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walrus333 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 17:45

@ Flyingsod, yes in the past the Christian church has been to aggresive (especially in the middle ages) but nowadays they are far more tolerant. I think that fundamentalist protestants give all Christians a bad name. Catholicism is not a bad religion if its teachings are examend objectively. And nowadays is rather tolerant, in the religion class at my catholic school the teachers even say that the Catholic church is not the only way one can reach Heaven. Also the late Pope John Paul II met with muslim leaders, Jewish leaders, protestant leaders and Eastern Orthodox leaders.

If anyone knows where I can get a copy of some Flute and Voice (Indo-Prog/Raga Rock) albums please PM me! Many thanks!
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 17:50
Originally posted by walrus333 walrus333 wrote:

@ Flyingsod, yes in the past the Christian church has been to aggresive (especially in the middle ages) but nowadays they are far more tolerant. I think that fundamentalist protestants give all Christians a bad name. Catholicism is not a bad religion if its teachings are examend objectively. And nowadays is rather tolerant, in the religion class at my catholic school the teachers even say that the Catholic church is not the only way one can reach Heaven. Also the late Pope John Paul II met with muslim leaders, Jewish leaders, protestant leaders and Eastern Orthodox leaders.

Good point, specially if you add the efforts to reunite the Catholic. Orthodox, Lutheran aand Anglican Rekligionss in only one, we can notice some things are changing.}

But sadly there's a lot of new Fundamentalist groups that not only proclaim the only truth in spiritual matters, but the superiority of certain nations and ethnic groups, this last issue is frightening.



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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 18:36

yup true Ivan.

its scary that churchs like westboro baptist ( ) exist and are not a joke.

If anyone knows where I can get a copy of some Flute and Voice (Indo-Prog/Raga Rock) albums please PM me! Many thanks!
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Flyingsod View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 19:08
I see what your saying but I misrepresented what i was trying to say. I wasn't speaking to outright physical aggression. I was more talking about the evangelizing and proselytizing angle of christianity. I have to admit i know littel about muslims though.  whether or not they truly act the way  portrayed in the media. Christians though, I know from personal experience. Perhaps its just becuase I live in the USA which is predominalty christian but I hasve been accosted many times on a public street by those spreading the word. Im told I will go to hell and loose my soul and be banished from gods love... to me thats pretty damn aggressive. Even the Harre krishnas that used to be in the airport didnt do that, they just handed me a book and asked that I read it when I had the time. Hopefully no one in this world would tolerate outright physical aggression based on religion these days :)

 That's very cool to hear about Catholicism being more open minded. I had no idea any catholic would ever say there are other ways to get into heaven. In my mind it was the complete opposite. I'm gald I know better now. In a way the catholic church has alwasy been a bit empathetic, they have a long history of absorbing other beliefs and integrating them in the church. It seems that indigineous gods are simply turned to saints when the missions come to town.
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dojonane View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 19:12
Originally posted by ivan_2068 ivan_2068 wrote:

I give this argument as ended, because seems that Hip Hoppers and
Rappers are trying to use this forum as a vehicle to promote their favorite
style of music, and I won't fall in the game again.


Is this some kind of curse? Has the wrathful divine patriarch of the old
testament rendered this plague down upon me for starting a thread that
questions the glory of 'the false gods.'
Any benign and well meaning thread I fall into and the moldy string
cheese food fight begins 'around me' while I'm trying to base my ideals in
something transcendent and timeless...
Ughhhh, someone give me an epidural

No one is trying to 'take over' this forum with talk about hip hop. The
thread began as an qualifying attack on an entire movement and those
who responded werent hip-hoppers with a manifest destiny shtick, they
were proggies who happen to also find beauty in even the most allegedly
(but not actually) unproggy genre. Lets get back to the meadow on this
one, please?

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dojonane View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 19:24
Originally posted by Rocktopus Rocktopus wrote:

I'm listening to your music from your website. Very good. It reminds me
a lot of what Aphex Twin  sounded like in the late nineties. (in
his his more beautiful moments, you are probably well aware of it?)

Your posts (and others) here woke me up. I was only planning to use
this site as a (prog)music fan. Now this has become an inspiring place
far beyond that. I'm still summoning my thoughts on paganism and what
it means to me. Looking at different societies, reading about utopian
ideas/religions, the rise and fall of civillications through history
etc..., is how I try to understand our own time and existence. 

My website sorely needs an updating (Lost contact with the webdesigner,
or he lost contact with everyone). On this adress you (or anyone else)
can find  ca. 20 newer paintings: auction.asp?auksjonID=39"> sp?
(after clicking on the image, press '<span
style="text-decoration: underline;">vis stort bilde</span>')

19-46 is of course my work. No. 19-31 starting with the Hammill quote,
is meant to be seen as a suite of small paintings related. I think
theres quite a few you could relate to this topic there.  

Fan of Max Ernst's work. Never seen better collages than the ones he
did 80 years ago, and he's paintings are great as well. I'm sure you
know and love 'Europe After the Rain' and 'Dechalomania'.

'The Wicker Man' should be very easy to get. It's well known in Europe, I

I would very much reccomend the swedish film 'Songs From the Second
Floor' by Roy Andersson. Modernism going primitive, at the end. Very
existential. Every scene is jawdroppingly complex, painful and beautiful. 

Sorry for the late reply. I can only use the net a couple of hours now and
then when I'm home. 

Thank you so much rocktopus! I will most certainly investigate those titles
to the utmost of my capacity. Sadly, here in there states, our consuming
public en masse doesnt have the same appetite for 'challenging,
conceptual film noir' as in Europe. This, among a great many other
factors, is stewing together to suggest these ragged bones to up and
move to Canada (or Atlantis if I get a big enough oxygen tank!)

I will check out your new paintings quite soon. They are based on the
immaculate menace of a one Mr. Hammil, so they cant be too far from my
internal wonderland! If you need some help with your site, please contact

Also, just as an aside to your general pilgrimage through the veils of self
(I am so honored to have held sway in this process!) I came across an
unbelievably mystifying page the other day. It deals with the Hermetic
rites, and the role of a time-shaded individual in what may be
(hypothetically speaking) the mysteries of human potentiality itself:

Muse on!

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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 19:40
Originally posted by dojonane dojonane wrote:

Originally posted by ivan_2068 ivan_2068 wrote:

I give this argument as ended, because seems that Hip Hoppers and
Rappers are trying to use this forum as a vehicle to promote their favorite
style of music, and I won't fall in the game again.


Is this some kind of curse? Has the wrathful divine patriarch of the old
testament rendered this plague down upon me for starting a thread that
questions the glory of 'the false gods.'
Any benign and well meaning thread I fall into and the moldy string
cheese food fight begins 'around me' while I'm trying to base my ideals in
something transcendent and timeless...
Ughhhh, someone give me an epidural

No one is trying to 'take over' this forum with talk about hip hop. The
thread began as an qualifying attack on an entire movement and those
who responded werent hip-hoppers with a manifest destiny shtick, they
were proggies who happen to also find beauty in even the most allegedly
(but not actually) unproggy genre. Lets get back to the meadow on this
one, please?

Please don't buy problems that aren't yours, I was provoked with a post totally unrealted with this thread, I didn't even mentioned any Rap or Hip Hop band until Zweck started with the attack twice, the first time I gnored him and answered as if I hadn't noticed his real intentions, :


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Posted: March 26 2006 at 04:28 | IP Logged Quote Zweck

ivan_2068 wrote:

Witchwoodhermit wrote:
Ivan, I think you misunderstood my statement. I was making a generalization about the Christian churchs attitude towards non-Christians. I,m glad that the church-Catholic in particular- have broadened their attitudes towards other faiths. Lets not fight over this my friend.

Will never fight about an issue as this, I am also aware of this tendency of SOME Fundamentalist groups, but not only Christians, the problem has spread all over the worls, everybody seems to believe their faith is the only truth and that the rest of Religions are just a  Pagans.


But dedicating yourself to a philosophy generaly means that you're fairly certain that it's "the sh*t", and that others are not quite as much "the sh*t". Many here often write as though the only true form of music is prog(Whatever the Hell that is), which is a paralell to faith, in that both faith and music base themselves on intuition rather than some pseudo-objective sh*t.

but his second attack was so obvious that I was forced to answer.

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Posted: March 26 2006 at 14:54 | IP Logged Quote Zweck

ivan_2068 wrote:
Zweck wrote:

But dedicating yourself to a philosophy generaly means that you're fairly certain that it's "the sh*t", and that others are not quite as much "the sh*t". Many here often write as though the only true form of music is prog(Whatever the Hell that is), which is a paralell to faith, in that both faith and music base themselves on intuition rather than some pseudo-objective sh*t.

I hoinestly doubt many people here believe Prog' is the only true form of music, most of us listen, like and talk about different genres of music..

Does some people here believe  Prog  is the best musical expression for our taste?

Probably yes, we are here stealing time from our work, studies  and families because we love Progressive Rock, so what's the problem about this?


Somehow I don't feel that the one who questioned the artistic qualities of Madvillian on grounds of his use of samples has so much to say. And before you go "well that was one incident, I still listen to other stuff than prog, yaddayaddayadda" you must know this: I generalized. Though it often dilutes the expression slightly it's very functional for getting a point across, without going through all the degrees of something, which would make most people abstain from reading the post.

Yes, your threads are full of attacks, but not because of me

If I'm harrased I will respond with MY truth, I don't like Rap or Hip Hop, I don't consider them valid music genres, that's how I feel and I won't hide it, as people don't hide their dislike for ELP, Yes or Genesis.

It was easy for you to quote the last parragraph of my reply to Zweck taking it out of the contest, it was also easy for you to ignore his repeated attacks, if you are going to take a position, then at least quote things complete.

My reply was much longer, but when you reduce it to a phrase or a parragraph you're placing things out of context:


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Posted: March 26 2006 at 15:09 | IP Logged Quote ivan_2068

Zweck wrote:
Somehow I don't feel that the one who questioned the artistic qualities of Madvillian on grounds of his use of samples has so much to say. And before you go "well that was one incident, I still listen to other stuff than prog, yaddayaddayadda" you must know this: I generalized. Though it often dilutes the expression slightly it's very functional for getting a point across, without going through all the degrees of something, which would make most people abstain from reading the post.

I won't start a discussion again but I will say it once and for all.

The fact that I dislike and find no merit in two determined pseudo musical genres, doesn't mean I believe Prog is the only valid form of music, there are hundreed of genres that have enough value.

The fact that he uses samples is not the main reason why I don't believe his albums are musically valid, I don't believe in Rap or Hip Hop as a valid form of MUSIC, I believe is repetitive, lack of imagination and musical quality, and I have to apologize with nobody about my opinions, as far as I know this is a free opinion forum.

If you like it ok with you, and if you don't, honestly I can't care less.

But remember, you are in a PROGRESSIVE ROCK FORUM and you must accept that HERE the majority of people doesn't like Rap and Hip Hop and some like me don't believe it's a valid form of music, and this is what people believe here about Rap:

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< name=frmPoll =poll_cast_vote.asp method=post>
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2 [6.45%]
1 [3.23%]
20 [64.52%]

If you want to start a Rap or Hip Hop thread, you can use the Non Prog Musical lounge which is the right place and I promnisse I won't even loose my time reading it, but I (As the majority) come to  Prog Archives to discuss Progressive Rock in the Progressive Rock Lounge not Rap or Hip Hop.

I give this argument as ended, because seems that Hip Hoppers and Rappers are trying to use this forum as a vehicle to promote their favorite style of music, and I won't fall in the game again.


BTW: I believed we had cleared some issues privately, so don't believe my opinions are directed against you, I don't waste my day thinking in how to harm you, this comes from back before you even joined this forum when another group of members talked about the posibility of Prog/Hip Hop and Rap, which I find totally incompatible.

So if you have problems with people ruining your threads, please direct your replies towards those whoo start the problems.


Edited by ivan_2068
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dojonane View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 20:10
You are, as a poppy Genesis once sang 'taking it all too hard' too my
friend. I only quoted your comment because it was the last pargraph of
correspondence between you and zweck, so I felt that it summed up the
notions being spun between the two of you. It was as a mere nod to
what discussion I was referencing, not a condemnation of what you were
saying. I am in no way implying that any conflict in any thread I've posted
stems from you, thats impossible! Obviously, we agree on a great many
other things outside of the 'fabled civil war' thread.
I simply found it ironic and a bit off-putting that upon taking a day off
from these heated debacles they somehow resurrected themself here in
the form of sour sentiments and percentages on an unrelated thread that
I in part started to attempt to bring balance back to the force Tis not
a stain on your collar. I just want to bury this hatchet forever, as was
obvioulsy my intention in messaging you at all, verdad? (took three
years of spanish, maybe I'll start testing it out on some of my
international brothers on here!) Too bad I can't get the upside down ? on
this keyboard    
Anyways, its over, that was my gist. Lets just get back to the meadow

Edited by dojonane

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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 20:25

Originally posted by dojonane dojonane wrote:

You are, as a poppy Genesis once sang 'taking it all too hard' too my

Sorry, but if you think my reaction is agressive towards, Hip Hop, you can't imagine how worst it can get about Poppy Genesis.  

I only quoted your comment because it was the last pargraph of
correspondence between you and zweck, so I felt that it summed up the
notions being spun between the two of you. I am in no way implying that
any conflict in any thread I've posted stems from you, thats impossible!

Well, that's a start, if you followed the thread you'll notice that I was in an interesting conversation when without reason I was attacked TWICE and of course I reacted.

Obviously, we agree on a great many other things outside of the 'fabled
civil war' thread. I simply found it ironic and a bit off-putting that upon
taking a day off from these heated debacles they somehow resurrected
themself here in the form of sour sentiments and percentages.

I just was pointing something that Zweck seems to forget, this is a Prog Rock Forum, and don't expect good reactions to Hip Hop, if it was not weekend, insults will be floating everywhere, you just need to search for Hip Hop and read the reactions.

But this is not the main point, in this thread there was absolutely no reason to mention a determined musician, his commments were totally out of place, and as you have already noticed (I hope) were ignored the first time, but don't expect to recieve attacks and put the other cheek (I'm Catholic, but also a human so I answer to attacks).

Tis not a stain on your collar. I just want to bury this hatchet forever, as is
obvioulsy the intention of me messaging you at all, verdad? (took three
years of spanish, maybe I'll start testing it out on some of my
international brothers on here!) Too bad I can't get the upside down ? on
this keyboard

This was my intention after our exchange of PM's but as Michael Corleone said in The Godfather III, " No matter whjat I do, I keep being sucked back again".


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ken4musiq View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 21:09

Two albums came to my mind. Steve Hackett, Voyage of the Acolyte, which plays on themes of the Tarot. This theme was supposed to be the first album by The Enid but Tony Smith could not sell it to the label and Hackett needed a theme. Also Jethro Tull Songs from the Wood, which plays on several pagan themes, the Jack in the Green, Solstice Bells, and and the Celtic Beltane festival or May Day, in the remaster. Heavy Horses, Songs from the Wood II, also has a very rustic, earthy character. Though not overtly pagan, it still plays on the pagan context of the earlier album. I have not heard Roots to Branches, but it sound pretty pagan to me. Also moonchild from The Court is a very pagan idea.


PS in its most general term pagan pertains to Indian religions. Those that centered around Mother Kali would be especailly apropos here.The quest narratives of The Moody Blues and Yes could be seen as pagan in that regard.

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dojonane View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 21:24
Originally posted by ken4musiq ken4musiq wrote:

Two albums came to my mind. Steve
Hackett, Voyage of the Acolyte, which plays on themes of the Tarot. This
theme was supposed to be the first album by The Enid but Steve Smith
could not sell it to the label and Hackett needed a theme. Also Jethro Tull
Songs from the Wood, which plays on several pagan themes, the Jack in
the Green, Solstice Bells, and and the Celtic Beltane festival or May Day, in
the remaster. Heavy Horses, Songs from the Wood II, also has a very
rustic, earthy character.
Though not overtly pagan, it still
plays on the pagan context of the earlier album. I have not heard Roots to
Branches, but it sound pretty pagan to me. Also moonchild from The
Court is a very pagan idea.


PS in its most general term pagan pertains to Indian religions.
Those that centered around Mother Kali would be especailly apropos
here.The quest narratives of The Moody Blues and Yes could be seen as
pagan in that regard.

Yes, that's always been my favorite Tull album lyrically speaking! It
features the only reference to my (flirtingly half seriously) patron deity,
Kernunnos, The Green Man in 'Jack in the Green.' Someone stated earlier
they felt paganism as an overt context for prog wasnt necesarily present
at the very beginning, but your point about crimson brings my mind back
to what was considered the first truly symphonic progressive album, in
'court' with references to witches and weird magicks abound!
Another beautiful, often little known reference to elemental entities
comes in 'Firth of Fifth' with 'undinal songs.' This being the adjective form
of Undines, the water elementals in German Mythology (see: Ondine on
wikipedia, the linky thing is all botched here for some reason).
For that matter, Genesis were already rife with pantheistic,
anthropomorphic narrative from the Trespass days. 'White
Mountain' (never heard many people mention this wonderful piece)
describes a monarchic system of divine birth rite and forbidden
observance amongst WOLVES! Astounding, charming...mmmm so
deliciously imaginative

Edited by dojonane

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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 22:25

Originally posted by dojonane dojonane wrote:

  Genesis were already rife with pantheistic,
anthropomorphic narrative from the Trespass days. 'White
Mountain' (never heard many people mention this wonderful piece)
describes a monarchic system of divine birth rite and forbidden
observance amongst WOLVES! Astounding, charming...mmmm so
deliciously imaginative

Now to a more pleasent theme, is obvious you're not here for a long time because White Mountain is always mentioned by members of this site, IMO is the most wonderful track from the already good Trespass.

I believe Peter said on one interview that he was inspired in Jack London's work, but I can't find a real connection. Others say that is a recreation of the myth of King Arthur, the golden crown was hidden as the magic sword never to be used again.

But I see it as an allegory of the decadence of Monarchy by divine right, to be replaced by power earned by own hand. One-Eye fights the usurper and wins, but instead of claiming the kingdom the hero hides the crown (never to leave the mountain) and returns as  One-Eye the hero (with laurels on his head) who resigns the crown to which he isn't entitled to dwell or live in peace with his tribe as a leader that won his right by stregth.

Interesting, but only God knows what they tried to say.



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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 23:01

I'm a christain but a very liberal one at that. I'm very open to new ideas in philosophies like Metaphysics and such.

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ken4musiq View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 23:06

Yes, that's always been my favorite Tull album lyrically speaking! It
features the only reference to my (flirtingly half seriously) patron deity,
Kernunnos, The Green Man in 'Jack in the Green.' Someone stated earlier
they felt paganism as an overt context for prog wasnt necesarily present
at the very beginning, but your point about crimson brings my mind back
to what was considered the first truly symphonic progressive album, in
'court' with references to witches and weird magicks abound!
Another beautiful, often little known reference to elemental entities
comes in 'Firth of Fifth' with 'undinal songs.' This being the adjective form
of Undines, the water elementals in German Mythology (see: Ondine on
wikipedia, the linky thing is all botched here for some reason).
For that matter, Genesis were already rife with pantheistic,
anthropomorphic narrative from the Trespass days. 'White
Mountain' (never heard many people mention this wonderful piece)
describes a monarchic system of divine birth rite and forbidden
observance amongst WOLVES! Astounding, charming...mmmm so
deliciously imaginative [/QUOTE]


Another Tull song is Cold Wind to Valhalla, which is overtly sexual and probably inspired by Zep's Immigrant Song. I was going to go down the Gabriel line but did not know where to start. Firth of Fifth is good place since its overt romanticism speaks with pagan tongue, though its central message is Christian; it also references Neptune. It is one of the earliest prog pieces to use an overt musical metaphor in the waterfall word painting of the piano solo. Ironically, Hunting Girl from Songs from the Wood is another with the gallop of the double bass drums.   I am one of those who really see Christianity as a pagan religion; I think someone mentioned that earlier; Gabriel often picks up on that.  In Supper's Ready, the pied piper takes his children into the earth to await the coming of the Lord.

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dojonane View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 23:24
Originally posted by ken4musiq ken4musiq wrote:

I was going to go down the Gabriel line but did not know where to
start. Firth of Fifth is good place since its overt romanticism speaks with
pagan tongue, though its central message is Christian; it also references
Neptune. It is one of the earliest prog pieces to use an overt musical
metaphor in the waterfall word painting of the piano solo. Ironically,
Hunting Girl from Songs from the Wood is another with the gallop of the
double bass drums.   I am one of those who really see Christianity as a
pagan religion; I think someone mentioned that earlier; Gabriel often
picks up on that.  In Supper's Ready, the pied piper takes his children into
the earth to await the coming of the Lord.

For someone who considers Genesis 'over-rated' you sure have a
command of the nuances of allegory and meandering metaphysics in
Gabriel's private pantheon. For me, Jon Anderson's brand of cosmic yarn-
twining hasnt struck that vital nerve at my center quite as much, too
unfocused and not enough distinct narrative to know exactly what he's
getting at (yet not wordy enough to hit my automatic absurdist
propensities) although it is lovely in its own right.
Firth of Fifth a Christian song? Hmmm the line about the shepherd seems
like it could gel with that. The feeling I've often gotten from Gabriel is
that the so called elder Gods i.e. 'Narcissus, The Gaurds of Magog, Father
Tiresius, Naiad Queens, Lamia, Neptune' can exist alongside overt
Christian imagery because the boys themselves arent taking the stories as
literal accounts which would necesarily contradict one another but just as
myths with designation points in the human condition itself. Gabriel
considers himself a Buddhist, but can still sing about 'An angel standing
in the sun' because taken at its root, these stories are vessels of personal
transformation, not reels of evening news.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 23:27
Originally posted by ivan_2068 ivan_2068 wrote:

Interesting, but only God knows what they tried to say.



Or Gods, depending on your angle

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Witchwoodhermit View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 27 2006 at 00:16

A connection between Paganism and progressive rock? Lets see...

 Paganism is described as a polythesic and hedonistic philosophy and way of life. Excess in all, Gods, and the love of life and nature. Passions released and enjoyed. Taste of life in full colour. To touch the earth, body and soul, in full passion.

Progressive rock. Forward thinking, intellectually driven and considerably elitist. Complicated and self indulgent. The smoking room. A country club. The inner sanctum. The esoteric walls of higher thought. Creative juices squeazed and poured in decadent volumes. Junior long hairs (lovers of classical).

To revel in ones own excess's, to rake your intrinsic values and judgments in a pile and jump in, secure in the knowledge that you are right, and your talents will be noticed. Your followers will worship your judgement and hold you in high esteem. To them you shall be a God. And those who question your philosophical postion shall be smote down in a chorus of irrelevance.

Fire and passion. Excess and self indulgent love of creation and connection. To be part of the inner circle to feel and understand the Unseen.

Here I'm shadowed by a dragon fig tree's fan
ringed by ants and musing over man.
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 27 2006 at 00:49

Try this one which by the way just noticed I hadn't reviewed: asp?cd_id=10226

All Miranda Sex Garden and specially this album "Carnival of Souls" is full of Celtic Pagan images, and as Witchwood Hermit well mentioned of lust and excess.


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