Hi there! I'm new here... people call me Hearst.

I've been into Prog for years and years, since childhood really. I remember being a little kid, I couldn't have been more than five or six, and sifting through my father's record collection. From day one I was fascinated by bands like Genesis (Genesis Live; from 1973) and Yes (Fragile), and I was absolutely terrified by the artwork and music on ELP's Brain Salad Surgery LP. There was something magical about the music on these old records, something that (even as a kid) i realized was completely lacking in whatever music was popular on radio at the time.
So i got into it early and grew up with those classic Prog bands. Later on in life i discovered Van Der Graaf Generator, Camel, Goblin (via their film soundtracks for Dario Argento's films) and King Crimson... and now at the age of 30 i'm pretty well hooked for life i suppose, heh.
I've known about this site for awhile now, and the Prog Archives have introduced me to a lot of great bands that i would have otherwise never known about. Thanks to this site i've become a big fan of Gentle Giant, Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso, Asia Minor, Il Balleto Di Bronzo, P.F.M. and early IQ.
Symphonic Prog is (obviously?) my favorite sub-genre, as all the bands i've listed i would consider to be my favorites. I am very open-minded though and give almost everything a chance...
I listen to tons of other music as well, i'm quite eclectic in my tastes. I've long been into Heavy Metal and Death Metal, but somehow i've never been able to get into Prog Metal... i've never heard a band do it "right" by my tastes. (Well, Cynic come damn close!)
I'm a musician myself and will eventually try my hand at writing and recording some "Death Prog" the way i've always heard in my head but never with my ears.

Well, this post turned out a lot longer than i planned, so i'll end it now..... hallo everyone!