Hey for any of you who are interested, there is a site run by a man named George Starostin, (anyone here of him?) that reviews almost every kinda of music from the 60-90's. The reason I posted this is because he reviews LOTS of prog. bands, certaintly the more popular ones, and even a lot of the lesser known ones.
He takes a band, say King Crimson, and goes down the line of every album they have recorded, and reviews them with great detail. His opinion is most interesting, and let me tell you, he dosn't hate prog. like most critics.

Here is a link to the site, he hasn't worked on it in some time so dont let the opener bother you, just scroll down and you'll prop. find some bands you like.
His reviews are interesting, some albums like In the Court of the Crimson King, Thick as a Brick, and Selling England By the Pound for example are all albums he loves but albums like Close to the Edge, Pawn Hearts, and much of Rush, he isn't so keen with.
Edited by MikeDupont - August 13 2008 at 20:10