Hey proggers,
I too bought that new DVD. Again it can be seen that they were brilliant musicians, although
this time the material is inferior to The Giant on the Box -DVD musically. The live gig at The
Hippodrome in 1978 is very good and the videos from 1976 also, but the studio material from
1978 is simply weak, typical pop from the end of the decade - and I barely can watch most of
them wearing those stupid clothes (were them that ridiculous? uh-uh) at Hippodrome. This music
deserves more than overalls, this is art rock! But it was late seventies kinda disco style...They surely
understood to finish they career on time! They were too clever to compose pop music, which
as I understand was demand from record companies to go more commersial.
Althought the music isnīt as near good as in those glory days of early seventies, their playing
and singing is still interesting and enjoyable. Luckily it contains that beautiful song "Memories of
Old Days" and powerful "Octopus Medley" from 1974.
Gentle Giant was really one of the greats, but this DVD is a little bit disappointing.