Return of the Giant Hogweed?!
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Topic: Return of the Giant Hogweed?!
Posted By: goose
Subject: Return of the Giant Hogweed?!
Date Posted: August 12 2005 at 16:17 - .com%2Fnews%2Fstories%2F0805%2F250126.html wrote:
Clusters of giant hogweed have been found in Ashtabula County, with un- confirmed reports of toeholds in Lake and Columbiana counties.
The US Department of Agriculture has the plant on its noxious weed list.
David Marrison of the Ohio State University Extension office in Ashtabula County says hogweed sap can cause second-degree chemical burns on a person.
Specimens grow up to 15 feet tall, with green and purple-splotched hollow stems about 3 inches in diameter and green leaves up to several feet long. An umbrella- like spray of small white flowers tops the stalks.
Marrison inspected a cluster of more than 100 of the plants surrounding a barn in Pierpont, Ohio, about 60 miles northeast of Cleveland near the Pennsylvania state line.
The property owner said he has tried without success to kill the plants.
They are invincible, They seem immune to all our herbicidal battering!
Posted By: Man Overboard
Date Posted: August 12 2005 at 16:19
!!!!! Steve Hackett's two-handed tapping was RIGHT!
-------------" rel="nofollow - Bedroom guitarist". Composer, Arranger, Producer. Perfection may not exist, but I may still choose to serve Perfection.
Commissions considered.
Posted By: GoldenSpiral
Date Posted: August 12 2005 at 16:20
Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: August 12 2005 at 17:06
we'll never escape the giant hogweed.
-------------" rel="nofollow - My soundcloud. Please give feedback if you want!
Posted By: Eetu Pellonpaa
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 03:28
There has been news at the television, that they have also infested Finland now, and authorities try to poison them.
All resistance is futile, though. 
Posted By: Scrambled_Eggs
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 07:50
Run for them there hills, fellers! Thems hogweeds a comin'!
------------- And I am not frightened of dying, any time will do, I
don't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying?
There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime.
I never said I was frightened of dying.
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 08:11
Those darn Victorian explorers!
-------------" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: Starette
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 08:19
Fight by night- they are defenceless! They all need the sun to photosynthesize their venom...STILL they're invincible!!
And they...exist....
------------- 50 tonne angel falls to the earth...
Posted By: Tiresias
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 12:48
They're in my home county (Lake County, Ohio)! NOOOO!
There is only one way to defeat the Mighty Hogweed....punk rock
------------- Wh'ghal ng'fth mglw'y Ry'leh, Cthulhu fhtagn...
Posted By: Syntharachnid
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 17:58
Tiresias wrote:
They're in my home county (Lake County, Ohio)! NOOOO!
There is only one way to defeat the Mighty Hogweed....punk rock
But who would resort to such desperate measures?
Posted By: Eetu Pellonpaa
Date Posted: August 14 2005 at 08:04
Cheap and quick weapon against them: Napalm
Posted By: goose
Date Posted: August 14 2005 at 14:27
Still they're invincible...
Posted By: Starette
Date Posted: August 16 2005 at 02:06
...still they're immune to all our cheap-quick-weapon batterings!
------------- 50 tonne angel falls to the earth...
Posted By: Eetu Pellonpaa
Date Posted: August 17 2005 at 02:13
Let's go for heavy weapons!

Posted By: GPFR
Date Posted: August 17 2005 at 15:35
C'mon, don't over react! trust me, if we keep our cool and think, I'm sure we'll get em' out by friday!
Posted By: goose
Date Posted: August 17 2005 at 18:59
Come on, I'm sure someone can get "Supper's Ready" in there somewhere too...
Posted By: GPFR
Date Posted: August 17 2005 at 19:38
goose wrote:
Come on, I'm sure someone can get "Supper's Ready" in there somewhere too...  |
Well, after loads of research, I've discoverd that these "Giant
hogweed's" where discoverd originally in a small farm known locally as
"Willow farm," they were first found by the Guarenteed eternal
sanctuary man. He reported this to Iknaton and Itsacon and their band
of merry men, a close freind that does opera's and dances around nearby
towns. They were inturupted durring there opera performance where this
girls three lovers leaped across the stage singing in unison about how
much they loved them. But thats beside the point. They walked to a
nearby town, and before reporting the Hogweed , they stopped at a
salesmen along the road telling to a crowd:
"These woman are overworking us men! And this makes us need to walk
long distanced. I don't know about you, but I'm getting tierd of this.
The woman don't know about the aching mens feet. And they don't have
to! Now, by our deluxe comforter foot pad. It can stretch to meet any
shoe length. So those aching feet will go away forever."
Seeing as how they had just walked such a distance, they decided to by
the shoe comforter. They fult much better, but were out of money. and
they had no energy to walk back home later that evening. So they went
to go do some oddjobs and they found a young cocky man who they decided
to help for minimum wage for a motel room that night. They relized they
had made a mistake when the man looked into a mirror and said "How dare
I be so beautifull, hmm?" Looking at Iknaton. "How can I stand
being this beautifull? Seriously, heh, Look at me! I'm gorgeous!"
Needing the money, Iknaton did the best he could to keep his cool and
keep his pay. "Uhh... I don't know, I tried, but I couldn't manage it."
Trying to atleast manage being funny. It didn't work. "Are you saying
you can match up to my beauty?" It all just went ownhill from there.
The merry men did an amazing job cleaning the house, however. And they
kept there pay. Itsacon stayed a bit longer because as he turned on the
TV he saw a commercial that said "Milla Jovovich stars in Resident
evil, apocolypse, 9/8 central. He rememberd the hotel to have no TV. So
he stayed with the cocky kid and met up with the others that night. AS
they awake in the morning, they all change, wash up, etc. and go to the
News station and report the hogweed, since their was no evidence, it
was all pointless and they went back home as it was officially reported
an hour later somewhere else in the world.
However the eternal sanctuary man got home to find his angry wife. "I
told you, you always need to come home when Supper's Ready! Now your
dinner and breakfast are cold!"
Sorry for wasting your time. I just thought this report needed to be
said and heard! Just so that The eternal sanctuary man, Iknaton,
Itsacon, and the mery men's journy along with the aching feet where not
in vain.
Posted By: White Queen
Date Posted: February 14 2006 at 21:31
We'll take 'em in the Battle of Epping Forest
Posted By: Bern
Date Posted: February 14 2006 at 21:37
I'm currently Looking for someone who has The knife who could possibly destroy the Giant hogweed. I just he'll do it before my Supper's ready. I'm actually Counting out time. The clock goes Tick tock.
ok enough already 

RIP in bossa nova heaven.
Posted By: goose
Date Posted: February 15 2006 at 08:09
More than enough
Posted By: Space Chief
Date Posted: February 16 2006 at 19:33
GPFR wrote:
goose wrote:
Come on, I'm sure someone can get "Supper's Ready" in there somewhere too...  |
Well, after loads of research, I've discoverd that these "Giant hogweed's" where discoverd originally in a small farm known locally as "Willow farm," they were first found by the Guarenteed eternal sanctuary man. He reported this to Iknaton and Itsacon and their band of merry men, a close freind that does opera's and dances around nearby towns. They were inturupted durring there opera performance where this girls three lovers leaped across the stage singing in unison about how much they loved them. But thats beside the point. They walked to a nearby town, and before reporting the Hogweed , they stopped at a salesmen along the road telling to a crowd:
"These woman are overworking us men! And this makes us need to walk long distanced. I don't know about you, but I'm getting tierd of this. The woman don't know about the aching mens feet. And they don't have to! Now, by our deluxe comforter foot pad. It can stretch to meet any shoe length. So those aching feet will go away forever."
Seeing as how they had just walked such a distance, they decided to by the shoe comforter. They fult much better, but were out of money. and they had no energy to walk back home later that evening. So they went to go do some oddjobs and they found a young cocky man who they decided to help for minimum wage for a motel room that night. They relized they had made a mistake when the man looked into a mirror and said "How dare I be so beautifull, hmm?" Looking at Iknaton. "How can I stand being this beautifull? Seriously, heh, Look at me! I'm gorgeous!" Needing the money, Iknaton did the best he could to keep his cool and keep his pay. "Uhh... I don't know, I tried, but I couldn't manage it." Trying to atleast manage being funny. It didn't work. "Are you saying you can match up to my beauty?" It all just went ownhill from there.
The merry men did an amazing job cleaning the house, however. And they kept there pay. Itsacon stayed a bit longer because as he turned on the TV he saw a commercial that said "Milla Jovovich stars in Resident evil, apocolypse, 9/8 central. He rememberd the hotel to have no TV. So he stayed with the cocky kid and met up with the others that night. AS they awake in the morning, they all change, wash up, etc. and go to the News station and report the hogweed, since their was no evidence, it was all pointless and they went back home as it was officially reported an hour later somewhere else in the world.
However the eternal sanctuary man got home to find his angry wife. "I told you, you always need to come home when Supper's Ready! Now your dinner and breakfast are cold!"
Sorry for wasting your time. I just thought this report needed to be said and heard! Just so that The eternal sanctuary man, Iknaton, Itsacon, and the mery men's journy along with the aching feet where not in vain.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have what may be the first Genesis fanfic.
I'm waiting for Liquid Len and Harold The Barrel to destroy this menace.
Better not compromise, it won't be easy!