Unholy Lair presents a showcase of the best Prog and Retro acts from around the UK.
The Unicorn will be transformed once a month into a psychedelic den of complexity... luminescent lava lamps, oil wheel projections, labyrinth rugs and fractal throws, dream interpretation candles, pungent incense and mystic smoke machines...
It is a FREE show, so drop in and drop out!
The Laze - www.myspace.com/thelaze
"What begins as John Carpenter ’70s horror-house thumps, soon transmogrifies into medieval prog-rave vs. whimsical melodic alien folk that teases and taunts the artwork from Hawkwind LPs into life..."
Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell - www.myspace.com/admiralsircloudsleyshovell
Proto-Metal is back! Insane riff and fuzz combination! Get your socks a rockin'!
Thumpermonkey Lives! - www.myspace.com/thumpermonkey
A perfect cross of King Crimson weirdness and Canterbury scene styled song writing, really impressive stuff.
Doors at 7
Music at 8
Drinks at 6
See you there, with bellz on.