Scheduled back-to-back on my ongoing interview series
'CONVERSATIONS FROM THE FARMHOUSE': Billy Sherwood, Tony Kaye, and Alan White
(World Premier!) one hour each from 7-10 pm Eastern Daylight Time (US).
This same schedule will be repeated on Saturday, May 2nd at the same time when
I will be at RoSFest (Rites Of Spring prog rock Festival) right outside of Philadelphia, PA
with CiRCA headlining that evening.
You don't want to miss these 3 interviews, especially the one with Alan as it
was done the week directly after his appearance with Keith Emerson and Chris
Squire as the very first opening act for the Led Zeppelin 02 Reunion Concert
for Atlantic Records' Ahmet Ertugen. Alan talks about that amazing scene; his
professional impressions of drummers Bonzo Bonham and Jason Bonham; about the
upcoming Yes tour; about John Lennon (story), and about his fine new band CiRCA
(with Sherwood, Kaye, and Jimmy Haun).
My Tony Kaye interview is the only audio interview with Tony currently in existence
(according to Tony himself!) even though he has been on the music scene for 40
years now. Tony talks about CiRCA, Yes, Badger, and playing with David Bowie. A
great guy to get to talk with is Tony!
Practice listening FREE to by visiting:
beforehand so that you won't miss any part of the interviews this coming
Saturday or the following Saturday.
My interviews are webcast in 32kbps-stereo so that folks with 56k dial-up can
listen as well as folks with broadband/high-speed connections.
And for those of you who like to read as well as listen to their interviews, I
have teamed up with my friend Henry Potts and his informative Bondegezou
"Where Are They Now?" Yes website to carry the transcriptions of both
of these interviews. Don't expect them to be up right away, however, since
transcribing both a 40 and a 50 minute interview is no mean task. You can check
to check on Henry's progress.
Best to all progressive music fans,
Steve S-N
Steve Sikes-Nova
'the virginiaprograsser'
Newgrass, Prog & More Web Radio & Interviews
Tidewater, Virginia, USA
xclusive Interviews in one evening...