I was in France last year (in late May) and while my friend and I were watching TV, we saw a hilarious TV commercial (or at least we thought it was). Unfortunately, we were laughing so hard at it that we didn't see what it was for. We've looked online many times to try to find it somewhere, but so far we've had no such luck. I was thinking maybe some of you here might know what it is and where to find a clip of it.
Here is what happened in the commercial (as best as I can remember it):
A guy is at a beach party or concert or something. He meets a girl, who takes him to a small shack in a snowy area. Inside is a bunch of men wearing only towels wrapped around their waists. A young, muscular guy looks at the first guy and rubs his own chest.
Does anybody know what this was a commercial for? I think it may have been something to do with the internet. Any help would be greatly appreciated.