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Anathema back catalog

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Topic: Anathema back catalog
Posted By: infocat
Subject: Anathema back catalog
Date Posted: April 15 2015 at 00:14
K-Scope is having a sale on pretty much the entire Anathema catalog, both on CD and vinyl:" rel="nofollow -

I have only their last three (their latest excluding Falling Deeper), so it seems it might be a good time to collect some more.  I'm certain to get everything from Eternity through A Natural Disaster (on CD).  I'm less certain on The Silent Enigma and especially Serenades, being solely doom metal and (apparently) little to no prog.  That being said, I do like some doom metal and can generally tolerate, if not particularly appreciate, harsh vocals.

Any advice?

Frank Swarbrick
Belief is not Truth.

Posted By: Pastmaster
Date Posted: April 15 2015 at 00:19
I personally have never enjoyed their offerings after A Fine Day to Exit, too soft and mellow for me personally. My favorite of theirs is The Silent Enigma, I highly recommend it if you do enjoy doom metal. That and Serenades are among my favorite doom albums. It's pretty atmospheric, so in ways it does have a few qualities of their later albums. Smile 

Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: April 15 2015 at 00:23
`The Silent Enigma' is ferocious! Vincent doesn't excatly growl, but there's this feral, scratchy harsh quality to his voice. It's a great, plodding gloomy dirge-like metal album, with plenty of proggy ambitions starting to emerge. Highly recommended!

`Crestfallen' (the debut EP) and `Serenades' are more pure doom metal, but there's nice acoustic interludes, and the later even has a very somber synth/orchestrated extended drone to close on. Both have rather beautiful, sadly romantic lyrics, which bring an unexpected fragile quality to them.

If they're dirt cheap, grab all of those ones!

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: April 15 2015 at 01:34
Judgement , A Natural Disaster and A Fine Day To Exit are all good although Weather Systems and Were Here Because Were Here soundly trounce them in my book. I don't have anything earlier though. I have a feeling I picked up Judgement and A Natural Disaster on one of those 2 on 1 box sets so its worth looking out for that if you can find it.

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 15 2015 at 17:51
Listen to what you get first before thinking of going further back in time. If you like Alt-fore and Etermity you can then get The Silent Egnima and then perhaps Sarah Nades and the Crestlaffen EP. 

If, as a result, you miss the K-Scope sale you can still pick up those three cheaply on Amazin.

Personally The Silent Egnima is my favourite Anathelma album, but that's just me.


Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: April 16 2015 at 01:49
Yep true about Amazon and I've just ordered Silent Enigma from one of their sellers ( The CD + DVD version) for a reasonable price. It might take a week or so for it to come but if this thread is still alive at that time I will give my opinion on it.

Posted By: zeitgeist
Date Posted: May 05 2015 at 05:40
If Judgment does the trick for you, then certainly also Alternative 4, hardly a weak moment on that
release, rocking but sophisticated stuff...

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: May 06 2015 at 02:54
Listened to Silent Enigma over the weekend. I would say tentatively that I quite liked it. The growling is not that overdone and there is a richness to the sound. I would need several listens to really see how it would settle though. Hard to compare to more recent Anathema obviously. Oh and some nice female vocal bits if I recall correctly.

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: May 06 2015 at 05:03
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

Listened to Silent Enigma over the weekend. I would say tentatively that I quite liked it. The growling is not that overdone and there is a richness to the sound. I would need several listens to really see how it would settle though. Hard to compare to more recent Anathema obviously. Oh and some nice female vocal bits if I recall correctly.
I tend to regard Silent Enigma as one of a pair with My Dying Bride's Turn Lose the Swans ... both being of not-dissimilar UK gothic/doom metal albums that, along with Paradise Lost's  Draconian Times and Opeth's Orchid, marked 1995 as pivotal year for metal in musical direction and in the toning-down of the death metal growl into something more sonorous (and, it has to be said, more intelligible).


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