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Frank Zappa vault Kickstarter campaign

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Topic: Frank Zappa vault Kickstarter campaign
Posted By: Dreamcow
Subject: Frank Zappa vault Kickstarter campaign
Date Posted: April 04 2016 at 19:31
Many Frank Zappa fans may already know this but there is a Kickstarter campaign to save the Zappa music vault as well as make a definitive documentary about the man.  It's backed by the Zappa Family Trust and being run by Alex Winter (Bill from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure).  There's some pretty cool and absurd rewards (including Zappa's house!).  The campaign has four days left if anyone's interested:

Posted By: Intruder
Date Posted: April 07 2016 at 09:44
Zappa is a prog addict staple, but let's not let this creative genius fall into obscurity beyond those impassioned few.  Zappa is one of America's greatest modern composers.....there should be a monument erected to him on the mall in Wash., D.C.  In fact, the US should mark one day a year dedicated to Zappa....cross-dressing, cigarettes and coffee, music created from dropping buckets of silverware into a steel drum, and ecstatic guitar solos will be de rigur. 

I like to feel the suspense when you're certain you know I am there.....

Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: April 07 2016 at 10:38
Afficher limage dorigine

Posted By: AZF
Date Posted: April 07 2016 at 11:49
Can't donate a single £ for now, but I hope something good comes from this. More looking forward to the complete inventory of the studio tapes, as opposed to what could be on them.

Posted By: tboyd1802
Date Posted: April 12 2016 at 14:46
Ultimately this effort raised over $1.1 million dollars...

He neither drank, smoked, nor rode a bicycle. Living frugally, saving his money, he died early, surrounded by greedy relatives. It was a great lesson to me -- John Barrymore

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