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Blacksword View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Topic: Thom Yorke to save planet!
    Posted: May 26 2005 at 07:11

Radioheads Thom Yorke has put his name to an environmental project, working with Greenpeace to put pressure on the British government to cut carbon emissions and generally increase awareness of the problems of climate change. He is backing a law that will force government to cut green house gasses. Sorry, it's a tabloid quality news link. The first I stumbled on after a Google search..

What do you folks feel about rock stars (prog or otherwise ) who get involved with politics of any kind? Do they do it because they really care, or are they cynically looking to raise their profile and appear more worldly and intelligent than they may be?

Edited by Blacksword
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2005 at 07:19

I don't like Greenpeace. So there goes the few ounces of respect I had for Tom Yorke

They use blind force to get what they want. Mostly what they want is bad for the envirement, but is tried to achieve because they are media-horny and they see large scale actions as a way to reach more dumb-donators to make more profit.


Greenpeace acts without a fundamental scientific knowledge of the subject. They are only in it for the money.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2005 at 07:27

If it were not for organisations like GP or Freinds of the Earth do you think governments would be made to feel any responsibility towards the environment?

Do you approve of Friends of the Earth more than GP??

I am also cynical of BIG high profile organisations like Greenpeace, but I am considerably more cynical about the intentions of our leaders, and where their priorities lay..

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2005 at 09:42

Basically, Yorke is a flaming socialist. If you're in line with his politics, great, if not, thats fine too. Personally, as one might gather for my incindiary labeling, I don't like his politics. They actually disgust me... but that doesn't bother me so much, really. What gets on my nerves is how he uses his musical popularity to publicize his politics. That annoys me to no end. Honestly, I love radiohead and I think their music is awesome. In light of having discovered other experimental and post rock groups, I don't think they're the best and overpopularized, but I still like them. Regardless, it really burns me up how he involves politics in everything. Really, almost every Radiohead album references 1984. Its a cool concept, but it gets old. Come up with something new for christ's sake!

I think Greenpeace is just a tool of special interests. Realistically, environmental progress takes place in laboratories and universities, where people figure out ways to get things accomplished without destroying the environment, or finding ways to repair the already damaged environment. Marching in the streets over industry's gas emissions is insane. Factories are by no means the only pollutors of the air. I think most people are opposed to it anyway, since emissions standards hurt the economy and don't seem to make a sh*t of difference anyway.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2005 at 10:49
Originally posted by Sweetnighter Sweetnighter wrote:

Basically, Yorke is a flaming socialist. If you're in line with his politics, great, if not, thats fine too. Personally, as one might gather for my incindiary labeling, I don't like his politics. They actually disgust me... but that doesn't bother me so much, really. What gets on my nerves is how he uses his musical popularity to publicize his politics. That annoys me to no end. Honestly, I love radiohead and I think their music is awesome. In light of having discovered other experimental and post rock groups, I don't think they're the best and overpopularized, but I still like them. Regardless, it really burns me up how he involves politics in everything. Really, almost every Radiohead album references 1984. Its a cool concept, but it gets old. Come up with something new for christ's sake!

I think Greenpeace is just a tool of special interests. Realistically, environmental progress takes place in laboratories and universities, where people figure out ways to get things accomplished without destroying the environment, or finding ways to repair the already damaged environment. Marching in the streets over industry's gas emissions is insane. Factories are by no means the only pollutors of the air. I think most people are opposed to it anyway, since emissions standards hurt the economy and don't seem to make a sh*t of difference anyway.

I may share some of his politics, but to be honest I'm cynical of rock stars getting involved in politics period. Its interesting that only rock stars who lean to the left politically seem to get involved in anything political. Can anyone think of any 'right wing' or openly conservative rockers??!!

Indeed, its not just factories that pollute. Traffic pollutes, air traffic, households etc etc... The solutions are expensive and complex, and I am no expert, but what is clear to me, is that the well being of the planet as a whole should not be regarded as a left wing, 'socialist' issue. It affects us all regardless of our politics. It seems we're leaving it to our kids or their kids to sort out, or perish in the resulting sh!t.

I guess we've made ourselves slaves to money, and created a 'point of no return' situation. If thats not the case now, it will be before long IMO.


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2005 at 11:10

Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

Can anyone think of any 'right wing' or openly conservative rockers??!!

Ask Mr Rick Wakeman...


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2005 at 12:13
Originally posted by nacho nacho wrote:

Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

Can anyone think of any 'right wing' or openly conservative rockers??!!

Ask Mr Rick Wakeman...

Don't forget Neil Peart
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2005 at 12:35

Blind force is sometimes the only way to make the Government listen. Especially in environmental matters which don't get the funding they deserve.

I'm pleased that there is a lot going on recently highlighting the problems that the UK faces in reducing Co2 emissions. I'm against the use of onshore Windfarms though. They're ugly and completely ruin the landscape.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2005 at 17:36
i doubt thom yorke cares about his celebrity status so he's probably in it for the right reasons. He is after all a paranoid android.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 27 2005 at 08:36
Originally posted by Sweetnighter Sweetnighter wrote:

Originally posted by nacho nacho wrote:

Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

Can anyone think of any 'right wing' or openly conservative rockers??!!

Ask Mr Rick Wakeman...

Don't forget Neil Peart

I dont think Neil Peart would agree with you, even if some of his views could be interpreted as 'right wing' He sees himself as being above politics and religion, and lives by his own political instincts.

Ayn Rands influence on Peart has led to Rush being branded facists on numerous occasions. I'm no expert on Rand, but what I read on an Ayn Rand web site about 'Objectivism' it doesn't resemble facism.

I know Rick Wakemen is a raging Tory, and friend of Jim 'F***ing' Davidson, but I dont think he is really that involved in 'good causes' is he? Thats what I was really getting at.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 27 2005 at 08:53

add Chris Martin of Coldplay alongside Thom Yorke.  I doubt they do it for the profile or to sell a few more records, they are simply socially aware.  Anyway, if you or I said these things about the environmental policy of a govt we wouldn't make the newspapers.  At least a "celebrity" can get their voice and the voice of the cause into the media and therefore the attention of the govt.  Look what Live Aid did or what Bono has achieved with his drop the debt campaign.  We need people like these folk to help push govt's in the right direction.

Any one who shouts out for the environment is a hero to me.  Think of future generations and the f***ed up world we are creating for them.  If the US get their way Alaska will be f***ed by oil drilling and the carbon dioxide emissions from that country alone with suffocate the rest of the world.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 27 2005 at 10:27
Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

Originally posted by Sweetnighter Sweetnighter wrote:

Originally posted by nacho nacho wrote:

Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

Can anyone think of any 'right wing' or openly conservative rockers??!!

Ask Mr Rick Wakeman...

Don't forget Neil Peart

I dont think Neil Peart would agree with you, even if some of his views could be interpreted as 'right wing' He sees himself as being above politics and religion, and lives by his own political instincts.

Ayn Rands influence on Peart has led to Rush being branded facists on numerous occasions. I'm no expert on Rand, but what I read on an Ayn Rand web site about 'Objectivism' it doesn't resemble facism.

I know Rick Wakemen is a raging Tory, and friend of Jim 'F***ing' Davidson, but I dont think he is really that involved in 'good causes' is he? Thats what I was really getting at.

Well yeah, of course, I'm very familiar with Rand's reading and know tons about Objectivism (and tend to agree with most, but not all, of what she says). She's really a libertarian as opposed to being "right wing". Peart, I imagine, is sort of the same, but that still makes him more "right wing" than his musical contemporaries. Too bad there aren't more of them.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 27 2005 at 11:59

Does anyone else think that there is such a thing as a left-wing bigot (instead of the better known cousin "right wing bigot")?

In my opinion, a bigot is somebody who refuses to see anything in any other point of view but his/hers, and dismisses the views of others out of hand.

I feel that there are many people of a left wing nature who don't accept the views of people who are of a right wing persuasion. In my mind, that makes me wonder if they are in fact any better than those people of the right who occupy this mindset.

What do people think about this? P.S - I'm not implying that any posts here have prompted me to write this (in fact, it was a television programme titled "Living With The Enemy")

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 27 2005 at 12:04
it seems these groups/celebs dont/cant accomplish much....on the one  hand they are preaching to the choir, those who will support them are already on the same boat.......on the other 'and, those who wont agree will see the involvement of these celebs as a way to trivialize the movement they are attempting to these regards i see the involvement of celebs as actually perpetuating the schism, and, thereby, the very things they seek to protest....why cant they all just donate money to the causes anonymously or something?.....the use of their celebrity really lends itself more to the antipodes of their causes than to their cause itself, for most having either the power or desire to do anything about these things care little to not at all about said celebs' work, and will just use the involvement as a weapon to sway those who also dislike or are indifferent to their arts, whatever they may be, to the opposite side of the cause in question
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