I have just noticed, between logging in this morning & this afternoon (UK time), that each of the top 3 ranked KC albums (yes, Im that sad, I always check
), has dropped one place in your rankings on the home page. Quite a coincidence - or is it related to their move from Symph to Art ? Or has their been a change in review weighting? Or...?
I hasten to add, despite my user name, Im really not bothered by the change - just curious , at the sudden & coincidental drop of all three simultaneously.
A second, related , query, or observation, is that having noticed Gen's "Foxtrot" slip in the ratings this morning (yes, I know, more evidence of ultra-saddo behaviour

, someone (no blame attached - it is a decent album) smartly jumps in with a 5* review for it this afternoon- which some might
interpret as an attempt to promote it once more.
To what extent is the ranking subject to such potential manipulation (not that it
really matters in the greater scheme of things

); and are (understandably partisan) patterns of reviewing noted following swings in the ratings?
really do have a life in the real world, honest, despite appearances to the contrary
