stonebeard wrote:
Ricochet wrote:
stonebeard wrote:
How do you think it will compare to the 70s albums, O Masterlinessful One?
I am pretty sure that's the least analogy on which to look. As I've (probably) said, the style will probably be in a modern dark "constant music" style, like Live@Klang or Moonlake were composed.
OK, but for one not as anointed in the aspects of current-day Schulze, would you offer a summation of his works now?
Ah, I haven't even reached the point of reviewing his recent works.
Thus, his recent style.
From 1996 onwards, Schulze quit sampling (making art of sounds, that is), and approached the "real deal" in today's electronic taste, techno to ambient that is, in a fashion of still being dark, and still being epic.
The Klang Art volumes are practically a monument range of dark sounds manipulation to chill ambiances of the deepest. In connection, there's fluid music, fluid rustle and fluid kinetics in everything.
The Contemporary Works are perhaps the best example of meditation composed music or chill out phases. I don't like much the word chill out, yet it's quite a description of deep, slumber, yet simple to bear tones.
Moonlake, probably distant from the period itself, took it more widely, in more minimalistically. Some parts of it has the chemistry of modernity, other just embrace either a rhythm to disperse in many sequencing, or a sound-form to conceive as free-cause as possible. Music for a more overlooked art, yet music for the urban trance talk for one'ss .... (let me end this as I usually do) ... spirit. (