the innocent passer-by!

Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: July 01 2016 at 14:00
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

It is a cheap joke rather than a stereotype. He/they are referring to the French surrender in 1940 after the British and French forces were beaten during the Battle of France - needless to say this stereotype is used by mostly by Americans and seldom by Brits (certainly not by any Brit who knows the history).
Dean, my  dear chap, you couldn't be more wrong. We Americans have never felt that the French are cowards and have never made jokes to that effect.  At least  that I'm aware of. And I speak from long experience.

We Americans do, however, view the French as arrogant snobs who are hung up on their precious croissants. Wink

This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.

Posted By: A Person
Date Posted: July 01 2016 at 14:35
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Modrigue Modrigue wrote:

Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

Q: How many gears does a French tank have?
A: 4 reverse and 1 forward, in case the enemy attacks from the rear.

Ok, thanks... But I'm really sorry I swear I still honestly don't understand to which stereotype it refers, the relation with Frenchs or why it can be considered racist? It's the first time I hear this joke.

Or maybe this is a stereotype on Frenchs that I didn't know?
It is a cheap joke rather than a stereotype. He/they are referring to the French surrender in 1940 after the British and French forces were beaten during the Battle of France - needless to say this stereotype is used by mostly by Americans and seldom by Brits (certainly not by any Brit who knows the history).

yeah there is this idea that the French are "cheese-eating surrender monkeys" that has gotten into popular culture. People who think that though must not be very grateful for them winning the revolutionary war for us.

Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: July 01 2016 at 14:45
Perhaps a better thread would be to ask if stereotypes originate from something true.

This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.

Posted By: aglasshouse
Date Posted: July 01 2016 at 15:25
No stereotypes against Americans are false. I'm fat, loud, and obnoxious.


Posted By: ClemofNazareth
Date Posted: July 01 2016 at 15:38
Play the" rel="nofollow - stereotype game .  I got 95%.

"Peace is the only battle worth waging."

Albert Camus

Posted By: Smurph
Date Posted: July 01 2016 at 16:48
I hate that people think American black metal is crap. Just some of it is crap. Just like Europe. :) 

-------------" rel="nofollow -


Posted By: Blinkyjoh
Date Posted: July 01 2016 at 17:33
I've heard the tank joke several times but always based on the Italians.

I can't think of any stereotypes that bother me

Posted By: manofmystery
Date Posted: July 01 2016 at 17:36
Originally posted by Modrigue Modrigue wrote:

I'm really sorry guys, I can't help you here. It's the very first time I hear this stereotype and I honestly did not knew about it.

BTW, I still don't understand why it can be considered racist...


Time always wins.

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: July 02 2016 at 03:33
Originally posted by SteveG SteveG wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

It is a cheap joke rather than a stereotype. He/they are referring to the French surrender in 1940 after the British and French forces were beaten during the Battle of France - needless to say this stereotype is used by mostly by Americans and seldom by Brits (certainly not by any Brit who knows the history).
Dean, my  dear chap, you couldn't be more wrong. We Americans have never felt that the French are cowards and have never made jokes to that effect.  At least  that I'm aware of. And I speak from long experience.
I'll not argue with you because if you're unaware of something then you're not going to know of it, but many posts in this tread and a multitude of references elsewhere strongly suggest you're mistaken.

While I said this originated in WWII its cultural origins are older. Back in the 18th century the phrase "French leave" was commonplace and stems from social gatherings among the aristocracy and ruling classes where leaving a party without thanking the host was considered impolite. This notion of the French leaving a party unannounced quickly crossed the pond and entered American parlance as someone who is absent without permission but also introduced the idea that this was habitually associated with the French. In French the equivalent phrase is filer à l'anglaise ("English leave") and this mutual exchange of nationalities in such phrases is common, especially when the idiom is an unsavoury one, such was the historical animosity between the two nations.

Until the advent of cheap travel and paid vacations the working folk of both nations only ever met on the battle-field so most Englishmen had never seen a Frenchman and vice versa. The apocryphal tale of the fishermen of Hartlepool hanging a ship-wrecked monkey during the Napoleonic Wars in the belief that the poor creature was a French spy as they'd never seen a monkey or a frenchman before is plausible because of that...

Originally posted by SteveG SteveG wrote:

Perhaps a better thread would be to ask if stereotypes originate from something true.
The caricature of the French onion seller wearing a striped 'breton' shirt, loose dark jacket, beret and red scarf while pedalling a bicycle laden with strings of onions did. Before the first world war a few French onion farmers would sail across the English Channel and then cycle around England selling their goods. As these were the only Frenchmen most Brits had ever seen their garb and appearance came to represent all Frenchmen in popular culture but is unrecognisable in France (except perhaps in Brittany where there is a" rel="nofollow - museum dedicated to these onion sellers in Roscoff ).


Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: July 02 2016 at 05:54
Just for your information: The French have the expression "filer à l'anglaise" ("to leave English style"). And the "French leave" phrase was originally not meant military at all.

In German there is the expression "sich auf Französisch empfehlen". "Ich empfehle mich" is an obsolete German expression for "I take my leave".


BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: July 02 2016 at 06:35
...isn't that what I just said? Pinch


Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: July 02 2016 at 07:07
My reply was actually meant to be to a previous post. I had started typing it and was interrupted, so I had not even read your post at all.


BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: July 02 2016 at 07:20
Then you can forgive my error as my post was the only mention of "French leave" prior to yours


Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: July 02 2016 at 07:24
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Then you can forgive my error as my post was the only mention of "French leave" prior to yours

No, I will never forgive you!!! Um.. , I meant "but certainly". WinkLOL


BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.

Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: July 02 2016 at 21:51
Only the one about India's famous snake charmers.  The last time I saw one was almost 15 years back.  We still have elephants and monkeys, though.  

Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: July 03 2016 at 05:15

SteveG said: "Dean, my  dear chap, you couldn't be more wrong. We Americans have never felt that the French are cowards and have never made jokes to that effect.  At least  that I'm aware of. And I speak from long experience."
Dean said: "I'll not argue with you because if you're unaware of something then you're not going to know of it, but many posts in this tread and a multitude of references elsewhere strongly suggest you're mistaken."

SteveG's reply to Dean:  Unfortunately, after WWII, the stereotype of the "coward whose is quick to surrender soldier" was transferred from the French to the Italians, in American "thinking".
But its not important to split hairs over this. I think that we can both agree that some stereotypes, like other forms of prejudice, result from ignorance of other peoples and their cultures.
An easy example is the American view of the so-called "greedy immigrant that works three jobs 20 hours out of the day." I think it's in the culture of these people to be successful at all costs and any less would be a failure, as some form of social disgrace.
At one time in the past, Americans were also prodded by their culture to be successful by wisely investing their money in stocks and in business ventures, and buying/selling real-estate. Not much physical work, so to other countries, we get the stereotype of the "lazy American", IMO.
This example is not all inclusive, but I believe that it has merit.

Posted By: HemispheresOfXanadu
Date Posted: July 03 2016 at 23:21
Canadians are all polite  etc. etc. This bugs me because it's Canadians who say it. I personally don't believe we're less inclined to stereotyping (and whatever else) as our neighbours the States. Maybe we're worse because we run around with big heads thinking that we are.

-------------" rel="nofollow - @ProgFollower on Twitter. Tweet me muzak.

Posted By: Kespuzzuo
Date Posted: November 29 2016 at 14:21
One thing that annoys me, is that people think that Chileans can't speak.
For example, look at the comments in this video, one of the users commented that Chileans are homosexual and that they like something I can't mention in this forum.

Posted By: Barbu
Date Posted: November 29 2016 at 21:54
That Québec is the most corrupted province of Canada.

Wait! That's true.


Posted By: Kotro
Date Posted: November 30 2016 at 03:45
I have no idea what foreigner's stereotypes about Portugal are. Probably the same as Spain (which I guess is a strereotype itself).

Bigger on the inside.

Posted By: MortSahlFan
Date Posted: March 01 2018 at 16:17
I like reading this thread, since I love reading things from people from all over... However, I think where my parents had sex isn't the best indicator of who we are.. I think I can tell more about a person by their favorite movies, or what they laugh at. And to an extent, music.

Anyway, I don't think any of the stereotypes applied to me. It's a huge country. I don't think we're lazy. But I do think it's intellectually lazy to stereotype millions of people based on something you heard. I think what happens in the future is that people will look for it, "See? See??"

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: March 07 2018 at 05:13
One stereotype is the British all think they're great, that they still have clout on the world stage, and are in some way important.

This is confirmed by Boris Johnson "warning the Kremlin"

I guess he's just playing to the gallery, but he is representative of a bygone Britain, when proud men worked in factories doing things with metal. Many Brits have yet to move on and accept their impending third world status. Still, we'll always have Shakespeare and The Beatles until someone bans them for being somehow 'racist' or 'transphobic'

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: March 07 2018 at 05:40
All Finnish people are introverts (like I am), not talk at all in public places or anyway talk at all. I think I am minority in this country (and even I haven´t got real difficulties to talk when I want to).

But that isn´t annoying me at all. The one that annoys is that all Finns love ice hockey (also many Finns believe that) - I have never loved to watch any sport.

Posted By: twseel
Date Posted: March 07 2018 at 08:35
Should I do this for the Dutch? The most annoying one is probably the assumption that Amsterdam is the only place worth going here when there are about ten other cities with the same amount of weedshops, prostitutes, 17th century architecture, interconnected waterways and chill atmosphere, the only difference is that more events will take place in Amsterdam (for obvious reasons) and it's overrun with tourists and expats, making it both expensive and tedious to live there...
Very few people wear clogs.
We don't use that much drugs, but we do produce a lot of it.
We're far from socialist, and even social democrat doesn't sound completely apt considering just how much money we make from hosting multinationals and according to some we're a tax haven even.
It is true that we are blunt, although this is most apparent in Amsterdam.


Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: April 10 2018 at 08:53
I am originally from the USA and would like to contribute one: "all Americans love baseball". wrong; I find it dead boring and always hated it


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: April 10 2018 at 09:40
Originally posted by twseel twseel wrote:

Should I do this for the Dutch? The most annoying one is probably the assumption that Amsterdam is the only place worth going here when there are about ten other cities with the same amount of weedshops, prostitutes, 17th century architecture, interconnected waterways and chill atmosphere, the only difference is that more events will take place in Amsterdam (for obvious reasons) and it's overrun with tourists and expats, making it both expensive and tedious to live there...
Very few people wear clogs.
We don't use that much drugs, but we do produce a lot of it.
We're far from socialist, and even social democrat doesn't sound completely apt considering just how much money we make from hosting multinationals and according to some we're a tax haven even.
It is true that we are blunt, although this is most apparent in Amsterdam.

And we don't go to work on skates in wintertime Wink.


Posted By: Quinino
Date Posted: April 10 2018 at 09:59
We are not Spanish, please (Iberians it's ok) - We don't kill the bull at the end of the "fiesta" (in Spain they do)

Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: April 10 2018 at 11:39
Originally posted by BaldJean BaldJean wrote:

I am originally from the USA and would like to contribute one: "all Americans love baseball". wrong; I find it dead boring and always hated it

I used to follow baseball while growing up, even played it for awhile locally as a teenager. I even fancied myself being a pitcher someday, but alas, I had control issues and sometimes had a hanging curve ball. I lost interest in it with the doping/steroids scandals from the 1990s into the early 2000s. I will readily admit that it's dreadfully boring to watch on TV.

Another U.S. stereotype is apple pie. I eat apple pie maybe once a year at the most and don't care for the sour apple versions.

Another mysterious one: I was once accused of being un-American for hating blueberries! Since when are blueberries an American thing?

i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
that's a happy bag of lettuce
this car smells like cartilage
nothing beats a good video about fractions

Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: April 10 2018 at 11:40
I'd like to hear what stereotypes other countries have about America.
Other than the old 'Ugly American' theme....I'm not sure what they are.

One does nothing yet nothing is left undone.

Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: April 10 2018 at 12:13
Everything is BIG in the America.

Posted By: doompaul
Date Posted: April 10 2018 at 14:22
All Americans are obnoxious and unwilling to try to "fit in" when travelling abroad.  

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: April 10 2018 at 16:12
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

1. Canadians live in igloos: sometimes, but come late July our igloos melt and we move into Tim Hortons until winter sets in in late August.

2. Canadians drink copious amounts of beer and are always eating back-bacon: Incorrect, we also eat side-bacon.

3. Canadians are polite: What a witless thing to consider. Nincompoopish toomfoolery!, though perhaps I am being too harsh.

4. We all play hockey: most of us just watch hockey on TV from the comfort of our igloos while swigging beer and eating back and side-bacon.

5. We like fish in our drinks: Actually, true. A Caesar is a popular cocktail made with vodka and Clamato (Clamato is a tomato based drink that has clam broth in it). We like to chase it down with beer (while watching hockey in our igloos of course).

Don't you guys have a 25 hour clock? Still doing those seal hunts in Saskatchewan?


Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: April 10 2018 at 16:44
Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

Everything is BIG in the America.

which reminds me of a joke. an American tourist is shown around a German town by a German travel guide. the travel guide shows him a factory and says: "this is our steel factory", to which the American replies "oh, we have that in America too, but bigger, ten times bigger".

the travel guide shows another building: "this is our art museum". "oh, we have that in America too, but bigger, ten times bigger".

another building follows. "this is our university". "oh, we have that in America too, but bigger, ten times bigger".

another building follows. "this is our car factory". "oh, we have that in America too, but bigger, ten times bigger".

quite naturally the travel guide gets pretty bugged by this behavior of his companion, so he shows him another building and starts "this is..." but fakes a coughing fit at this point, and of course before he can continue the American chimes in with his "oh, we have that in America too, but bigger, ten times bigger", whereupon the travel guide replies: "I certainly believe you; this is our mental institution" LOL


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: MortSahlFan
Date Posted: April 11 2018 at 08:26
Originally posted by doompaul doompaul wrote:

All Americans are obnoxious and unwilling to try to "fit in" when travelling abroad.  

I'm an "American" who spent almost 25% of his adult life backpacking.. Before I entered a new country, I made sure I knew enough of the language, and of course the history and other important things.

It is annoying when someone asks something entirely in English expecting a guy in France to know what he's talking about.

Posted By: Barbu
Date Posted: April 11 2018 at 12:28
Originally posted by BaldJean BaldJean wrote:

Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

Everything is BIG in the America.

which reminds me of a joke. an American tourist is shown around a German town by a German travel guide. the travel guide shows him a factory and says: "this is our steel factory", to which the American replies "oh, we have that in America too, but bigger, ten times bigger".

the travel guide shows another building: "this is our art museum". "oh, we have that in America too, but bigger, ten times bigger".

another building follows. "this is our university". "oh, we have that in America too, but bigger, ten times bigger".

another building follows. "this is our car factory". "oh, we have that in America too, but bigger, ten times bigger".

quite naturally the travel guide gets pretty bugged by this behavior of his companion, so he shows him another building and starts "this is..." but fakes a coughing fit at this point, and of course before he can continue the American chimes in with his "oh, we have that in America too, but bigger, ten times bigger", whereupon the travel guide replies: "I certainly believe you; this is our mental institution" LOL

Haha! good one.


Posted By: doompaul
Date Posted: April 11 2018 at 16:09
Originally posted by MortSahlFan MortSahlFan wrote:

Originally posted by doompaul doompaul wrote:

All Americans are obnoxious and unwilling to try to "fit in" when travelling abroad.  

I'm an "American" who spent almost 25% of his adult life backpacking.. Before I entered a new country, I made sure I knew enough of the language, and of course the history and other important things.

It is annoying when someone asks something entirely in English expecting a guy in France to know what he's talking about.

Right! at the very least it would be polite to (at the very least) have a phrasebook with you. I know a lot of americans who, when travelling, claim to be Canadians due to the stigma.

Posted By: MortSahlFan
Date Posted: April 11 2018 at 16:20
Reminds me of a joke I heard while traveling, ethnic humor (and this is the one I remember)

On an airplane, sits an American, an Iraqi, an Egyptian, and a Frenchman.... The American man opens up a carton of cigarettes, and after a single puff, throws the entire carton out the plane.

"Why did you do that?" asks the Iraqi man.
"We have a lot of these in America"

Then, not wanting to be outdone, the Frenchman opens up a bottle of cologne, sprays once, and throws it out the airplane.

"Why did you do that?" asks the Iraqi man.
"We have a lot of that in France"

So the Iraqi man picks up the Egyptian man and throws him out the plane..

"Why did you do that?" asks the men.
"We have a lot of them in Iraq!"

Posted By: ProgMetaller2112
Date Posted: April 11 2018 at 17:55
That all Americans are fat and stupid 

“War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength.”

― George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

"Ignorance and Prejudice and Fear walk Hand in Hand"- Neil Peart

Posted By: ProgMetaller2112
Date Posted: April 11 2018 at 17:57
Originally posted by dr wu23 dr wu23 wrote:

All the stereotypes about Americans are true.......everyone watches NASCAR, owns guns, and drinks Miller Lite beer.


“War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength.”

― George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

"Ignorance and Prejudice and Fear walk Hand in Hand"- Neil Peart

Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: April 11 2018 at 18:48
Originally posted by MortSahlFan MortSahlFan wrote:

Reminds me of a joke I heard while traveling, ethnic humor (and this is the one I remember)

On an airplane, sits an American, an Iraqi, an Egyptian, and a Frenchman.... The American man opens up a carton of cigarettes, and after a single puff, throws the entire carton out the plane.

"Why did you do that?" asks the Iraqi man.
"We have a lot of these in America"

Then, not wanting to be outdone, the Frenchman opens up a bottle of cologne, sprays once, and throws it out the airplane.

"Why did you do that?" asks the Iraqi man.
"We have a lot of that in France"

So the Iraqi man picks up the Egyptian man and throws him out the plane..

"Why did you do that?" asks the men.
"We have a lot of them in Iraq!"

This one reminds me of this joke:

What is the difference between heaven and hell?

In heaven the cook is French, the car mechanic is German, the policeman is English, the official is Swiss and the lover is Italian.

In hell the cook is English, the car mechanic is French, the policeman is German, the official is Italian and the lover is Swiss.


BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: April 11 2018 at 19:03
ehhh...  could imagine there are a good many stereotypes about Americans...  most are probably true so I never get upset myself. I know everytime I go abroad I am asked.. what the hell is going on there.. did you really elect an unquaified mentally and morally deficient misogynist, bigoted reality TV 'star' as President.

I just throw my hands up and say.. hey.. the greatest generation is dying off... this is the new America. We are just as stupid and ignorant and short sighted as the world we used to take care of, care take, and occasionally save.  The only savior the world might have to look upon now is the f**king Chinese hahah... don't look to us anymore..  in fact.. next to Russia.. you best fear us... we have slid THAT far....

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: April 11 2018 at 19:31
^You've actually gone abroad since Trump got in..?
Can you loan me some money then...?


One does nothing yet nothing is left undone.

Posted By: ProgMetaller2112
Date Posted: April 11 2018 at 20:55
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

ehhh...  could imagine there are a good many stereotypes about Americans...  most are probably true so I never get upset myself. I know everytime I go abroad I am asked.. what the hell is going on there.. did you really elect an unquaified mentally and morally deficient misogynist, bigoted reality TV 'star' as President.

I just throw my hands up and say.. hey.. the greatest generation is dying off... this is the new America. We are just as stupid and ignorant and short sighted as the world we used to take care of, care take, and occasionally save.  The only savior the world might have to look upon now is the f**king Chinese hahah... don't look to us anymore..  in fact.. next to Russia.. you best fear us... we have slid THAT far....


“War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength.”

― George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

"Ignorance and Prejudice and Fear walk Hand in Hand"- Neil Peart

Posted By: ExittheLemming
Date Posted: April 12 2018 at 01:42
The stereotype that Scottish people are 'mean' (meaning miserly in this context) really annoys me as I consider us to be some of the most generous and helpful people on the planet. What little we have we are always willing to share. We can probably blame music hall entertainer Harry Lauder for originating this stigma as his running gag was the lengths the Scots would go to avoid spending money etc. The prick was from Edinburgh to bootOuch

If drinking and fighting were Olympic events our cities would be sinking into the oceans under the weight of gold.....Wink


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