We will be utilising the very latest web technology to provide this – forget about all those poor quality videos that take an age to download, that stutter when played and are small, this is in a different league all together – we will have high quality full screen video available at the click of a button – this is the future of Fish TV.
We are creating this specifically for the fans, we envisage it to be made up of two elements; brand new filmed material and archive material, each month new videos will be added to both, and will be available to the fan 7 days a week 24 hours a day.
We want this to be right, we want to provide the content that you want to see and who are the best people to ask? Well, it is you the fan. We have created a simple questionnaire, fill it in and ensure that you get the video that you want to see and as a thank you for taking the time to fill this out we will give you a free 15 minute preview of what you can expect.