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Hold the Door

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Topic: Hold the Door
Posted By: infocat
Subject: Hold the Door
Date Posted: May 24 2016 at 02:45
Why did this scene affect me so?  Not since Buffy died has a filmed scene brought tears to my eyes.

Frank Swarbrick
Belief is not Truth.

Posted By: MillsLayne
Date Posted: May 24 2016 at 02:56
Why couldn't it have been Sam and Gilly instead?  They're so annoying! LOL  But yes, a very strong scene, emotionally.  Maybe not quite as shocking as say, the Red Wedding, but definitely a major scene in the whole series.

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Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: May 24 2016 at 02:58
Originally posted by infocat infocat wrote:

Why did this scene affect me so?  Not since Buffy died has a filmed scene brought tears to my eyes.

some details please. I don't know what you're talking about Embarrassed

Posted By: JJLehto
Date Posted: May 24 2016 at 08:29
Given the number of memes I've seen pop up about it, and general sentiment, you are not alone. 
Was a very sad and powerful scene indeed. 

I watch the show with HBO GO which has the post episode breakdown with one of the creators, and he said how just hearing from Martin what happens left him no doubt it was gunna be a heavy scene. 

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