young proglovers
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Topic: young proglovers
Posted By: pale moon
Subject: young proglovers
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 10:22
i discovered prog when i was 16... and that was two years ago! being just 18 years old i find it hard to find people of my age who also like progrock. when i talk about genesis most of my friends only say: "yeah isnt that that lame band from phil collins with that awful song i cant dance?" when i tell them they have huge epics with beautiful songstructures from their early period they are not interested just because phil collins is in the band! when i go to a concert from an artist i like (like jan akkerman) i only see people more than twice my age. that's ok but it makes me think: is music today listened by youth all about greenday/50cent/DJtiesto/Jenniferlopez? are there any young progrocklovers out there who have the same experiences as me (not being able to discus the early king crimson stuff with your friends during your break at school)? or is this beloved musicgenre mainly known and loved by 40+ men and women?
Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 10:24
You're not alone: -

-------------" rel="nofollow - Release Polls
Listened to:
Posted By: pale moon
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 10:26
woooooooow! thank god! 
that was more than i ever hoped for
Posted By: Mr Krinkle
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 10:33
I understand you. Almost the same thing happened to me when I was 14. I had only one classmate that knew about progressive rock. At that time I was into ELP and Yes, an I remember he gave me a tape with Relayer ( I already had Yes album, Fragile & CTTE). I was very thankfull for that.
------------- "...I like the way the music goes...there's a few good guys who can play it right..."
Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 10:36
I discovered prog at 13 years,now I'm 15...
Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 10:39
Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 10:41
Well,guess what...The new generation can like prog...
Posted By: Toob-Wurm
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 10:43
I'm 16, I discovered prog rock a year ago. Nobody in our school has ever heard of King Crimson or Genesis. There's a lot of Pink Floyd and Tool fans around here though. Quite a few people like Opeth as well.
Posted By: Syndromet
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 10:44
I'm 22 year old, and have loved prog for 7 years now (has it realy been
hat long??). Fell in love with yes and dt at the age of 15
It is said to be the first Test-pressing of the corean release??
Posted By: pale moon
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 10:47
Well,guess what...The new generation can like prog... [/QUOTE]
well, that means there is hope for the future
by the way, how did you young progfans came to listening to progmusic? was it your parents (not in mine case! haha)? were it reverences from bands you liked? please tell me
Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 10:47
I guess I'm a member of the "Prog-Metal generation". I'll make a poll - I have the theory that many young prog fans (who are now between 10 and 20 years old) don't like Prog-Metal (statistically speaking) ... I think it had it's peak in the early nineties, when I was 15-20 years old.
-------------" rel="nofollow - Release Polls
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Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 10:48
Special thanks to my dad,without which I would have never entered into prog...
Of course,he just recommended me some names,like Schulze/Tangerine
Dream/Crimson/Genesis and I gave it a shot...I obviously didn't waster
my time...
Yes,hope exists...
Posted By: Wolf Spider
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 10:52
20 and I discovered prog only a year ago thanks to my friend Karolina -
she gave me Dream Theater`s "ToT" to listen and I loved it. After that
it all happend quick: PoS, Symphony X, Porcupine Tree, Riverside, the
Flower Kings... then I discovered Zappa and the prog gigants of the
70`... but it`s a still log road for me. And I know what you mean exept
for Karolina none of my friends have interest in prog they are more
punk/metal so they don`t dig more complex music . But this forum shows that many young people like prog music and that`s one thing to be happy with
------------- -
Posted By: Hemispheres
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 10:59
My dad introduced me to Yes and King Crmson when i was 8 and then i kind of forgot about it and started listening again at 12 and really got into Zappa and all kinds of prog
------------- [IMG]">[IMG]">
Posted By: SomethingGood
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 11:02
pale moon wrote:
by the way, how did you young progfans came to listening to progmusic? was it your parents (not in mine case! haha)? were it reverences from bands you liked? please tell me |
I'm 17, and I started listening to prog music at about 16.
I used to be a big fan of metal (well... i still am) and on a metal forum i frequent i was introduced to bands like Dream Theater and Pain of Salvation. I absolutely loved the way both bands made epic songs and albums which were much more deep than mainstream music, I especially loved the way that PoS albums told a specific story. I was searching for bands similar to these, and stumbled across this site. Eventually I got convinced to listen to older symphonic prog bands like Yes and King Crimson and the like. And that's pretty much where I am today.
Click the image. CLICK IT!!!
Posted By: Progzilla
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 11:03
I was also astonished to find so many young prog fans here. I'm myself
more than halfway to 50, and I knew quite many progfans when I grew up,
but I never thought the younger generation listened to prog from the
Or is it just because so many young people are using Forums like this
one? The relative void around 25-40 years in the poll MikeEnRegalia
pointed to is interesting though...
------------- Currently listening to:
- Andromeda
- Pagan's Mind
- Kamelot
Posted By: Mr Krinkle
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 11:04
pale moon wrote:
by the way, how did you young progfans came to listening to progmusic? was it your parents (not in mine case! haha)? were it reverences from bands you liked? please tell me
I was lucky, because my father had almost all the classic albums: Foxtrot, Selling England, Red, Starless& Bible, Tarkus, Trilogy, Close to the Edge, Fragile,.... so I had a lot of material to start with! The first prog song I listened to was Epitaph (I began listening to the Young Person's Guide vinyl, then In the Court), and Crimson it's still my favourite band (prog or non prog) 14 years later (now I'm 28).
------------- "...I like the way the music goes...there's a few good guys who can play it right..."
Posted By: pale moon
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 11:10
when i started this topic i was i little worried i'd be kind of alone, that's because i visited another progwebsite (sorry ) where a poll was shown about the age of progheads and it came out that just 0,5% (!!) of the progloving visitors of that site was under the age of 25. so i find it really great to see so many people of my age that are progdiggers.
it could indeed be explained because of the fact that mostly young people use internetsites and forums nowadays. but still! this huge number of young progfans! its great!!
Posted By: pogoowner
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 11:13
I'm 16 now. I first discovered prog when i was about 10 years old (Kansas was the first band I liked, and I went from there).
------------- And it might as well be raining, 'cause the sunlight hurts his eyes,
And his ears will never hear the children's cries
Posted By: daghrastubfari
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 11:14
I'm 15 years old, but my father listened to things like Zappa,
Genesis and Tull so I've grown up with prog. Since I'm 14 I'm really
interested in it and I've started to persuade my friends to
listen to prog.
Posted By: Publius
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 11:23
I'm 16 and discovered it when I was 15!
------------- I'm so prog, I clap in 9/8
Posted By: Syndromet
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 11:32
by the way, how did you young progfans came to listening to progmusic? was it your parents (not in mine case! haha)? were it reverences from bands you liked? please tell me
My parents always have always been playing PF, along with all other types of music, so I loved PF from the age of 8 or something. At the age of 14 I was realy into metall, and I heard the name Dream Theater somewhere, witch led me to buy Falling into infinity. I really loved this music, since it was a mix between the metal I loved and some elements from pink floyd.When my father heard this record, he decided it was time to blow the dust of his old records and gave them to me. This collection was small, but included some great albums like Going for the one, Tormato, six Wifes and YESterdays. Then I was hooked, and explored the rest of this genere myself. So now I introduce my dad to music he would have loved in his teens. 
It is said to be the first Test-pressing of the corean release??
Posted By: Lyzarrd
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 11:33
I'm 20 myself and got into prog about 3 years ago. I have only one
friend that, if he tried, can really start getting into it but he
always goes back to metal or just plain crap. My Dad can't believe I'm
listening to all the stuff he wouldn't dare listen to back in the 70s
since he was into disco and the like.
So...its an ever uphill battle with me. I'm going it alone right now,
but I wouldn't have it any other way. As long as I can keep listening
to prog...I won't have to violently mutitlate someone. 
------------- Can you tell me where my country lies...
Posted By: fairyliar
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 11:37
I'm 24 and I hear prog for 5 years now.
I started with Yes The Ladder, the previous boyfriend of my sister liked Yes alot so he made me listen and I fell in love. The rest of the story is logical: Genesis, King Crimson, Pink Floyd, ELP, Marillion,....
Posted By: cluckie
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 11:45
i got into prog when i was about 13 or 14 but none of my mates liked the music. they all said you have to be stoned or have a screw loose in the head to listen to it as intensly as we do.
quote: "you have to be stoned to listen to that s**t or trying to drown out the voices in your head."
which is a shame .... huh who said that? 
Posted By: Ty1020
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 11:55
I'm 15, and I've gotten a lot of my friends to listen to prog (although
many of them listened to bands like Rush and Dream Theater before I
even knew what "prog" meant). There are a lot of people I know who
still use the old "they're talented musicians, but they couldn't write
a song if their life depended on it" line on me when I show them a good
prog band, but the majority of people (especially the ones who are
actually interested in music) like it a lot.
Posted By: Progzilla
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 12:00
cluckie wrote:
i got into prog when i was about 13 or 14 but none
of my mates liked the music. they all said you have to be stoned or
have a screw loose in the head to listen to it as intensly as we do.
quote: "you have to be stoned to listen to that s**t or trying to drown out the voices in your head."
which is a shame .... huh who said that?  |

------------- Currently listening to:
- Andromeda
- Pagan's Mind
- Kamelot
Posted By: Biggles
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 12:19
I started listening to it either late in my 14th year or early in my 15th; I can't quite remember (I'm now 16, btw). Initially, as far as prog goes I only listened to Pink Floyd, which I loved. Some of the other stuff still seemed to be incomprehensible to me: either too dissonant, or too cheesy (talk about that Genesis keyboard in "Firth of Fifth"), or in some cases, too... well... gay. Come on, just listen to "Knots" by Gentle Giant and tell me straight up that that isn't camp. My dad had quite a few of the classics, namely Nursery Cryme, Foxtrot, Selling England, Close to the Edge, Topographic Oceans, Relayer, Trilogy, Tarkus, Brain Salad Surgery, Octopus, Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Starless and Bible Black, Red, and Dark Side of the Moon, and he introduced me to them once I'd gotten used to Floyd.
I think the turning point for me in my appreciation of prog was "Larks' Tongues in Aspic." I had that album lying around in my room for at least 2 months, sometimes listening just to "Book of Saturday," the only track that seemed to make sense, and giving the other stuff a miss. It was too dissonant and too strange; much more so than any Pink Floyd album. Then, after listening to it several times, one day it just finally clicked, and I loved it. And really, once you can understand "Larks' Tongues in Aspic," which in my opinion is one of the most challenging rock albums ever made, there's no difficulty in getting your head around the other stuff. I soon fell in love with "Close to the Edge," and I remember when I first heard "Roundabout" and blasted it at maximum volume for 3 days straight. After a few listens I could understand and appreciate Genesis, and at my dad's recommendation I ordered Jethro Tull's "Aqualung." About 6 months on, and I now own 16 Tull albums, and I've bought many more prog albums of my own accord that my dad didn't have at the time, including 4 King Crimson albums, 1 Dream Theater, 7 Floyd, 1 Genesis, 2 Mars Volta, 3 Yes, 2 Camel, and a few others I might have missed out. I buy roughly 2 albums a week, so my collection keeps expanding. I've also recently gotten into fusion, with my favorite fusion acts being the Mahavishnu Orchestra, Weather Report, Pat Metheny, and Return to Forever. I also love blues and classic rock. Really, most of what I listen to is thanks to my dad's guidance, but I've gone even further and I now have an almost encyclopedic knowledge of 60s and 70s rock music of any kind.
------------- The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe.">
Posted By: cluckie
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 12:41
biggles likes "Larks' Tongues in Aspic" eh.... class i remember the exact point that i realised that what i was listening to i was actually enjoying. i had been playing it without realising its greatness. one of my milestones too.
Posted By: Infinity
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 12:52
Next thing you know we'll have a dating ring on the archives!

just messin' wit ch'ya...
All hail PROG worldwide and age evading appeal

------------- I can't remember what I said
I lost my head.
Posted By: Damen
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 13:00
I'm 17 and i've been listening to prog since I was 6, heh, I didn't realize Genesis was prog when I used to listen to it though, and when I was 14 I started to learn about prog and all the other artists out there and i've been in love with it ever since.
------------- "It's amazing that we've been able to put up with each other for 35 years. Most marriages don't last that long these days."
-Chris Squire
Posted By: Publius
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 13:03
That's the ebst way to like prog really Damen. It shows you have always loved prog for what it is, and not just because it is prog and 'different'. You are a true prog fan!
------------- I'm so prog, I clap in 9/8
Posted By: Paradox
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 13:18
There are so few young prog fans around because there is little to no mainstream exposure. Where on earth would the average rock fan hear prog rock? It's not played on any music TV channels that i'm aware of, and most music magazines don't mention it at all.
Posted By: Dreamer
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 13:20
I first heard The wall, at about 12 or 13, and got totally blown away. I had no idea it was prog though. Than for my 14th birthday me dad got me Fragile, by Yes, and I was hooked!!!
16 now and my collection is still growing as fast as i can afford...
Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 13:21
I too discovered prog (Yes and Genesis) when I was about 13. Actually
most of my school friends were into similiar stuff (either prog or
heavy rock such as Rainbow). Yes, it's a shame that prog rock is
largely ignored by music press and music retailers.
Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 13:26
pale moon wrote:
i discovered prog when i was 16... and that was two years ago! being just 18 years old i find it hard to find people of my age who also like progrock. when i talk about genesis most of my friends only say: "yeah isnt that that lame band from phil collins with that awful song i cant dance?" when i tell them they have huge epics with beautiful songstructures from their early period they are not interested just because phil collins is in the band! when i go to a concert from an artist i like (like jan akkerman) i only see people more than twice my age. that's ok but it makes me think: is music today listened by youth all about greenday/50cent/DJtiesto/Jenniferlopez? are there any young progrocklovers out there who have the same experiences as me (not being able to discus the early king crimson stuff with your friends during your break at school)? or is this beloved musicgenre mainly known and loved by 40+ men and women? |
Jean and I are only 30+. But yes, the music industry tries to keep young people stupid, so they buy their sh*t.

BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.
Posted By: pale moon
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 13:27
Paradox wrote:
There are so few young prog fans around because there is little to no mainstream exposure. Where on earth would the average rock fan hear prog rock? It's not played on any music TV channels that i'm aware of, and most music magazines don't mention it at all. |
progmusic is a true treasure we should cherish we dug it up
Posted By: Ty1020
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 14:17
Paradox wrote:
There are so few young prog fans around because there is
little to no mainstream exposure. Where on earth would the average rock
fan hear prog rock? It's not played on any music TV channels that i'm
aware of, and most music magazines don't mention it at all. |
I don't know about anywhere else in the world, but in Canada, Rush gets
a lot of radio airtime, so I know a lot of people who are fans
of that band. Most of the prog fans I know (including myself) got into
it from the metal side of things - when a fellow metal fan lent me
Scenes From a Memory, I was instantly hooked and wanted to explore this
exciting new genre as much as possible. I ended up on this site and
learned about all the classic prog bands who I had previously thought
were just more generic old pop/rock. I then found some Yes, King
Crimson, and ELP in my dad's record collection, loved it, and went from
I really can't get over how weird it is that most of you can't find any
other fans of good music in your schools/towns/whatever. I spend a
ton of time discussing good music with all kinds of different
people, and I can't imagine what it'd be like to not be able to do
Posted By: ShaggyMcShagg7
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 14:27
I'm 15 and I discovered at 14.
Posted By: KoS
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 15:10
I'm 17 and i discovered prog about six months ago although i listened
to Dream Theater, Tool and Symphony X. Now I try to listen to
everything thats prog.
Posted By: Musak
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 15:12
I think that most of the people of my age (I'm 20) are into punk-rock/ska (if you're alternative) or trash pop (if you're into the system)... at least, that's how it is where I live. I'm known as "the one who listens to strange music": people never know what I'm talking about when I come out with names like I am Kloot, Mark Lanegan (not very prog eh? ), King Crimson, Porcupine Tree, Tool...
anyway, I don't care. I'm used to. I've been looking for a Smashing Pumpkins fan for six years... 
* My eyes are full but my face is empty *
Posted By: robertplantowns
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 15:41
I'm 21 and I've been listening to prog for two years now almost
exclusively although for me the progression to prog came more from my
early tastes for classical music and jazz. I went into a
punk/rock phase that lasted until I was 18 (how typical) and then I
started yearning for more complex music which because of my
expectations from classical music, which prog fulfilled quite
So it's pretty clear that there are many young progheads at least on
this site, but has anyone ever met anyone else who loves prog as well
(not just someone who listens to Floyd) on a dedicated level like many
of the fans on the Archives. Are there many young prog listeners
on the archives because there are so many young prog lovers in the
world OR are there many young prog listeners on the archives because we
have no avenue in real life with which to share our musical interests,
so we are forced into the bastion of the internet to express our
shunned tastes??? I would venture to the latter.
Posted By: con safo
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 15:43
Discovered prog when i was 16 .. 17 now.
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 16:06
Yes, we are a great community!
The Great Minority!
The Beatles
Posted By: the icon of sin
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 16:20
pale moon wrote:
i discovered prog when i was 16... and that was two years ago! being just 18 years old i find it hard to find people of my age who also like progrock. when i talk about genesis most of my friends only say: "yeah isnt that that lame band from phil collins with that awful song i cant dance?" when i tell them they have huge epics with beautiful songstructures from their early period they are not interested just because phil collins is in the band! when i go to a concert from an artist i like (like jan akkerman) i only see people more than twice my age. that's ok but it makes me think: is music today listened by youth all about greenday/50cent/DJtiesto/Jenniferlopez? are there any young progrocklovers out there who have the same experiences as me (not being able to discus the early king crimson stuff with your friends during your break at school)? or is this beloved musicgenre mainly known and loved by 40+ men and women
I can really relate to that. I'm 17 and have been into prog for about 1 1/2 years but have never found anyone to talk to about it of my own age. I have got a friend heavily into Opeth and Symphony X although one of my other friends annoyed the hell out of me by calling DT's Awake "weird". There's nothing weird about it! 
It was my dad who started me on the road to musical experimentation and i've never really thanked him for it...Without him who knows where i might've ended up. *shudder*
Posted By: CaptainWafflos
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 16:40
I'm 17. I got into Prog at age 13 with Tool. My brother got me into
Pink Floyd a year later. I've been exploring the prog genre since then.
My favorite subgenre is progressive metal.
Posted By: Retrovertigo
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 16:46
Publius wrote:
I'm 16 and discovered it when I was 15! |
Posted By: Evan1211
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 16:49
I also am 17 and got into prog at 13! Thanks to my dad, I got started out on Genesis and Dream Theater. I then got strictly into symphonic prog since thats what he listens to most (we share our cd's etc.) but lately I have also gotten into fusion.
My friends who know of prog only know prog metal and think I am a little "out there" for my symphonic prog epics etc. haha. I have some friends who love Genesis and Yes even Gentle Giant when I introduced them to it. 
Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 17:00
Posted By: Violenza
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 17:37
I'm 18, and yes, I'm afraid I also do not know anyone who appreciates our music; except for my dad who introduced me to Yes, Pink Floyd, and Rush, although I'm not sure he's very interested in the more adventurous bands.
Posted By: ian_b
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 17:48
my father influenced my musical taste. i am 18. i have listened to old prog music my whole life with him. i am just now discovering there is new prog to. i bought my first DT album about 4 months ago and are my new favorite band besides Yes.
Posted By: Arsillus
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 18:10
I started listening to prog when I was 13 and now I'm 17. So far, I've only met (and become friends with) about 3-4 people who generally like prog (and lots of other good music as well).
Posted By: Starette
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 19:10
I'm 19, I got introduced to Prog by an 18 year-old who has alot of friends the same age who love prog too. on the other hand, my best friend's dad often visits this site regularly, went to many great prog concerts in the 70s when he was our age (the lucky lucky man...GRRRR!) and keeps many great vinyls himself. So it makes you think- this world is pretty diverse.
On the other hand- I used to hang around other people who listened to nothing older than 10years. Rap and Hip-hop included  But then an angel appeared and everything's ok now.
So yes- there ARE young babies like you and me who have good taste! Though we may be at a disadvantage- it doesn't mean we can't voice our opinions and love of this music.
------------- 50 tonne angel falls to the earth...
Posted By: Green and Funky
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 22:24
I'm 18 now and discovered prog at age 15, from my brother,
with Pink Floyd. I bought almost all of their albums. I also got
into Phish through him, "Junta" and "Lawn Boy": some good
prog. A year later I heard "Tom Sawyer" and thought hmm,
good song, maybe I'll get Moving Pictures. Then, once I had
exhausted the band's discography and noticed that both Rush
and Floyd were labeled as "progressive rock", I did some
similar artist research and came up with all the prog I know
today. Neither of my parents knew ANYTHING about prog, and
my brother, while liking Floyd and Phish and some prog I have
copied for him, is above all else a Deadhead. The Mars Volta is
pretty popular at my school, and I know a lot of people who like
Floyd. I know a couple people who have at least heard of Yes
and Rush. Crappy 50 Cent and the like predominates,
------------- Your hands and feet are mangos, you're gonna be a genius anyway
Posted By: little_neutrino
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 22:29
Ty1020 wrote:
Paradox wrote:
There are so few young prog fans around because there is little to no mainstream exposure. Where on earth would the average rock fan hear prog rock? It's not played on any music TV channels that i'm aware of, and most music magazines don't mention it at all. |
I don't know about anywhere else in the world, but in Canada, Rush gets a lot of radio airtime, so I know a lot of people who are fans of that band. |
THere's a reason for that actually ... there are rules for them to play at least a certain percentage per day of Canadian material, and they probably use Rush because it's a good way to fill up that percentage. Most of the kids I know (who just blindly listen to whatever the radio has as though there are no other options!) don't even like Rush ... I have this ongoing thing with a friend of mine which is Styx versus Rush and he just doesn't get it that Geddy Lee could clearly kick Dennis DeYoung's pathetic rear any day. 
As for me, I'm 18. So w00t being young and having a late birthday (which makes me seem even younger!).
And w00t for using the word 'w00t' and thus showing my age. 
Posted By: Littlewashu5
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 22:33
Musak wrote:
anyway, I don't care. I'm used to. I've been looking for a Smashing Pumpkins fan for six years... 
Look no further. They're my favorite band. I bought Siamese Dream when I was 9 (I'm 21 now). I started listening to older prog when I was about 17, before that I was mostly into alternative rock bands like Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Tool, Radiohead, Deftones, etc. I got some albums from King Crimson, Pink Floyd and ELP when I was 15. I didn't get really into prog until two years lateer when I bought a few Porcupine Tree and Spock's Beard albums. After that I actively sought out progressive music
Posted By: Ty1020
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 22:34
Posted By: little_neutrino
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 23:00
Posted By: Rayzl
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 23:08
"Well, well, well, what have we here, ..." -- DAnny Elfman -- The Night mare Before Christmas" -- Oogie Boogie Song...
Incredible... I had, and still have, the same situation you all had... I live in 3rd. World COutry, so People overhere only like rap, hip hop, electronic music, and latin music...
I started with my father, he taught me de basics, now, I'm teaching him..jajaja..
It's really good to know, that there are more people in the same situation that I am...
So let's not give up, and try to teach people what real art is about, what music 's about...
------------- Open your mind....
Posted By: fender101
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 23:37
I'm 18 a long time pink floyd fan but just starting with prog rock. Its the same thing with genesis for me as well.
I think its great and I only wish I could have been born in about 55 so I could have been around to see all the great albums come out and more importantly all the great concerts.
Posted By: Kryodus
Date Posted: August 24 2005 at 23:59
Posted By: TheAnalogKid
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 00:04
Well im 17.
My mom and dad loved rush so they would play it all the time. I didn't
really get into prog until about a year ago. I thank Rush and my
------------- They Dream in Middletown...
Posted By: yesman72
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 00:43
I'm 18 and i've loved Aqualung and Dark Side of the Moon for about 5 years. Though now I hardly even consider them to be progressive. A while back my guitar teacher(the most awesome guitar teacher ever) played me Close to the Edge. Concerto. At the time I DID NOT get it . But then later I rediscovered it and loved it because of Uriah Heep oddly enough. But yeah prog is the best music ever. Thank God other people my age feel the same. He also told me about Focus' Hamburger Concerto and Uriah Heep Gentle Giant. At the time I had no idea I'd ever like those bands. 
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 00:55
I'm in the heart of mass media terribleness EXPLOSION....NEW YORK CITY! I go to school at Manhattan College!
I am a prog fiend, prog is just...omg, amazing. Music today isnt, well, music at all. THIS was music, PROG was music!!! Im only 18 years old, I love prog because of a simple album known as "In Search of the Lost Chord" which strung my nerves after not hearing it for over 10 years, and remembering childhood road trips to the beach from when i was young. Epic.
No one likes prog around me, cept for people i showit a loveable guy, so all of my friends are heavily influenced by me, and they all are starting to love prog also! Amazing!
Anyway, long live prog, it will be around FOREVER
Posted By: JesusBetancourt
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 01:28
Im 22 years of age and have been listening to prog since I was 19 years of age. I know nobody of my age who enjoys prog or any kind of non rap related music
------------- "He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water"
John 7:38
Posted By: Starette
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 01:42
fender101 wrote:
I'm 18 a long time pink floyd fan but just starting with prog rock. Its the same thing with genesis for me as well.
I think its great and I only wish I could have been born in about 55 so I could have been around to see all the great albums come out and more importantly all the great concerts.
You know what really irks me? My parents were shut up in a hole at our age during the 60s and 70s...MEANING- they were so conservative/ short-sighted that the Progressive Revolution sped past them like a train going at 1000km/hr. And guess what they were listening to instead? Friken Jazz and Caberret (if that's how you spell it). One album of Deep Purple (Machine Head)- that's as close as my mum got to prog/ music from her OWN generation. And it saddens me...she's a piano teacher....she would've loved ELP! My Dad continuously listens to 1900-1950s jazz.....  ...because of him I had to grow up with that crap. Fredastair and Ginger, Louie Armstrong, Bing Crosby etc etc. He was before his time and now my fascination with prog is labelling me before MY time! Oh that my parents knew what was going on around them in the 70s...what better music I could've grown-up with, what a better life this would have been...
------------- 50 tonne angel falls to the earth...
Posted By: Temujin
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 01:55
Hey all, I've been lurking here for a long time. I am a 17 year old
prog fan. When I was 13 I heard ITCOTCK but really couldn't listen to
anything off it except Schizoid Man, the beginning of Moonchild, and
the title track. I was always into classic rock and the blues. Then,
about a year and a half ago, I was on the schoolbus on my way to
school. My bus driver was playing a classic rock station on the way
there, and this station decided to play "Lucky Man". I was listening to
it and thought to myself "Hey, this is pretty cool, kind of CSNY" until
they got to the moog solo, at which point I was like .
As soon as I got home that day I went and downloaded that song, and
also saw a song called "Tarkus". I think to myself "Wow, thats a pretty
long song, I have to hear that" and proceeded to have my mind blown! I
immediatly asked my dad if he had any ELP stuff, and he told me he
hated that band, but in browsing old record stores, I found a few
albums by them. I then went onto all the other major symphonic bands,
and am still in the process of expanding my tastes from there!
Posted By: Eetu Pellonpaa
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 02:46
I was fourteen as I got interested about prog. I'm 29 now.
Posted By: Pearl101
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 03:15
I'm 13 but started at 12... Started with Yes from my dad's CD
collection, I loved them, and only them for a few months, I then
decided to push the boundries, and I tried other early prog, Genesis,
King Crimson etc. I loved all that and started to call Prog my
favourite genre at around that point. All this lead to D.T, which
I fell in love with, this lead to Pain of Salvation, Evergrey, etc.
etc. Now I own 80 plus Prog CDs!
I'm pretty much all by myself with my tastes, which sucks.
------------- Prog Is Better.
Posted By: Eetu Pellonpaa
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 04:00
Posted By: Rayzl
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 13:40
FOrgot to say, I-m 19, and started with prog since I was a Sperm, when my mom and dad listen to good music around the 70's smoking *eed, and as I saw on a pic from someones signature (People playing guitar, smoking (assumed), and drinking tea!!!(But waht kind of tea...??? Could it be black, maybe a m*shroo** tea psilocybe..... Nahh.... jajajaja
------------- Open your mind....
Posted By: Dan Yaron
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 14:48
Actually, I can find atleast one person at every course at my school that can relate to progressive music, but that doesn't surprise me since the israeli society consists of many weed smokers lol.
Posted By: AbsentEnemy
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 14:52
I'm nearly 16, and I love prog, fusion and post rock.
If it weren't for file sharing and the internet (in particular, this site ), my musical tastes would be completely different.
However my guitar teacher got me intro Dream Theater, and the ball started rolling from there.
------------- "If the company of tumbleweed is unexpected fun, you're a cactus..."
Posted By: Play Me My Song
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 14:53
I'm 18 now, I first started getting into Genesis when I was 12 or so.
Posted By: porter
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 15:07
Posted By: Paradox
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 15:09
I'm 19, and discovered prog through Pink Floyd (like a lot of people it seems!). I only started exploring the realms of prog rock about two years ago, and it's the greatest discovery that i've made
Posted By: pale moon
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 15:44
my introduction to prog actually came from a magazine. there was this article "the symfo top 40" which was a progrock top 40 chosen by readers. i thought symforock was rock or metal with an orchestra (you know, like metallica did on S&M). was i surprised to see a list of mainly pink floyd, early genesis, mike oldfield and even opeth. i liked the music a lot but didn't know it was called symfo or progressive till i saw that article. i asked my parents about this great music but they were not interested. i had to ask some teachers at my school who mainly hooked me up with some great dutch '70's progrock (focus, earth & fire, alquin, ekseption etc). thank god for the internet who got me this site and the rest is history...
Posted By: NetsNJFan
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 16:04
I was in the womb while my parents were at a 1987 Genesis concert
I guess you could say that is the beggining
Posted By: King of Loss
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 16:05
NetsNJFan wrote:
I was in the womb while my parents were at a 1987 Genesis concert
I guess you could say that is the beggining |
Except "Genesis" wasn't Prog then? 
I was less than a year old when Dream Theater's first album came out 
Posted By: Hangedman
Date Posted: August 25 2005 at 16:20
19, leanred what prog was about two months before i turned 18