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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Music Lounge
Forum Description: General progressive music discussions
Printed Date: February 14 2025 at 20:10
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Topic: Peter
Posted By: Velvetclown
Subject: Peter
Date Posted: June 18 2004 at 05:46
I miss PETER, please come back with your insane ramblings !!!!!!!!!!

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: Joren
Date Posted: June 18 2004 at 07:00
I agree Velve, but there's not much we can do... he doesn't visit the forum at all, so he won't read this... 

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: June 18 2004 at 07:02
We all miss PR's intelligently insane ramblings, but hold fast, young VC - he shall return if/when he is ready, and not before - tenacious buggers, these Newfoundlanders!


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: Belljar
Date Posted: June 18 2004 at 08:18
Why did he leave, anyway?

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: June 18 2004 at 09:27
long story..... check out the thread actually called "Peter Rideout"


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: bityear
Date Posted: June 18 2004 at 10:26
Originally posted by Jim Garten Jim Garten wrote:

We all miss PR's intelligently insane ramblings, but hold fast, young VC - he shall return if/when he is ready, and not before - tenacious buggers, these Newfoundlanders!



Posted By: Dan Bobrowski
Date Posted: June 18 2004 at 11:06

Originally posted by Velvetclown Velvetclown wrote:

I miss PETER, please come back with your insane ramblings !!!!!!!!!!

The forum lacks his wit and ability to initiate intriguing topics.  Not to mention his creative use of colours...


My bald pate feels neglected.

Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: June 19 2004 at 03:10
Yes Young in spirit Whisky..........

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: Cesar Inca
Date Posted: June 19 2004 at 13:48


He welcomed me in an unusually funny manner. This kind of weird yet healthy friendly attitude isn't so easy to find...

I miss you too, Peter.


Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: June 19 2004 at 17:17
I begged him to come back on PM. No Go. I miss him. But I have this feeling that he will return. And we will rejoice.

Posted By: Foxy
Date Posted: June 19 2004 at 19:02
ok, guys... you are talking about him as if he's dead... the guy freaked out and left. it's a shame, but live goes on... at least he promised to keep writing reviews, which are excellent.

Posted By: Joren
Date Posted: June 20 2004 at 08:21

He sent me a pm that he's still reading some of the posts here... so maybe he will some day return...

... and there wil be much rejoicing!

Posted By: Dan Bobrowski
Date Posted: June 20 2004 at 13:09

Prodigal Peter....


Peter, Peter, Prog-nerd he

Left this forum so he could be free

to play with the kids and a wife to kiss

friends left behind, their mentor they missed

He hides in the north, on a shoreline supreme

at peace in his mind, it would surely seem

Books and prog music, none could ask for more

read and listening from sources galore

one day he'll find, he still has much time

to blather and banter with Prog nerds on-line 

Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: July 05 2004 at 13:09

Food for thoughts: Following the quitting of Peter Rideout.
by - Hugues Chantraine

I have now been review at an furious pace albums since the month of February
and most of it was done from memory , but I have had great pleasure
re-discovering or re-listening to albums that I was less sure about. This
furious pace has led me to do more reviews than anybody else , which does
not give me the right to a gold or even a chocolate medal (even if Belgian
chocolate) ,  or  mean that those reviews are good or superior to others ,
on the contrary Quantity does not mean Quality.

But I am almost totally unknown on the forums (except a few mails thru Max
for the ratings debate after he had asked me my advice and one of my reviews
talking of Brass Rock thread )  because I have done mostly ratings and
viewed once in a while the discussions on the forums. Rarely have I wished
to intervene into those debates not because I snob all of you and think I am
too good for you . Far away from me, those ideas. Some of the reasons why I
choose not to participate in forums are so :

- Endless discussions in which everyone tries to convince everyone else on
their point of view and nobody budging so the debate quickly becomes useless
( prime example is the Procol Harum is not prog debate). Other example : the
swearing/profanity/civility debate : how many pages now? Guidelines are not
to be discussed but followed. A slight protest remark can be made , but that
discussion simply annoying.

- Number of interventions or counter : some of the people seem to think
highly of somebody because he made 827 interventions in different threads. I
would think that if that person had not been spending so much time in
endless debate , that same person might have made at least three hundred
more reviews (provided of course he has heard the albums reviewed enough )

- Outside topics and Know-it-alls that intervene to deviate the
conversation, making assertions that he knows will ruffle feathers among
other debaters - this does not mean that everyone should be agreeing to
everything just for harmony's sake. In French , throwing a cobblestone in
the Preconceived Ideas pond to cause ripples (debate) is actually sane and
sound provided that all participants are able and prepared to change their
ideas and admit to other debaters the right to be right. This is rarely the
case the fault being put to those stupid debating teams competitions we were
taught in high school where making concessions to the other debaters was
like admitting defeat. I have always hated stupid competitions and so
professional sports, but some people make a competition of life - probably
because they haven't got one that pleases them.

- The numbers of hours spent discussing via the net ( not just on this great
site) , thinking that the debate they are participating is changing the
world , is generally atrocious and would put people to shame if an time
accounting system existed - this of course is not at the advantage of the
site's exploiter so he would generally avoid making those stats. And after
six hours of forum discussions , one has neglected his kids , wife and dog
and the world has not changed an iota .

- Generally , most forums sites are parasited by people who have nothing
better to do than just that and have no life outside that virtual world
forgetting of the living humans around them , and this parasitic person sees
this as a sign of his reason for living or addressing to the world that he
is alive. This very acute and precise site of ours (because of the subject -
prog rock ) makes those persons rare but the danger still exist and this is
why Max and others have to intervene.

- Some people have been jokingly referring to pretentiousness and
superiority of the progworld , but this is an issue very much alive in my
mind and discussions among my friends. If our fave music has so
derided/hated for so long maybe it is because some people are so certain of
their assessment that they will not consider the other side of the story.

- Last but not least , most of the participants of the forums live in the
new world , so to chat on a forum would require me to stay up at
unreasonable hours.

These are the main reasons I do not participate actively in the otherwise
sometimes interesting forums ( some threads anyway ), but I do read what
most of you say and sometimes wish to answer , but than the answer must be
read and the answer to that answer ..... and the machine starts and one is
dragged into this infernal vicious cycle of forums. I do not wish to change
your views to forums , but and this is maybe the points that Peter Rideout
and his Stormcrow have suddenly become aware and why they have decided to
lessen their involvements into the site . Let them do album reviewing
........ After all this is the goal of the site. I also miss Peter ( and
will not make newfie jokes ) but I think his decision was wise ( he must've
felt the need to come back to reality) and given time , he will come back to
it albeit in a more rational matter . Let's check his reviews .

These are thoughts that are directed in a general term and points/aims to
no-one in particular and they were not made to offend anyone.

Progly yours.
Hugues Chantraine

Prog On !

Posted By: maani
Date Posted: July 05 2004 at 13:33

A single word: Bravo!!

Posted By: Tauhd Zaïa
Date Posted: July 05 2004 at 13:44

Come back sometimes Peter !

The not Legendary two Pink Dots

Beautiful maanifeste, sorry manifeste, Hugues

(je pourrais avoir l'équivalent en français car l'anglais et moi cela fait 3. Mais j'ai compris grosso modo)

The State Of Grace Is Achieved

Posted By: Joren
Date Posted: July 05 2004 at 14:25

I am here for FUN!

But I don't know if these are also the reasons for Stormcrow to leave...

Sometimes I have the feeling that I'm wasting my time... maybe I am... but I'm also learning things!

Posted By: Max-imum
Date Posted: July 06 2004 at 08:38
Originally posted by Tauhd Zaïa Tauhd Zaïa wrote:

Come back sometimes Peter !

The not Legendary two Pink Dots

Beautiful maanifeste, sorry manifeste, Hugues

(je pourrais avoir l'équivalent en français car l'anglais et moi cela fait 3. Mais j'ai compris grosso modo)


ben quand tu aura compris...tu m'expliquera...

I'm searching everything about Kayak and Flame Dream

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: July 06 2004 at 15:52
I am here for fun and have had a life long love for music despite spending 9 years in the Air Force. Having been in the military I have learned not to take anything too seriously. I will continue to contribute reviews and participate on the threads as time permits.Overall I don't spend that much time on the computer especially lately. But I really do love this site. I think it is just silly to be offended by a cyberspace entity. If you want to leave just leave.

Posted By: Joren
Date Posted: July 07 2004 at 05:38

Originally posted by Vibrationbaby Vibrationbaby wrote:

I think it is just silly to be offended by a cyberspace entity. If you want to leave just leave.

I agree, but I can't stand it if people act unreasonable... so that caused a conflict between me and a member who already left...

Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: July 07 2004 at 08:32

from Hugues Chantraine

Hello , the first part of my mail will be to soothe Joren and Vibration Baby
and anyone else that might have been hurt by my mail. Please do not feel
sore because , I was not aiming at anybody , but those are my experiences of
virtual life. Of course Joren you are learning a lot from this site and
given your young age, we should all be proud of having a youth participating
at this , but sometimes I have the impression that never-ending discussions
take more time than the reviewing part . This is mostly what I said and I
was not talking on behalf of Peter or Stormcrow , but my educated guess is
that , at least for Peter , he would partially endorse my mail ( thanks

The second part , I would like to ask you the authorization for an exception
to explain  my first mail in French to the two persons (Thaud and Max-imum)
that did not catch everything. I have read the thread regarding the language
issue and rank myself behind the majority (although French and Spanish are
the most international languages after English and it is not difficult to
read the texts to make sure that they stay correct), so please make an
exception for this mail.

Je parle principalement du fait que le forum de ce site a l'air d'être la
principale raison pour certains plutôt que les chroniques d'albums .
- les discussions sans fin avec des gens remettant en question
continuellement les règles (ex Procol thread et Civility thread)
- le nombre impressionnant de compteur de posts de certains . S'ils avaient
chroniqués un peu plus , le site en serait d'autant avancé .
- Les Je-sais-tout et les déviateurs de conversation. Jeter un pavé dans la
Mare des Idées Préconçues est utile et sain seulement si tout le monde est
prêt à changer ses vues sans devoir se sentir déclarer la défaite ( je fais
allusions au cours de débats donnés dans les écoles secondaires qui en font
des compétitions
- Le nombres d'heures passées devant l'ordi est effrayant , (ça vaut pour
moi aussi.) et de plus le monde ne change pas ( certains forums ont cette
prétention) de devant l'ordi. En plus , on se renferme dans son cocon et on
néglige ceux autour de soi.
- Le fait que la plupart des forums sont parasités par des gens qui n'ont
rien de mieux à faire dans la vie- cela ne concerne pas ce forum car il est
très pointu - fait qu'ils ont l'impression d'exister par ce monde virtuel .
- Certains ont rigolé de la pretentiosité ( nouveau mot) et supériorité du
monde prog. Si le prog est haït , c'est probablement un peu de sa faute.
C'est un sujet très présent dans conversations non-virtuelles avec les
- De plus , si je participe peu au forum , ce n'est pas que je snobe les
intervenants , mais habitant l'Europe et travaillant dans un institut de
recherches , je dois me coucher à des heures raisonnables.

Thank you for the tribune and may this be a prog day for all of you.
Hugues Chantraine

Prog On !

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