Hi, since my early teens Queen was one of my favorite bands and I was particularly in love with Brian's guitar, both aesthetically as well as the sounds he could get out of it. When I was around 18 I even drew my own "dream guitar" which was partly inspired by his (sort of a mix between Brian's Red Special and a Strat, left in below drawing, while Brian's is on the right). A carpenter friend of mine even produced CAD-CAM real-size drawings for it but we never got to actually build it.
As you know several commercial versions of Brian's "Red Special" have been marketed, by Guild, Burns Guitars and more lately by his own "Brian May Guitars".
I never had the chance of playing any of them and I wonder if any of you out there did, and if so, what was your experience?
Brian's guitar looks very playable, very user-friendly. Are they so in reality?
And the sounds, do they really help getting his amazing tones? or was it just down to his unique playing technique and effects, so that even when playing a Brian May guitar you can not manage to sound remotely like him?