Hi folks, my good friend Ivan Melgar Morey told me about this site.. some of you might remember me from yahoo progressive chat, so i know i have a few friends out there.. I'll tell you why I've been so quiet lately: I finally graduated in May from the College of Charleston, & directly after, spent the next 2 months in Europe on a prestigious research grant that allowed me to further study historical clothing. In this case, the project has to do with studying clothing fasteners, from Pre-history to the 16th century. I was in 18 cities and over 50 museums. It's a massive project, & one that could take years to finally turn into a book.. While in Europe, I didn't spend ALL of my time in museums, tho.. I got to see YES at Wembley with some Yeshead friends & it was the best Yesshow ever! (IMO!) When at home, I listen to XM radio, which I love, for the most part, but I've become really disenchanted with the prog channel (XM 51) they play PHISH, GOV'T MULE & LYNYRD SKYNYRD way too much, & hell, they're not even considered prog! It's like they're stuck in a boring rut, playing the same old same old.. I tried complaining nicely, but never got a response.. I love channel 40, which plays a really good variety of stuff, but it's not the progressive I really need & crave.. Any suggestions?
love to you all,