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erik neuteboom
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Posted: January 16 2006 at 07:35 |
The Minimoog was monophonic but the Memorymoog and Polymoog were polyphonic, this poll is about Moog synthesizers. And if you listen to Kitkat from Gracious you willnotice that a Mellotron can also be used as a lead instrument !
And the poll is perhaps ridiculous from a rational point of view but I'm glad that we can release some emotions and ideas in polls like this, thanks Froth!
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Posted: January 16 2006 at 12:56 |
Phil wrote:
Think I posted a poll with moog v Mellotron v Hammond v piano v other...of which I picked I'd got for the Mellotron. |
Well i did think of doing all keyboards but people would start complaining that i had left out their favourite keyboard and i'd end up including Troutoniums, harmoniums, hurdy-gurdys, ondes martinots, spinnets, celestes, vox-continentals, Chamberins... the list is endless. Also, Hammonds ect. were already established in rock and blues. Mellotrons and Moogs were essentially 'discovered' by prog rockers and will always be assosiated with the genre. And finally, i'd be too torn if i'd included the Electric Piano, an instrument i love as much, perhaps moreso, than the mellotron. As for all those busy bodies who are complaining about this thread, i know that they are completely different instruments and you cant compare them. all i wanted to know was which one the greatest asset to prog. Classic Moody blues' records only use mellotron but there aint no mellotron on Camels 'Raindance', 'Snowgoose' or 'Nude' albums, proving that you can have one without the other.
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Posted: January 16 2006 at 14:40 |
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Posted: January 16 2006 at 14:44 |
Frank Zappa,Pink Floyd,Yes,Genesis,Rush,King Crimson,Jethro Tull,E.L.P,Rick Wakeman -They have one similarity- I Love Them all !
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Posted: January 16 2006 at 15:11 |
you need them BOTH simultaneously!!
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Posted: January 16 2006 at 15:16 |
An eldritch, noisome goat.
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Posted: January 16 2006 at 15:32 |
Like them both, of course, but the Moog when played expertly is just sublime. Love that fat, fat sound. Also like its use outside of Progressive Rock (Stevie Wonder on Innervisions, for example).
Moogtron III
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Posted: January 16 2006 at 16:14 |
ivan_2068 wrote:
Rick Wakeman playing Moog and Tony Banks playing mellotron.
I can't see how can you compare two instruments unles you're asking your son which one he wants to learn (What doesn't apply here because both are keyboard instruments).
Thanks, Ivan...
For a moment I thought I (Moog-tron) had to choose between my these wonderful instruments.
Wisdom is once again dripping from your lips like honey.
Proverbially speaking, of course
erik neuteboom
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Posted: January 16 2006 at 17:14 |
That's too cheap, Moogtron III:
We demand a choice and we want it now: MOOG or MELLOTRON .. 10, 9 , 8 , 7 , 6, 5 ...
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Posted: January 16 2006 at 17:20 |
Well, I prefer Mellotron, cause though I love moog solos, they´re not
very common. Solos like Uriah Heep´s July Morning, Kansas - Magnun
Opus, ELP - Toccata, Edgar Winter´s Frankenstein (in fact arp 2600, but
the same sound) are superb, but not very common.
Mellotron is always superb, and impressive work has been made
commonly (Moody Blues, King Crimson, Barclay James Harvest, Yes,
Genesis... just to say some).
But If I could, I´d like to have the two, but the money just allows me to have a very cheap Casio keyboard for beginners... . I have to suffer hours in the computer to make good synth sounds...
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