Hi, everyone. I've found this page while looking for album artworks for my iTunes library and I've gotta say It's amazing. It reminds me of the the prog-like perfection.
I'm 14 and I've discovered prog music about two years ago so I know only the basic artists (and some of the local ones).
The firs (good) music I've listened to, was old rock, including some proto prog music (Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Queen, Eric Clapton) and have also been a keyboardist in a rock band for about a year and a half. (If there's anyone, who wants to do some prog rock here in Idrija, Slovenija, please, contact me!!!!!!!) I've left because noone wanted to do difficult music and I had to organise every practice, call everyone several times to make sure noone's sleeping at the moment so everyone will be there (I've left in october and by bow they've practiced about one time).
So, probably my first prog rock band was Queen, but I got to know this genre better with Dream Theater's music. At first I was (of course) astonished by their technical playing, but then I discovered that there's a lot more in their music. Through a school project work about prog music in EX YU i used this website and discovered loads of new amasing music. I've also contacted a fusion musician, keyboardist, clarinetist and Saxophonist of Sončna pot (an also many other bands), and started listening to fusion music.
I'm in the fifth class of piano and like doing Deep Purple, Lynyrd Skynyrd and (woah!) sometimes also try some Dream Theater. I have luck that my piano teacher supports me at doing this music and also lets me play blues, jazz and ragtime at the regular lessons (and of course also to jam!!!!!!!!!!!). The next year our music school is going to (i hope so) form a jazz band and I'm really looking forward to it.
Prog stuff, that I listen to (I really like all of the genres except heavyer stupp and electronic music):
Weather Report
The Doors
Korni Grupa
Pink Floyd
Dream Theater
Moonlight Sky (slovenian)
Sončna pot (Interexyugoslavian

Jethro Tull
Deep Purple
(&) Led Zeppelin
(Jimi Hendrix)
It has no order, I just wrote the first ones, I got in mind.