About week back I was listening to a fairly decent band (IMO) who go by the name of Evergrey. Now, fair enough their music is good but when I really started to listen, their lyrics sounded repetative throughout each song. Everything sounded identical to the last and it became boring. So i hunted through my collection until a found one that was so well written, I have to mention it and see what everybody thinks.
This well composed band is called Threshold and this is but a small section of lyrics from my favourite of their songs - Narcissus. Read it, and compare this small piece to such lyrical greats of the past (and i'm going to let you mention whichever lyricists you wish that you deem to be good) Enjoy;
"trapped in the personal hell
of your own desperate addiction
frightened that others can tell
of your expensive addiction
with your happiness based on a chemical
you wax lyrical with words so profound
when your indulgence reaches that level
its safest not to be around
oh narcissus you petulant child
admiring yourself in the curve of my eyes
oh narcissus you angel beguiled
unsated by self you do nothing but die"
And if you've stumbled onto this thread and have never heard of Threshold - shame on you.