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Not a bug per se, but...

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Category: Site News, Newbies, Help and Improvements
Forum Name: Report bugs here
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Printed Date: March 03 2025 at 11:26
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Topic: Not a bug per se, but...
Posted By: Stalvern
Subject: Not a bug per se, but...
Date Posted: April 03 2016 at 17:56
How long have review permalinks been labeled "Review Permanlink"?  I feel like I should have noticed this much longer ago; in any case, it needs to be fixed.

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: April 04 2016 at 12:26
Think it may have been like that for quite a few while - I've noticed it before. It's interesting that the erroneous "n" is only found under the "Latest members reviews" banner on the album review pages:" rel="nofollow - Review Permanlink . The collab reviews on the left site of an album page say "review Permalink" as do all reviews when you click on "Show all reviews/ratings" and "permalink" is spelled correctly with all on the home page.

Maybe it stands for PermaNotacollaboratorLink -- not really, and not funny either.

EDIT Note: I believe that it's only the site owner (and perhaps one of his web developers) who can make such changes, hopefully he'll see this topic or someone will email M@x about the issue.

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