Progger wrote:
[QUOTE=AngleofRepose]Genesis. The sophistication
of the Lamb rivals jazz and classical compositions. Best 94 minutes of
music. The epic variety of Fly on the Windshield to In the Cage to the
Lamia (and I've had to restrain myself from listing all the tracks on the
album minus that Waiting Room, which is just now growing on me)[/
Nearly fell off my chair laughing reading this! Their is nothing complex
or sothisticated about Genesis music. The numerous tribute bands are
testament to that! If their is any justification in this poll, the top 5 will be!
But of course the Yes wannabe's with masks will get a few unjustified
votes. |
I nearly fell off my chair reading this. All I have to say is
that there are some things you may never understand.
To this thread, I voted for Gentle Giant. Was it not Gentle Giant that
literally DEFINED progressive rock (not specifically, but their style of
music and intent on creating it) in Acquiring the Taste?
EDIT: And how can you say UNjustified votes for Genesis? How ignorant
can someone get. Genesis' music was far more emotional and intelligent
(lyrically) than Yes. Also, Genesis wrote musical parts to convey the
emotions of the lyrics (more well crafted emotionally.) Keep in mind I'm a
big Yes fan and I love Yes but to say that Genesis will get unjustified
votes because they are Yes wannabes with masks? Genesis would never
have wanted to sound like Yes.
Edited by FragileDT