Hi Everyone,
Okay let me set the record straight and stop and further doubts.
Yes I was in Russia last week. I arrived June 6th and recorded for 5 days. I just returned home last evening. We have recorded the same 21 songs the 3 tenors did in 90'. The project is masterminded by Dirk Ulrich from Germany. He re-arranged and recorded the songs with a string section and very fine rock musicians, him included. They still have the classical elements in tact as well as rock so that the songs have an edge to them. They sound phenomenal.
The 3 singers were...yours truly, Vladimir Grishko and Thomas Dewald. The both of them are stars and have incredible voices. We all got along fabulous and worked extremely well togther. There was definitely mutual respect for one another. We really did had a blast. We also did a photo shoot and many interviews for Russian TV and other various media outlets.
There will be more information posted here and on DT's site once we get everything put together. The project is going by the name TSR ( True Symphonic Rochestra.) I am extremely proud of what we did. Both Luciano Pavorotti and Madame Cabelle ( she sang and recorded Barcelona with Freddie Mercury ) are really excited about this and completely believe in it.
That is all I want to say at this point but believe me this will blow your mind when you hear it.
This leads me into Stephan from the board. Yes he did meet me in Wasaga Beach with my family. I met him, his wife and one of his sons, the other son who happened to be the big DT fan was not present. Stephan was a very nice guy and I could tell a true DT fan. I did mention to him my going to Russia for this Opera album so yes everything he told you is the truth.
Alright I hope you are all doing fine.
Take care and speak with you soon.
Hi Everyone,
I thought it would be of interest to know a little more of how it was possible to finally record the TSR project.
Dirk Ulrich ( Mastermind and Producer )and I spoke almost 6 years ago about the possibility of doing such a project and at the time it was supposed to be 3 rock tenors. By the way the acronym TSR is: True Symphonic Rockestra.
Anyway to really see this thing through meant first and foremost finding and deciding on the singers and 3 that would blend well. Secondly, a label that shared our vision and enthusiasm. The financial backing pre and post production would not be small change. Well, both obstacles continued to present one another as almost insurmountable. It wasn't until maybe 5 months ago when Dirk started to Produce and record a Russian band by the name of 'Aspect' that he came in contact with Igor Marin. A highly respected Business man. Actually a Professor of Bio Chemistry. He created a hybrid Sunflower Seed that in turn produces some of the purest and richest Sunflower Oil in the world. Needless to say he became wealthy and financially independent. Igor was Executive Producer, backing and helping to develop Aspect. They 'Aspect' were with Dirk recording at MarinSound Studios. This was a band Igor believed in and was willing to back them in every way necessary. Igor Marin believed it was well over due and necessary to have a State of Art studio built, hence ( Marinsound Studios. ) World class in every sense of the word. The studio was built in Krasnodar, Russia and is where TSR recorded. I will attest this is easily one of the finest studios I have every recorded in... absolutely incredible. Let's back up a bit. Upon meeting Igor Marin I realized that while being a world renowned Bio Chemist Professor his heart and soul was all about music. He is as big a fan of Dream Theater as is any other die hard. His influences and favourite artists are very similar to mine with a few exceptions of course. I know there is no chronological order here so just bare with me.
While Dirk was working with Igor and some of his associates he mentioned some of his other musical interests as well as this pet project he was faithfully and patiently waiting to do once artists' and finances were confirmed. Once Dirk explained the concept they asked to hear the music. Upon hearing the music Igor was convinced and immediately said he would back it and do whatever it takes to make it a reality. One thing was for sure, he had the studio and it was are when ready. Right around this same time Dirk had been entertaining the possibility of the 3 tenors being not Rock tenors but only one Rock tenor with two Classical tenors. Dirk knew of one Classical tenor for sure who was right, Thomas Dewald. Thomas has a phenomenal voice. The other Classical tenor was suggested by Igor Marin, this was Vladimir Grishko. He had sung all over the world and was presented with the accolade Opera Tenor of the world for 2005 by Luciano Pavarotti. Once again I must state Vladimir is a vocalist with phenomenal talent. Vladimir contacted Luciano and Madame Caballe and asked their opinion. They both said this is an unique opportunity to unit Rock and Classical both musically and vocally. The line-up was complete as well as executive support. Everyone was buzzing and itching to get started. June 6th we began recording at MarinSound Studios and by June 12th we were all flying home. I am extremely stoked about this recording and cannot wait for everyone to finally hear it. Dirk will begin the mix at MarinSound Studios in Krasnodar Russia June 24th. We will keep you posted and let you know when the official TSR site is up.
Speak with you later,